
There is no fucking way I am watching the debate tonight. I've known who I am voting for since 2020, and I'm certainly not going to subject myself to 90 minutes (or whatever) of watching a bilious orange turd fulminate incoherent fascism. If something truly memorable happens, I imagine I'll be told.
Part of me thinks I have a civic duty to endure the debate tonight, but the rational part of me knows better. I know where my vote is going and nothing will change that. Do I need to be armed with personal experience of the debates to play amateur pundit on the internet afterwards? Hell no.
Maybe he’ll have a massive coronary, which I would hate to miss.
If it happens I'll run the recap on a loop and cackle, but I won't regret missing it live.
agreed. cost-benefit too high.
I'm torn. I don't allow the rotting Nazi on my TV, but I also want to know what lies the media will be telling about Biden afterwards.
I'm just going to follow's live-skeet of it. If the bilious orange turd does stroke out on live TV, it will be replayed for weeks, so I'll catch that when someone adds a laugh track.
This is what social media is for. People who get paid to stare into the maw of madness for a living will post about it and maybe there will be some jokes along the way.
Last time I watched a debate I had an existential crisis at the fact that we're ruled by stupid children in the bodies of old men. One's better than the other but I don't feel good about any of the ruling class at all.
Great idea. But honestly, playing Dwarf Fortress without understanding any of the ASCII symbols sounds more fun and informative than watching the “debate”.
Even better: playing Dwarf Fortress when you do understand the ASCII! :) And then read for her takes on the debate.
This is exactly how I feel. Life is too short to get that angry before bed.
I still find it surprising that there's enough of a group of "middle voters" that a debate is happening. What's the middle ground to be debated? Are you pro or anti fascist. Pretty simple choice without any middle ground. But hey, Middle America, you do you I guess.
There could be only a half dozen "middle voters" in the entire country and the "debates" would still happen.
Gonna be playing video games and drinking WATER instead
Yup—I don’t need to be enraged, and that’s the only possible outcome other than despair.
Same. I have no interest in listening to Trump lie, lie, and lie again.
I figure I'll run into clips and summaries without even looking for them, and consuming a few will be more than sufficient. (I was once that person who watches both major party conventions and every debate in full out of a sense of civic duty; I basically just can't take it anymore.)
I used to think when I was a grown up, I'd be able to watch things like presidential debates. But I don't think I'm grown up enough to sit through the nonsense.
If I really feel the need to feel bad tonight, I'll call an ex (spoiler alert: I won't feel the need).
It's performative uselessness.
I just read what’s in the debate transcripts. Anything else is entertainment.
I find that I do that with the news generally. If the flying space rock is coming for us, or the dinosaurs have returned from their 70,000,000 year mission I imagine someone will let me know. Otherwise just going to keep trying to decimate the white cis-het patriarchy and hope it all works out.
I'm planning on avoiding social media so there's no having to scroll through the live-skeeting. Maybe a good night to sit down with a nice book.
I find it genuinely hard to believe that there exists anyone who at this point doesn't know who they are going to vote for, but polls assure me otherwise, so apparently I'm wrong?
The last Presidential "Debate" was in the 60's. (Yes I'm that old). And I said I'm never going to put myself through that again. So far I've kept the promise to myself. BTW one of the few I've managed to do.
Choose sanity and skip it. Thats what Im doing too. I cannot abide that brand of crazy (and this coming from someone who has a cartoon bedbug as an avatar)
I'm going to wait for clips on the late night shows - because no waaaaay am I watching the whole thing
I sat thru the first one I'm good
Same. If, god willing, he shits himself and falls down in a screaming tantrum I'm sure there'll be YouTube clips.
We'll catch it on the local news highlight reel. Otherwise, I've got better things to sleep.
I presume I’ll get a WaPo alert if there’s an assassination attempt, which is not outside the realm of plausibility considering one happened the last time.
This. Who the heck is undecided at this point?
Probably right - but I will likely watch it for my own peace of mind. You know we will run into edited videos of Biden gaffes after, and excuses for Trump's melt downs. Probably better for me to watch it the first time, than snippets after.
I'm a political junkie. I'll be watching with my virtual bingo card at hand. I haven't missed one of these shit shows since 1988.
Exactly. Gonna curl up with a book.
Gonna watch another episode of THE BEAR.
Having the TV on might be too tempting. Going to be on a whole other floor.
No worries. Between THE BEAR, THE BOYS and the Copa America, no issues at all w/ having the TV on.
Cat has her annual checkup/shots tomorrow, so tonight will be pre-guilt snuggles. Much better for my mental health.
1) If it's not going to change your vote or inform you what is the point? 2) Trump is untrustable - words are a way for him (and his party) to get what he (they) want and nothing more, so listening to him doesn't tell you anything and is pointless (and gives him power and respect he can't earn).