Calamity Caitlin

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Calamity Caitlin

Elder Crone. Made of love & enthusiasm. Soft by choice. She/Her #ADHD #Supernatural Finale Denier #SPNFamily #BatBrat #SqueeAF #WaywardAF #WritingCommunity #Queer, #Pan, #MarriedAMan
I know loops are less effective. I tie them pretty tight so the overear fit is as good as it was overhead, and knock on wood over here, but I have not had covid. Double chins help mine seal, ymmv. 😂😂😂
I travel with a hepa filter and I eat takeout in my quarters, like a squirrel. The one masked Con I attend that sends after reports (, every single attendee who reported going home with covid ate in a restaurant, bar, or the Con suite.
Welcome | Arisia 2025 • January 17 - 20,
I am also guilty of cutting the straps and retying to make them over-ear. I have really long hair but I'm pretty pragmatic about looks, it's more about headstraps giving me an almost instant headache. An earache I can handle; a headache I can't.
I've done several Supernatural conventions fully masked in my N95 except for photo ops and so far so good. It sucks being one of maybe 3%, but it sure doesn't suck staying healthy. 😷💪😎
I have accomplished NOTHING yet this week. Big plans to accomplish anything, tho. o.O Here is a chonker daylily bunch, my biggest one now SHE deserves some pride for putting on such a beautiful show. I think this one is "strawberry candy." 🥰🥰🥰
Don't listen to the brainworms. Sending 🫂🫂🫂
They had a couple things on my wishlist on special, so I ordered them, but with super slow shipping.
Do you want to make a real, actual difference in the world and in your community? Help track down the list of empty homes being sold between shell corporations. I have a place to start :)
“The housing crisis has left homeless people sleeping in the doorways of luxury apartments, while hundreds of thousands of homes lie empty…Action on Empty Homes support communities taking over abandoned houses in their area, strong steps towards a rebalancing of access” - Isaac Bell Holmström
Community ownership and the anarchist path to housing - Freedom Construction is not the cure for the housing crisis, no matter what election promises claim
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
I've blocked for things that were probably sarcasm. I've blocked for art I don't want to see. I've blocked for things someone said to someone else. I've blocked for maga hats. I've blocked for bad vibes. I block every time a random man DMs me "Hi." And I'll keep doing it. 😂💪😎
Imagine not being excited to be asked to explain something in greater detail
Ooh, never heard of zanfel - when tecnu came out there were only tears and the useless lie of calamine lotion. When I was a kid it was jewelweed baths. My mom never met an old wives tale she didn't believe AND she's cheap. 🤣🤣🤣
Ohhh noooo. I wasn't getting reinfected tho so maybe I'm comparing apples and horse apples.
Do you know about the soap called tecnu? Really changed the game for me. Super great.
They make complete garbage now. Hanes, too.
Someone on here made a whole price spreadsheet for a bunch of suppliers so I'm good, but if you have a recc I'm still listening! :-D
That sounds like a really rough experience. I'm sorry you had such a no good very bad date. ❤️
Magic window is almost like being outside! 🤣🤣🤣
Dean pretties bout to get listed. 🥰🥰🥰
My stories all come with long lists of content warnings plus "I wrote this for me, to my taste, and I'm not sorry. If it works for you, great, but if it doesn't I *warned* you, so don't come crying to me when it contains exactly what I warned you it contains." 🤣🤣🤣
I seriously thought my eyeballs were damaged from the sun I was accidentally wearing my closeup-only progressives. o.O
Like. I *am* the means of my own art production. I have seized me. I still need to eat!
WHUT is AI writing conspiracy theories now bc this makes no senssssse
But if your hardline position is that not paying authors for their labor is a great way to end capitalism, you do not understand what capitalism is.
I unsubbed to their email and text message list just now. And I was a pretty decent customer.