Linguiça May Alcott🇺🇦

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Linguiça May Alcott🇺🇦

The older I get, the more my politics boil down to "don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining." He/him.
And it's interesting that New Hampshire, which was rock-solid Republican 25 years ago, is now basically a blue state, as its "good fences make good neighbors" brand of conservatism has fallen out of favor in the GOP.
Yeah, actually, I'd posit that the yankee aversion to nosiness in any form is a large part of why the New England states were among the first to enshrine protections for queer people into law.
Who needs dragons when you've already got monsters?
This. There simply is no more room for austerity and "free market solutions." The choice is now between a fascist right and a progressive left. But blessedly it seems like most people prefer the latter, even if many are seduced by the former.
In the Summertime by Mungo Jerry. It's one tiny step below Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum in the pantheon of aural abuse.
The level of domestic terrorism from the far right that we have shrugged at for the last hundred and fifty years is a moral disgrace, and it's brought us to this place where SCOTUS rules that Trump can basically do whatever he wants.
They want so badly to turn us into this. But they failed in England and they failed in France, and I'll be damned if they succeed here.
They were just trying to stop Bernie from bringing socialism to America.
The lady on the right of the frame is straight out of central casting, complete with weird post-it note randomly attached to her person.
Ah, I wonder if it was a Germany thing - very strong laws there against certain Nazi slogans/songs/images. Of course not effective enough to ban the AFD, but that's a topic for a different day.
Jesus, back when Medvedev could still pass for human. Weird to see.
Lost kimchi is a present that past-you gives to future-you.
Watched the first one on an airplane. Big big mistake. Sobbing uncontrollably next to a random stranger, 35,000 feet above the Atlantic.
But it's alive and it just gets better and better!! At least for a pretty decent while.
Jesus, this drips with evil. Also textbook DARVO, it goes without saying.
Yeah, I think circle-jerk is a much more likely model than nefarious plot, but Zaslav and Sulzberger really do have political interests that don't align with humanity's...
Such a punim!! He looks like the servants went on strike on his birthday.
I have thusfar been very resistant to conspiracy theories about media coverage, but this is pathetic.
Why would I hand them back? I need them to make baba ganoush.
What happened in France today is a good reminder that the fight against fascism is the fight of ordinary people to create a decent world. Not a radical vanguard, but a mass movement of people who refuse to accept cruelty, ignorance and lies.
[thinking as I clean up my own kitchen] every wine mom is fighting an uphill battle against entropy in the form of her loved ones every single day. They are not the type to give up when things get tough or tedious
And they make sure everybody else does too!
Milei seems like the kind of person who is headed for a Darwin award unassisted though.
You gotta let em do all the stages of grief.
Between this fucking idiot, and Amy Chua looking at JD Vance and deciding to make him her special lil' guy, to granting Stewart fucking Rhodes a JD, I'm starting to think that Yale Law School might actually not deserve its impeccable reputation.
We are beating Trump this fall, simply because I refuse to hand it to goddamn France.
Just reread the op-ed and it's genuinely hard to imagine a worse take - smug, condescending and flatly fucking wrong. Confidently talking about how Kavanaugh is a real scholar, not a cherrypicker like Scalia. If you were trying to write a parody of academic autofellatio, you couldn't do much better.