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Dad, senior risk analyst, Anglo-Irish 🇬🇧🇮🇪🇪🇺 RPG player. German based Ecomodernist & freelance opinion-holder.
Despite the assassination attempt, it seems that a large section of people still think that Trump is a grifting scumbag. Because he is. Just because he had a near miss at the hands of a lunatic doesn’t mean he gets his own toxic behaviour expunged, no matter how much his supporter demand it.
Ah, but you see, they're all acting in *secret* with the deep state to take away peoples rights, rejoin the europen caliphate & force everyone to undergo trans therapy whilst they install the 5G chips in your brain! Open your eyes, sheeple! 😆
By then the Truss had killed the queen! Starmer is simply not trying hard enough.
So you’re recommend people just skip ‘Planning regulations of the Planet of the Apes’? Seriously? It underpins so much!
Reposted byAvatar Stanthorpe
"I never thought they'd do violence against ME," cried the man who leads the "Let's Do Violence Against People We Don't Like Party"
It’s one of the reasons that Julian Mays Saga of The Exiles books really stuck with me - a vision of the future without an apocalyptic war. Not even Star Trek - for all its utopian space communism - manages to avoid that.
No. No. A thousand times no.
Reposted byAvatar Stanthorpe
God I am so tired of the Biden is old discourse. I wish the media would focus on something else.
Mr Joshua Wannabe-Murderer esq.
Yeah. On GB England is so large (compared to Wales & Scotland) in terms of population that it just overwhelms the others - even creating separate Northumberland & London electoral areas would only partially address this.
Personally I think some sort of temporary messy compromise that lasts several centuries & pleases no-one is the obvious way forward.
And everyone will go round pretending that the problem has been ‘fixed enough’ so that they can worry about other things. The British constitution is unique in the works for its use of string, sellotape, duck tape, wallpaper paste & tippex.
I mean HMG has form of - when confronting thorny problems - to simply declare ‘we’ve fixed it’ (without fixing it) so that they can move on to other things (exhibit a: Ireland). I expect Brexit to be similarly ‘fixed’ at some point.
[literally anyone with a pulse] upper 40% vs [Convicted authoritarian fraudster] upper 40% Which is just awful, frankly.
I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit.
Please dear God - in the name of all that is holy - no.
I think that ‘efficiencies’ is the longest enduring piece of magic in the British system.
Reposted byAvatar Stanthorpe
A box arrived - on being told that it wa for the kindergarten next door & I laughingly said ‘but it won’t fit!’ My wife’s outside asked my son ‘what did he say? I didn’t catch it ’ My son replies ‘I didn’t hear it either, but he’s laughing so it probably wasn’t funny’ I’m dead. Someone bury me.
Probably not - unless it’s so generous that it’s meaningless. “you need a 100pts to enter - being a European natural with a pulse gives you 100pts” is not a policy, it’s a farce.
Struggling to not laugh in this team-meeting with content like this! 😂
Years ago I read a study by some “ethno-robotocists” where they took a robot squirrel and made it either: • scream • display its butthole • scream and display its butthole Conclusion: other animals run away fastest w scream-butthole combo Anyway it just occurred to me they’re probably rich now
Never underestimate the cowardice of politicians when doing nothing allows them to more easily defend their majority.
Basically people challenge you to a duel and then you win. That seems to be it, in its entirety.
We think that it might be good if you um… *mumbles sheepishly*
It takes a special kind of genius to announce “hey everyone, you can trust us - but you’ve got to understand that we’re absolutely lying”
Conversely, Kim hasn’t renounced ownership of the Republic of Korea but still hasn’t attacked for decades*. *Information correct at time of posting.
Murder on the Tal-y-bont Express.
And now we face 2 boomers, both of which would prefer to die in office rather than cede power to us Xers. How typical.
“Are you sorry it’s not in code, sir? Honestly XO, I’m not sure. But what could ‘PORK MARKETS’ possibly mean?”