
This "Judeo-Christian" Sabbath talk from the Project 2025 folks is what we might call "going off the rails on a crazy train."
Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath. Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.
Yet another example, as if we needed one, that when they say "Judeo-Christian" what they really mean is "Christian," and by Christian they mean a very specific form of Americanized white Protestantism with conservative white Catholics included for good measure.
Parts of it feel genuinely like a fever dream for a Christo-fascist state.
"911 emergency, we're unable to take your call today as we observe the sabbath. If you leave a message at the tone, we'll get back to you Monday morning"
It's probably just domestic violence, they don't want to bother anyway.
They’ll arrest you for dialing the phone on the sabbath, because they’re the particularly weird flavor of fundamentalists who observe (some) Jewish law.
Yes, it’s a kind of Christianity that both demonizes and fetishizes Judaism. It’s creepy as fuck.
Yes but, as a victim, I am particularly familiar with the fantastic variety of Christian creepiness. I’m sure other religions have their own unique panorama of creepy fuck-upedness, but this is the one I know best.
Honestly, at some point I think they just surrendered fully to the creep. I think it’s the goal now. Case in point…
“…included for good measure” - not to mention additional funding, political heft & captive-audience propaganda reach.
Only until they Catholics are very much not included
oh, they may embrace those Catholics, & set aside space for their own schools but they will never allow Catholics to have a dominant presence at the table on decision making Guarantee u on that - I don't care what they say at the start - they will keep Catholics on 2nd tier even if inside the Club
For a fun time: someone corner one of these dudes and ask them on camera what they think of Mormons
oh - they don't even consider them Christians the further they advance on their path, the more they will fragment and that is *another* danger - the US will fragment, not by liberals but by their own conservative constituents in their ideology there can b only 1 true faith interpretation
The Catholics are only included as long as they're needed for the voting block. Once they don't need their votes they're going to put them in the concentration camps as well.
The conservative ones whose number one issue is Israel. Like conservative Catholics, they’re expendable, but it’s a big, well, it’s a tent of religious freaks.
Anne Coulter gave the game away years ago: Jews are tolerated as temporarily useful, but will eventually have to convert.
*Catholics included as a convenience for now and probably other’ed later when it serves them
This always gets me. You know it's deliberate too.
On the flip side, I'm not sure they've thought through how cancelling the NFL is going to go over with the base. Tired: Super Bowl Sunday Wired: Super Bowl Monday
My personal alternative to their Judeo-Christian Sabbath would be an All-Abrahamic-Weekend. That way we'd get a three day weekend every week.
Dogwhistles for islamophobes who certainly know the word "Abrahamic".
"with conservative white Catholics included for good measure." ...for now.
Only when they are anti pope. 😂 in which case, not Catholics
These guys have great election campaigning skills. Going to be a blowout. Hippies aren't the only ones doing edibles 😵‍💫
A bittersweet but hilarious side effect to this would be watching all those MAGA fucks slowly realising what the fuck they actually voted for as everything they enjoy in life got yanked away from them by Christianists who actually meant what they said when they promised a theocracy.
When a silver lining is all I can manage, going to try to enjoy it as much as possible
no, Crazy Train is Ozzy solo, not Sabbath
Imagine the peaceful family happiness when Pops can't get loaded and watch his favorite team but can still pull out his sacred AR-15
Hopefully, he will turn his rage to the government that stole everything under his nose but we all know better.
Trump is Pops guy so family must die.
Judeo meaning everything will close friday night to Saturday night and we can buy beer on Sunday mornings?
well, 50 or 51 Sundays out of the year you can
As per usual, the actual Jewish tradition of taking Friday night to Saturday night as the Sabbath just isn't Judeo- enough.
My project 2025 would include mandating one day a year devoted to gathering around with our families and communities to listen to the early records of Black Sabbath
Also: it’s genuinely neglectful of a significant minority of their base. Wait until the Adventists get a load of this.
Also worth remembering, that universal "day of rest" has never existed in US culture. Aside from the obvious emergency and first responders, it was usually the lower income working class who still didn't get the day off.
No Jew says "Judeo-Christian." "Judeo-Christian" means only "Christianity appropriating Judaism."
Kinda comical since it was likely people in their own crowd who wanted to open their businesses on Sunday more than anyone.
Jup. In Norway it is the legg who want to keep things closed on sundays. The right wants to open up. (Most shops/workplaces are closed on sundays)
Retail shops started opening in Canada back in the 80’s. It started with limited hours and now it’s just another work day in that sector.
Many of the things we take for granted in today's dominant society were once considered "going off the rails on a crazy train," like fences and ditches (property lines). I'm not defending this zealotry, but if they play their cards right while the rest of the table is sleeping . . .
This "Judeo-Christian" Sabbath talk from the Project 2025 folks is what we might call "going off the rails on a crazy train."
What they don’t mention is the compulsory church attendance. I’m sure that’s a still a quiet part not yet written down but am also sure it’s part of the later-stage plan. They need a Sabbath like that to force church attendance.
“Oh I’m sorry Godwhacker started blasting during the sermon, it won’t happen again” (it will happen again)
😂🤣 I suppose I’d teach younger people some of my best Church Pranks from back in the day when I was a preacher’s kid forced to be there and hated it