∞ Monkeys

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∞ Monkeys


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I do the RICO (Really Intense Cussing Out)
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Labour Party officially wins 2024 UK general election after reaching the required 326 seats #BBCElection live ⬇️
Trump has been obviously scatterbrained for 8 fucking years. Biden gets lost in the weeds sometimes & needs to stop for a moment to get back to his point. These things aren't the same & ultimately, they aren't relevant when it's one or the other.
The adjective most commonly used when defending Biden's candidacy seems to be that a speaking appearance of his was "fine." That word keeps coming up and it is not comforting.
I have. Sometimes, he rambles a bit & stops to get back to the point. What's your desired outcome here? Harris steps in?
I have really terrible news about what was deemed acceptable, even approved of in 1974. Try to remember this the next time someone posts about, "it's never been worse than it is today". Thankfully, people can evolve & learn.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Wrote that he wouldn't vote again in 2019, was an "ex-voter:" theweek.com/articles/802... and then what do you know, he voted the very next year, then two years later: voted again. Then almost two years later, a barely rewritten article saying he definitely won't vote this time, honest
Confessions of an ex-votertheweek.com Why I don't vote
The point where I realized I'm not everyone's cup of tea was good. It doesn't even mean they're bad people! Sometimes it's more about attitude than anything of substance. Not everyone will like you, but I do.
I don't think all media are out to get Biden, but it seems some see Trump as a meal ticket.
Biden could tap dance and American media would have a problem with him. They will have a problem with anyone not Trump. Trump makes them money and their owners don't want to pay taxes. Double whammy. They are blind to what he will do to them.
Biden did at least two live radio interviews with local hosts in Wisconsin & Pennsylvania in the last couple days. They were fine & it's a smart way to reach voters in those battleground states. The DC press are not happy with this.
Trump won't. The media will push it as long as people seem interested. A major story about the extent of Trump's ties to Jeffrey Epstein is being ignored right now. The idea that things can't get worse for Trump seems underestimated.
Ultimately, I trust the people around Biden to do the right thing if he's not able to do the job at some point. I honestly think he can serve till 2028. He's never going to be a "modern media" President & that's ok with me.
Huge, if true.
I wouldn't count on being able to make an issue out of the GOP VP pick. JFK Jr. hasn't made a gaffe in *decades*.
If Biden stays as the nominee, the only message is "he will continue being a good President". Harris will be a great messenger, but depicting her as the "heir in waiting" is really, really bad.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
I watched my Mom deteriorate, by her side as her primary caregiver. I also watched that happen to my Grandmother, though I was younger and paying less attention. Either way - this is not that.
Same boat here. A lot of people besides Matt don't realize how their 2nd hand assumptions are going over with those of us who had to deal with the real thing.
Matt, I can post a whole bunch of experts on aging & cognitive decline who would disagree with you. Rather than doing that, I'll tell you I had to watch my father's experience with Parkinson's dementia & it looked nothing like Biden. Second hand speculation doesn't go over well with some of us.
Both GWB & Obama absolutely picked older guys who were seen as "experienced" for a reason. Gore was picked because winning in the South was still a viable strategy for Democrats in 1992. Leaning into "Kamala is as ready to run the nation as Joe", is a bad message, imo. Don't step on that rake.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Biden is completely right to not trust Beltway punditocracy and it's important to remember that distrust is fueling part of the stupid news cycle we're experiencing.
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden. x.com/fawfulfan/st...
The messaging should be, "Biden has been a competent POTUS & will be a competent POTUS if re-elected". I think there's a strategy to play up the fact that Harris is competent & ready, but it needs to be thought out carefully to avoid putting off Democrats with 2028 ambitions.
People don't vote for Vice Presidents. Harris can & will be a huge asset & advocate in the campaign, but "Kamala is ready to take over" is not a smart campaign message in the face of the "Biden isn't up to the job" claims.
Bernstein's sources appear to be donors, not White House staff. He & Woodward have had one hell of a heel turn in the last half decade.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
This thread makes a lot of sense in context
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden. x.com/fawfulfan/st...
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
Imagine if the NYT defended trans people instead of attacking them. Imagine if the NYT refused to platform bigots and insurrectionists. Imagine if the NYT actually covered local New York City politics and news. Imagine if the NYT had a public editor.
Imagine for one second if the NYT marshaled its massive influence towards voter registration, towards supporting voting rights groups, towards encouraging people to vote and fighting people who try to stop people from voting. Imagine if the NYT actually championed participatory democracy.
Had someone posting about how Democrats need to "do things rural voters want" the other day & I was like the goose meme of "what things? what fucking things?" I will accept the challenge of overcoming the Electoral College disadvantage before I support throwing people under a bus & into camps.
Reposted byAvatar ∞ Monkeys
If I see anyone try to make that case I will break all laws of physics to reach through my phone to strangle that person in real life!
Dog I am not ready for the “Labour’s success proves Biden must get more transphobic” takes
Yeah, he's not someone I follow, but his point about the WH press corps asking dumber questions during Trump hit home with something I've been thinking for a while. They think their job is to be TMZ for politics.
I'm not sure what they want is the same thing they claim to want. White House coverage has been getting more like TMZ for years. They don't just want honest access, they want "scandals" that boost their careers & make them feel important.
The DC press needs to find better motivations than getting a prime time news slot or a book deal. They were on the wrong path before Trump set foot in the Oval Office & boy is it showing.
Fucking Woodward had Trump on the record about knowing covid was going to be *bad* & sat on it for months, until his book came out. Parker pretending that's as bad as her being locked out of a wedding is ridiculous.
Katie Rogers & Ashley Parker had a meltdown over press being excluded from Biden's granddaughters wedding. Then, they lied about Vogue being allowed to cover it. Vogue did a photoshoot 2 days before.
Fucking Woodward had Trump on the record about knowing covid was going to be *bad* & sat on it for months, until his book came out. Parker pretending that's as bad as her being locked out of a wedding is ridiculous.