Stacia Seaman

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Stacia Seaman

I play with other people's words. Editor, writer, proofreader, reviewer, lover of books. 🏳️‍🌈 she/her

If you'd like to help with my partner's medical bills:
That’s even worse for the chunk of Gen X who are suddenly Boomers too after The Shift
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Gorgeous, tender stories about the lives of two men in love over decades where their lives are measured in deaths, I wouldn't have believed you. But here we are. There are expected deaths, random deaths, almost deaths. But it's all so beautiful. #WhatImReading #WhatImReadingNow #AmReading
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Bluesky went down for 10 minutes and that's still longer than most straight guys are willing to.
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According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies—an eminently respectable, bipartisan think tank—right-wing political violence accounted for more than 90 percent of all attacks or plots in the first half of 2020, far outpacing terrorism from any other source since 1990.
We’re in an epidemic of right-wing terror. Won’t someone tell the press? More than a decade of media malpractice enabled January 6. Has the media learned its lesson?
Reposted byAvatar Stacia Seaman
Every time a story comes out that a violent boy or man was bullied in school, I really wish they’d talk to the girls and women who had to be around that guy. Killings are rarely a first act of violence.
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Winner gets Gibraltar
It came home in 2022. The women got tired of waiting.
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Just a reminder: we don’t need a “doomsday second amendment” to protect us from a tyrannical government. We need protections for general strikes.
Me personally, I’ve been saying for ages now that the second amendment claim that you get to shoot duly elected members of the government because you don’t like them is horrifying, and a recipe for disaster. So I feel zero responsibility here.
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Ask every Republican about all the AR-15 pins they were wearing in Congress after the Parkland School mass-murder. If Democrats were trollish enough, they'd dust off a gun safety bill and rename it something like the "Donald Trump Assassination Prevention Act" and make GOP senators filibuster it.
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All the calls for “everyone” to “cool down the rhetoric” etc feel like how families so often put the burden of keeping the peace on the family members who are already working hardest at that, since the difficult/abusive folks are unfixable/cannot be reasoned with.
Reposted byAvatar Stacia Seaman
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
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Good illustration of two points: 1) American political history is a lot more violent than we're taught in schools, and the era that's ending now is the aberration 2) one reason why that higher baseline level of political violence is left out of the narrative is because of who the victims were.
#tdih July 13, 1863: New York City Draft Riots and Massacre “[Rioters] set the city’s colored orphan asylum on fire…[and] shot, burned, and hanged African Americans…[and many] people were thrown into the rivers to drown.”
July 13, 1863: New York City Draft Riots and The New York City Draft Massacre (“Riots”) were the largest civil insurrection in U.S. history besides the Civil War itself. White mobs attacked the African American community — committing murder and ...
USSS agonize over the use of lethal force. Decades ago, a small plane landed on the lawn of the White House. POTUS & fam were not in residence. Do you launch a missile into a heavily populated area (e.g. Dupont Circle, Kalorama) in that situation? They decided against it.
I will always respect and admire this man. He put himself out there, knowing he’d face all manner of abuse and ridicule, because he wanted to help people. RIP.
Fire and Rain *runs and hides*
On other sites, posted: We're excited to say that the Goldie Awards 2024 will be streamed live for all of you who couldn't join us in the Twin Cities. Join us today at 6pm CST, 4pm PDT, 7pm EDT, 12am BST, 9am AEST (14th) to watch live.
Welcome to the 2024 Goldie Awards! Welcome to the live-streaming event of the year! Join us for The Golden Crown Literary Society's Annual Goldie Awards, where we celebrate and honor the best ...
Make sure to pick a song that you can give up listening to for the rest of your life. I'm not kidding. This happened to me last summer--I found my partner in cardiac arrest and did CPR until EMTs arrived--and I don't think I'll be able to listen to Stayin' Alive ever again.
If you’ve got some time this weekend, go listen to Radiolab’s How To Save A Life, and flag it in your head as something you can do when it’s life or death and you’re there. I’m not an easy weeper, but this one hit hard. And pick your song. Something you know by heart.
How to Save a What would you do if someone’s heart stopped right in front of you?
I'll just find a comfy spot and I'll wait it out ❤️🎶
Nope. They called some people racists, some people homophobes, and some people both. Depended on the direction of the wind and the roll of the dice.
I found it amusing that I, an out & proud queer person who edits LGBTQ+ fiction for a living, was banned there for saying on the bird site that sputter's users made me feel unsafe even as Fearless Leader proclaimed how much safer his site was for people like me now that people like me weren't there.
Amen to that. A talking point of the defenders was that any attack on Fearless Leader was motivated by homophobia. Irony: declaring your social media site's ethos is to provide a safe place for LGBTQ+ users while banning those same users who say (on other sites) that your site is unsafe for them.
My dad went there back when it was West Texas State. He’s a diehard longhorn fan and was horrified to be retroactively made a TAMU alum.
TAMU already close to Lubbock (in Canyon)
Do you answer your phone when it’s unknown, spam risk, or a research company? If they are doing this polling via landline and only getting data from people willing to pick up, that alone skews things.
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Honestly, I’ve seriously considered a portable a/c unit so I can cool down the space we’re using at any given time without having to run the central a/c so much
I have the same setup. The skylights are gorgeous and I love them, but in the afternoon you can feel the temperature going up with the sunlight streaming in
Do you have a dehumidifier? That might help.