Syn Fawkes

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Syn Fawkes

Tabletop gamer, combat sports enthusiast, lawyer, photographer, and geeky foster parent. Giver of legal advice to Midwest Furry Fandom, Inc.

What's here are my own opinions, not those of anyone else.

Well I guess I just can't interact with anyone online if I don't want a firehose of existential dread.
This is why we have Pride. And we will keep having Pride until everyone gets to feel this way no matter who they love or how they live their authentic life.
Tried to put my feelings into words, so here it is: First time ever I was out acting openly with a boyfriend, in front of my family, and folks close enough to be family. Never a hint of judgment or discrimination, all of them loved Evan. Legitimately a feeling I’ll chase for the rest of my life
See? Even people as stupid as this idiot can use the singular "they."
Thrilled to know we got water in the woke wars.
OK... Somebody definitely did their homework.
Ohhhh are...absolutely fucked. Just ohhhhh boy.
I hope everyone finds a safe way to come out and live their authentic selves but it's not a race. There's no schedule.
Friendly reminder: While everyone's making a big thing about pride, and coming out of the closet, let's remember that not everyone is ready, or able, to come out safely. This is why we must keep fighting.
That. Right there.
If even *one* queer kid in a hostile community feels less alone by seeing a rainbow flag at Target or a cookie-cutter ‘love is love’ sign, that’s more important and consequential than every argument against ‘corporate Pride’ combined.
Understand that if you do switch, there are going to be tradeoffs. Like Chrome gets security updates faster and more frequently. That's more important than robust ad blocking to me but YMMV.
Once again: folks should probably consider switching to Firefox. Especially if you, I don't know, rely on ad-blocking to navigate our glutted-as-shit modern internet, for instance?
Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next Chrome's Manifest V3 transition is here. First up are warnings for any V2 extensions.
Fucked around. Found out.
NEW: DC board on professional responsibility recommends that Rudy Giuliani be disbarred: "No prior disciplinary cases involving frivolous litigation are remotely comparable to this case." Case goes next to DC Court of Appeals for final judgment.
What bothers me the most about this is that Clinton ran on the most progressive platform any Democratic POTUS candidate had run on in decades but too many people believed decades of GOP smear jobs on her. She would have been a good, solid President and instead we got Trump.
I genuinely don't know why she does this to herself, and think it's kinda sad.
Two minutes. We were tidying up for two minutes...
In Georgia? Damn...
"... the contract will provide all 1,500 covered workers with at least a 12% raise, with some of the lowest-paid workers getting raises of more than 40%. The union says the company will contribute to a retirement plan for workers, share profits, & improve health & safety."
Workers at Georgia school bus maker Blue Bird approve their first union Workers at a Georgia school bus manufacturer have approved their first union contract. The United Steelworkers union won a union vote in May 2023 at Blue Bird Corp.'
Finally a legitimate reason for civilians to own AR-15's...
As an American and as someone who enjoys participating in American past times. I don't agree with punching Nazis, I believe they need to be taken out back with an M1 Garand using .30-06. But we aren't dealing with Grandpa's Nazis. So I will be upgrading to an M1A and using .308 Win instead.
Sometimes you just need to unwind after a bit of murder. What better way than getting thoroughly spit roasted?
So... If you're a fursuit maker and you just decide unilaterally to not make suits you took payment for because you can make more money on more recent commissions, there is a term for that. It's "fraud." You're running a scam.
I must have turned an emotional health corner. I finally finished another chapter that I was writing!
Also... Why cats love tuna, a food they could never actually encounter in the wild.
A little late but there has been a lot of life happening. Golem, golem, golem I made you out of clay, And when I write the name of God, My enemies you'll slay!
I have spent entirely too much time in hospitals this week.