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venmo to help my elderly cat with hyperthyroidism and kidney failure

She/her cis & twifucker so you might have a chance

Pokémon Go trainer account: 6789 8103 8337
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
why do they call them kiwis when newzies is right there
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Beautiful rainbow yesterday afternoon near Lyndhurst. I was out in the rain and freezing wind getting this shot.
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Check it out, there's an island named after me. I'm sure it's a pretty good one too, Steve Island, sounds majestic yet cosy and welcoming
i'll be damned
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Just a reminder that our government has totally abandoned all policy surrounding mitigating risk of COVID AND they’re ending the bridge access vaccination program making the boosters this fall expensive so uh, not great
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
the main thing about biden getting covid is that you should get your boosters if you're out of date (which, full disclosure, i am, this is a reminder to me, too)
I bet you're right, and like, there's not even much of a story there! He's the sitting POTUS. He'll get injected full of whatever is the most cutting edge science goo on the planet, watched by top notch doctors like a hawk, and he'll be just fine. Good reminder for me to get another booster though.
In another timeline Trump was killed and Biden dies of Covid, leaving the race between Harris and Vance Idk I just find that scenario very funny lol
Harris would cream Vance, no question
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Biden getting COVID would be an excellent opportunity to push FDA for releasing Novavax 2024-2025 boosters. Apparently they’re ready to go and everyone is “just” waiting on approval.
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Chinstrap penguin glaring into the camera is the #penguinpicoftheday #PPOTD and did you know that they get their beauty rest (11 hours a day!) by nodding off in 4-second intervals... 10,000 times. I mean that's champion power napping. 🧪🌍🦑🦉
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Joe Biden has Covid 19. Me?
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Anyway they’re gonna spend the rest of the RNC making fun of Biden for getting COVID so congrats to everyone who bought the unity stuff
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
raven: kaw me, initiating raven: kHAW raven, imitating me imitating raven: kHaw me, imitating raven imitating me imitating raven: kHhaW second raven to first raven: what are you doing first raven: I'm teaching an ape to talk me: kHhaW! second raven: that really what I sound like?
Also some people go on them specifically to die. I guess they want one last party & vacation before they go
Yeah if I recall correctly there's a freezer they use to store the bodies
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
My parents’ friends are on a world cruise with Princess (read: $$, old people) and in 77 days, 10 people have died
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
I'm generally against monarch on principle but my principles are quite malleable when it comes to going after spammers ngl
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
#Mammals Several environmental activist groups notified state officials & the Idaho Department of Fish & Game they intend to file a lawsuit over the agency's allowance of bear baiting, which put federally protected grizzly bears at risk & violate the Endangered Species Act.
After grizzly's death, environmental groups to sue Fish and Game over Idaho bear Several environmental activist groups on July 15 notified state officials and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game that they intend to file a lawsuit over the agency's allowance of bear baiting, whic...
I'm convinced Stop just tells them they've found a number that's being monitored by an actual human being
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
torn between being constantly frustrated that people seem to have forgotten how to behave in public while simultaneously understanding that there could not be a single more appropriate statue on which to do this in the whole entire world (and also that it did no harm)
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Przewalski's horse foals of different ages 1 of 2 #MarwellZoo #horse #mammals
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Everyone loves "Generic other candidate" until they learn about who gets slotted into that "generic other candidate" position, and they realize they've got real problems too.
Everyone is assuming Biden would be replaced with their individual "Perfect Candidate" that supports everything they support and opposes everything they oppose And of course, no one could possibly have any issues with their "Unicorn Fantasy Perfect Candidate" and so it's an absolute lock.
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Przewalski's horse foals of different ages 2 of 2 #MarwellZoo #horse #mammals
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
What in the absolute fuck is going on here
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Can't even eat people anymore because of woke
Reposted byAvatar Gloria!
Over the weekend an “insider anon” post on 4chan claiming (falsely, obvs) to be authored by one of the local PD snipers at Trump’s rally made the rounds online. As notes on the latest QAA podcast, it “received a more credulous audience on Twitter than it did on 4chan.”