Sharanjit Paddam

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Sharanjit Paddam

Climate Actuary’s personal opinions on things
Second life for car batteries? This is a good example of where it already happens. Here’s a business buying crashed Teslas on insurance auctions in the US and importing them to Ukraine to strip out the batteries helping with frequent power cuts.
Yeah, if you're keeping a locked Twitter accound as an archive or to prevent impersonation, you're gonna want to go in there and turn off their *Unannounced And On By Default* LLM training.
If anyone's wondering how things are going on the hellsite: This setting was just turned on by default for everyone. if you still have an account with content, go log in and disable this so Grok can't use your tweets as training data. Direct link:
Juukan Gorge: 47,000 years of Aboriginal heritage—evidenced by thousands of significant objects—was destroyed in Rio Tinto's mining blast Obscenely, Rio Tinto "held ministerial consent to destroy the heritage site, the action was against the wishes of the Traditional Owners"
The first published results from Juukan Gorge show 47,000 years of Aboriginal heritage was destroyed in mining The Juukan 2 rockshelter was blown up in 2020. The results of an archaeological dig carried out six years earlier are only now being published for the first time.
President Venn Diagram
"More than half of Australia’s mines producing the minerals needed for clean energy technology lie within formally recognized Indigenous lands." "Many First Nations peoples say there hasn’t been fair compensation or benefit sharing from this bonanza so far."
Study: More than half of Australia’s clean energy mines lie on Indigenous More than half of Australia’s mines producing the minerals needed for clean energy technology lie within formally recognized Indigenous lands, new research shows — with that figure rising to nearly fo...
"The war of revenge that Israel is fighting in Gaza has crossed every moral red-line that is imaginable... What has Israel achieved by killing tens of thousands of people in Gaza – noncombatants, people who hated Hamas even before October 7?" Gershon Baskin From the blog of Gershon Baskin at The Times of Israel
Remember when Republicans pretended that social media networks were biased against them. They held congressional hearings. They created new cycles. They threatened regulation. They succeeded in investing, right wing organizations as “fact-checkers.”
A remarkable transition: Kenya is Africa's leading country when it comes to renewables. In 2000 fossil fuels contributed 60% to electricity generation. Today it is 6%. In 2023 electricity was from almost 50% geothermal, 20% wind+solar and 22% hydro. Data from Ember.
However, bad things might seem in the Northern Territory, it's actually even worse than you believed NT Labor has amassed sizeable donations (~$60K) from multiple gas developers including aspiring Beetaloo frackers Tamboran Resources, INPEX, Empire Energy, Imperial Oil & Gas (noticing a pattern?)
New data shows Labor fuelling NT election campaign kitty with gas The largest donation came from Beetaloo Basin gas company Tamboran Resources, which has gifted $28,000 ahead of the Territory election.
📢NEW: while some US politicians downplay the threat of climate change, the firms who insure the insurers are taking it very seriously indeed. Reinsurer Swiss Re warns that the US has the most to lose on a warming planet.
House On Fire: Why The U.S. Has Most To Lose In A Warming Home insurance is set to rise across the U.S. as hazards intensify. The firms that insure the insurers are in no doubt about the root cause of the problem.
There is one sector that has no option but to face the science square-on; reinsurance. There's no room for political hot-takes, wokeism or religious beliefs. It's strictly business, as their continued existence relies on pricing climate risks accurately.
📢NEW: while some US politicians downplay the threat of climate change, the firms who insure the insurers are taking it very seriously indeed. Reinsurer Swiss Re warns that the US has the most to lose on a warming planet.
House On Fire: Why The U.S. Has Most To Lose In A Warming Home insurance is set to rise across the U.S. as hazards intensify. The firms that insure the insurers are in no doubt about the root cause of the problem.
guy really survived an assassination attempt and got upstaged a week later by a guy who felt tired
A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer unusable. – Leslie Lamport, as quoted in CACM, June 1992
Ah grand - West Antarctica ice dumping is accelerating! Context: This is the squishy bit of the ice cap in Antarctica, and based on this news it's getting squishier by the day. #DailyPaper
i can’t wait until there’s a MAGA militia entirely made of divorced guys who live in their pickup trucks
another super new paper about assessing physical risk under uncertainty by the great Tanya Fiedler et al. "Quantitative measurement thus renders preparers vulnerable to false precision, maladaptation, and litigation [....whereas] Storylines emphasise plausibility over probability," stories! 📖
Storylines: A science‐based method for assessing and measuring future physical climate‐related financial Regulators increasingly require organisations to disclose their climate-related financial risks. Most future physical climate risks present unique challenges, however, as their likely occurrence and ....
I think people think "plastic" and the think of the large amount of plastic in the ocean. I don't think they understand that plastic is in rainfall. It's in snow. It's in human placentas and breast milk. And that increasingly our understanding is those chemicals in plastic are not good for us. /3
Two of my favourite things. The Onion and Biles.
Athletes have begun arriving in Paris ahead of the 2024 Summer Olympics. The Onion met up with Simone Biles to discuss mental health, the pressure to succeed, and her experience at the 2020 Tokyo Games.
The Onion’s Exclusive Interview With Simone Athletes from around the world have begun arriving in Paris ahead of the 2024 Summer Olympics. The Onion met up with Simone Biles, the most decorated gymnast in history, to discuss mental health, the ...