Jess Schomberg (they/them)

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Jess Schomberg (they/them)

Librarian, spoonie, under the neurodivergent umbrella, aro-ace, union member

Contact info and various socials:
(And pay librarians better...)
It's important to keep sharing all of the duties libraries must take on as the US social safety net continues to erode. Please encourage local governments to appropriately fund affordable housing, mental health, drug recovery, child care, elder care, and free food programs.
There's been a lot going on lately. Have you remembered to take your meds? Refill your pillbox for the week and call in any refills you need? Have you had some water and maybe a vegetable yet today? 💜
“Babies were smuggled to the Netherlands, Sweden, the US, France and other countries through extensive networks of priests, nuns, judges and social workers who exploited lax government protocols and the demand for international adoptions. Significant sums of money changed hands in the process.” 🥚
Chile’s stolen children: a new effort offers hope to Pinochet-era international Thousands of children were adopted abroad during the Pinochet dictatorship – many in murky circumstances
This isn't an area I'm very attentive to, but I can only think of one other piece on this topic (that one from Gina Schlesselman-Tarango, and with a very different approach)
Back from the vault - An Academic Librarian-Mother in Six Stories by Alexandra Gallin-Parisi who found that, "Mothers were curiously and conspicuously absent" from library literature. #LeadPipeRetrospective
An Academic Librarian-Mother in Six Stories – In the Library with the Lead
Mask bans serve multiple purposes for fascism. They serve pandemic denialism to spread COVID as a bioweapon. They are also specifically intended to target Black & brown people in public legally. They are also intending to prevent protecting ourselves from government & corporate surveillance.
One thing I wish the (white) disabled people upset about mask bans would do more, is acknowledge how those laws are designed to harm Black and brown people first and we're just secondary or collateral targets
It’s already targeting us. The medical exceptions are a joke. Listen to Black people.
One thing I wish the (white) disabled people upset about mask bans would do more, is acknowledge how those laws are designed to harm Black and brown people first and we're just secondary or collateral targets
One thing I wish the (white) disabled people upset about mask bans would do more, is acknowledge how those laws are designed to harm Black and brown people first and we're just secondary or collateral targets
Wait people are seriously going after bouie because... the capital class who run things at his place of employment are baddies? I thought that was a joke.
Just finished Legendborn - next up, The City We Became!
Today's #LeadPipeRetrospective is from earlier this year, with one of the few pieces on anti-fatness in libraries: Addressing Weight Stigma in Libraries to Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by Lorelei Rutledge, Erika Church and Devan Church
Addressing Weight Stigma in Libraries to Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – In the Library with the Lead In her 2020 memoir, activist Aubrey Gordon describes the frequent cruelty she experiences because of her body shape and size, explaining that “there is a minefield of abuse reserved for the very fat. I have come to view the world through the prism of that abuse, negotiating my days around reducing it.” (( Aubrey Gordon, What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About Fat (Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2020), 2.)) Gordon’s experience is only one example of coping with fat phobia or weight bias. Weight bias is defined as “negative attitudes toward individuals who are perceived to have excess weight.” ((Rebecca L Pearl and Christina M Hopkins, “Bias, Stigma, and Social Consequences of Obesity,” Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children  (2022): 58, ch5.)) These negative judgments are the result of the “valuing and privileging of thinness as the optimal body type and [are] associated with negative attitudes, stereotypes, and a desire for more social distance.” ((Andrea N Hunt and Tammy Rhodes, “Fat Pedagogy and Microaggressions: Experiences of Professionals Working in Higher Education Settings,” Fat Studies 7, no. 1 (2018).)) These negative attitudes can, in turn, lead to discrimination. Although stigmatizing people based on race, sex, gender, and similar categories has become less socially appropriate, judging people negatively based on weight and/or body shape and size is distressingly common and growing in prevalence, both in the United States and globally. ((Alexandra A Brewis et al., “Body Norms and Fat Stigma in Global Perspective,” Current Anthropology 52, no. 2 (2011): 26; Alexandra Brewis, Cindi SturtzSreetharan, and Amber Wutich, “Obesity Stigma as a Globalizing Health Challenge,” Globalization and Health 14, no. 1 (2018).))
