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I left twitter to escape this shit.
I’m sure the destruction of the administrative state will solve this consumer issue.
You may find it interesting. It’s less “game theory” (derogatory), and more the defining what a game or play is in philosophical and anthropological terms. So less manipulation, more defining and analyzing play and its context in different cultures.
Game theory as a concept has been dirtied by MRA types and sociopath wannabes, but it is an interesting field of study. Think Prisoner’s Dilemma.
Any suggestions on further reading that’s more recent than Wittgenstein?
Wonderful article btw! I’d love to see this topic covered more.
Hell yeah brother this whips
Game quality about to skyrocket. Is there a list of demands to negotiate out in public? Hopefully keeping staff between development so they can have better job security and build on past experience in development.
"We have largely lost a crucial safety valve in Earth's climate system. There is an urgent need for immediate, drastic action to reduce activity that produces greenhouse gas emissions, as well as large scale development of artificial carbon absorbing technology."
Things that for all of recorded history have been bywords for the timeless and unchanging aspects of existence—the tides, the seasons, even the length of a day—are shifting under our feet and over our heads. If this isn’t a wake-up call we’re probably not asleep but dead already.
what have you been living under a rock or something? friend who's secretly bugs: wh– no. no way man. did someone tell you that
"Epistemicide" is a term that we ought to be familiar with. It's a process of being stricken from the record, being excluded from the processes of knowledge production, of witnessing discourses about you without you. All marginalized demographics are subject to it, including trans people.
When the news first broke about the concentration camps and family separations I got in my car and drove to Southwest Key's Austin campus.
Newsletter: The CrowdStrike disaster is just the first of many tech industry calamities, a direct consequence of the growth-at-all-cost mindset that drives companies to grow with no regard for safety, sustainability, or responsibility to society. Soundtrack: EL-P - Tasmanian Pain Coaster (feat. Omar Rodriguez-Lopez & Cedric Bixler-Zavala) When I first began writing this newsletter, I didn't really have a goal, or a "theme," or anything that c...
A lot of Zionists, and the President of the United States and his friends in particular, are going to downplay the significance of today's ruling but it is in fact a historic victory for us Palestinians. A half-century ago we barely registered on the world stage, today our rights are the consensus.
unsurprisingly the ICJ found Israel's continuing occupation unlawful. it's important to underline that the American & German judges jointly issued an opinion agreeing and recognizing the following (full text at
The court also ruled -That Israel still effectively occupies Gaza -That "permanent evacuation orders" are an illegal action which constitute forcible transfer -And that Palestinian self-determination is not conditional and cannot be made conditional by the occupying power.
Returning briefly to say that the ICJ ruling is significantly better than even I expected. Not only was the occupation ruled illegal, but the Court said it constitutes a racial segregationist and apartheid system. The Court advises the world to act. The Court ruled we are entitled to reparations.
General reminder that when the wrestlers in the WWF/E tried to unionize, they made the mistake of including Hogan in the discussion. He ran straight to Vince McMahon's office and ratted them out.
homeboy was like yea, gimmie the dark souls character creator on max settings
The fact that these photos were taken one (1) day apart… Man saw his photos from yesterday and decided to get emergency Botox before his speech today.
Lou Dobbs died choking on a turd the size of a golf ball that he tried to swallow on a bet to win a lot more smaller turds.
I just love it when a FedSoc-stacked federal appellate court blocks student debt relief without any explanation whatsoever. They don't even describe the scope of their order, they just write "granted" in response to GOP AG nonsense. Very rule of law-ish!
US appeals court blocks all of Biden student debt relief A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden's administration from continuing to implement a new student debt relief plan designed to lower monthly payments for millions of Americans.
Elon Musk's X got deadnamed at the RNC
19c a day to support a wholly independent video games website? It's the deal of the century. Example: a cool thing about our subs model is that the more we get, the bigger and better the site gets. More stuff. More people. But it still costs you the same 19c a day.
Did you know that instead of paying just $7 (or $10) a month to support independent games media website, you can also buy annual subscriptions that work out even cheaper? A $70 subscription is just 19c a day! That is--we are biased, but still--a good deal.