Boebert’s son distributed a sex tape? It’s almost as if the people tasked with teaching him appropriate boundaries were . . . . Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
Per Jonathan Allen of NBC News: “First signs of Trump jury selection may have just landed in D.C. mailboxes.” Judge Chutkan appears serious about holding that March Trump trial date!
you heard it here first folks
A Washington Post review of Trump’s 238 clemency orders found that dozens of recipients have gone on to plug his 2024 candidacy through social media and national interviews, contribute money to his bid for the Republican nomination or disseminate his false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
Trump pardoned them. Now they’re helping him return to President Trump’s unprecedented use of pardon power to benefit political and financial backers is paying dividends as he seeks to return to the White House.
Good thread that explains the most recent and most compelling reason Alina Habba should be disbarred.
This is the most appalling attorney misconduct I have ever seen.
it’s interesting to me that his spiral accelerated in pace with driving normal users off twitter, filling his timeline almost exclusively with weirdo simps who tell him how brilliant he is. he got exactly what he thought he wanted and turns out it tastes like sawdust and tears
If he wasn't a powerful and litigious white supremacist, what Elon's going through would be deeply sad. He clearly has a bottomless need for approval, has been used to getting it for years and is now destroying his life to seek it out from the dwindling number of losers willing to give it to him.
NEW: Judge Chutkan DENIES Trump motions to dismiss charges on presidential immunity or constitutional grounds: "Defendant’s 4-yr service as Commander in Chief did not bestow on him the divine right of kings to evade the criminal accountability that governs his fellow citizens."
It’s not because of our constitution it’s because of us
This makes tons of sense but the Pels need to make sure Gray TV affiliates in their entire TV market can broadcast games, not just on Fox 8.
On behalf of Hell, we don’t want him
May we all live our lives so that social media sites don’t rejoice like Ewoks at the end of Jedi upon news of our death.
NEW: Trump attorney Jennifer Little "very clearly" warned Trump that if he failed to fully comply with DOJ's subpoena for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, while swearing that he did comply, "it's going to be a crime."
Attorney warned Trump 'it's going to be a crime' if he didn't comply with subpoena for classified A lawyer for Donald Trump told investigators she warned Trump that not complying with a subpoena to return all classified documents is "going to be a crime," sources say.
I always kind of thought it was WORSE for a refugee to Nazi Germany to become an apologist (kindest interpretation) or active promoter(more accurate) of totalitarianism and genocide.
Speaking of terrible
Hahahaha Yaccarino declares that “go fuck yourselves” actually means X “is here to welcome you.”
Pope revokes privileges of conservative US political operative critical of church’s reform
"Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with Musk on Monday is consistent with his government’s broader strategy of legitimizing antisemitic political actors abroad, in exchange for their help in abetting Israel’s subjugation of the Palestinians."
In Bibi’s Israel, Musk’s Brand of Antisemitism Is How a plutocrat can post antisemitic tweets one day and shake hands with the Israeli prime minister the next.
If You Kill Two People In A Car Crash, You Shouldn’t Then Sue Their Relatives For Emailing Your University About What You Did.
End of feed.