You know things are about to go down when reddit mods change the rules (a big beautytuber seems to be going full fash and people have concerns)
Did I commit to reading Legendborn because I thought the last book in the trilogy was finally out only to realize after I raced through the first half that book three is scheduled for 2025 and it's a four book series? Yes. 😭
necromancy! and dragons! and swordswomen! and translated by Anton Hur!
Happy to report that UIowa’s School of Library and Information Science (my dept) has been reaccredited by the ALA. Y’all might not know what a marathon of documentation this is and how stressful it is when DEI liquidation has spelled trouble for other accredited campus progs. Proud of my colleagues
As much as I like to mock Minnesota drivers they're somehow still better than out of state tourists who suddenly seem to have no idea how lanes work
This is me, I'm js!
We're going back to highlight a classic - not only highly influential on the field but also the first Lead Pipe article this editor (js) ever read! Locating the Library in Institutional Oppression by nina de jesus #LeadPipeRetrospective
Locating the Library in Institutional Oppression – In the Library with the Lead
Minnesota has been seeing an influx of trans people moving here. I personally know multiple people who fled conservative states over the past couple years because there was no longer a home for them there.
Delta claimed to this passenger that they have "a policy against showcasing political messages of any kind" so be sure to bring it to their attention if you see a passenger wearing Trump gear.
In a grossly anti-Semitic move, Delta Airlines threatens to throw Jewish passenger off plane for wearing a T-shirt expressing an unapproved political opinion.
Delta Airlines Forces Passenger to Remove T-Shirt in Anti-Palestine Louie Siegel describes how Delta Airlines threatened to kick him off a plane over his “Jews Say Ceasefire Now” T-shirt.
📜📚 #libraries #museums #glam
Wow. "four out of 16 curators lost their jobs. Three other staff members in the division took voluntary buyouts, including the manager of the fish collection—one of the largest in the world.... One of the laid off curators had an endowed position"
this is the key to understanding why porn bans like those suggested in project 2025 make queer and trans people nervous--our mere existence is frequently considered pornographic and harmful to children no matter what we do
"Project 2025 is not targeting “pornography” as something that’s harmful to children per se, but rather redefining anything concerning sexuality and gender that they say is harmful to children *as* pornography." -
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has introduced impeachment articles against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
If anyone is looking at the people who have killed abortion access, affirmative action, enabled a convicted coup-inciter to take probably indefinite power if he wants, and (shall I continue?) and saying “but can they do that??” they are gaslighting themselves for their own denial feelgoods.
I don’t think “but can they do that?” is the most informed question to guide Project 2025 analysis, not without “what do they mean by that?” and “are they already working on that?” and “who are their allies on that?”
oh it's raining again what a surprise (read in flat affect, with undertones of sarcasm)
Sometimes I feel bad for my neighbors that they have to live next to me. (I'm currently boiling fish and cabbage with tom yum paste.)
Last reskeet - once I learned that heating a building requires more energy than cooling a building, and certainly I would never advocate to leave buildings unheated, it really switched my thinking on air con usage.
No, really, misguided air conditioning shaming is a *very* real problem - as exhibited by the Paris Olympics.
The U.S. is among the countries bringing portable AC units to the Paris Olympics this summer since the Athletes' Village won't have any. Many athletes are worried about competing in extreme heat.
Paris wants an AC-free Olympic Village. Team USA and others aren't so chill with The U.S. is among the countries bringing portable AC units to the Paris Olympics this summer since the Athletes' Village won't have any. Many athletes are worried about competing in extreme heat.
There are 8000 people in my parking lot rn which I'm guessing means that someone is moving in. Or possibly out before someone else moves in. And I'm nosy enough that I want to watch but also anxious-catastrophizer enough to ignore the whole thing as long as possible.