Steven desJardins

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Steven desJardins

DC native, science fiction fan, COVID-cautious, living in Penn Quarter. I am vegetarian, have ankylosing spondylitis, and am a fan of the Criterion Channel. I spent four months of Budapest in 1986, and am I still trying to learn the language.
There are some things a fella just wants to do in private, unobserved by their enemies.
Not recruiting followers
Does not known where to end a thread, an argument, a running gag, or a skeet
You know it would happen.
I spent three weeks in Estonia in summer and the absence of darkness never bothered me, but my hotel had good blackout curtains.
The term "gross" comes from the gladiators who fought using their own poo.
I think his claim is that the colonists who achieved independence were still British and still pernicious colonizers, and therefore American independence amounted to telling Britain to fuck off but did not amount to British people fucking off back to their country.
It's easy to figure out who wrote a Beatles song, just pick a Beatle you're sure *didn't* write it and attribute it to them where can hear you.
It's so lucky that the only reason for wanting to double-check facts is in order to cast doubt on them. It avoids so many misunderstandings and false accusations of bad faith.
Oops, I may have just called him late for dinner.
"Ordered"? There is literally no mechanism whatsoever for Democratic leaders to order anyone to resign. He had no support in the party because it was obvious an investigation would just drag out the scandal and make it look worse.
Exactly. Al Franken was not "railroaded" because the first accusation was the weakest. He was driven from office because he had no good explanation for why so many of the other women accusing him had such similar stories.
I wish to apologise to Sir Keir Starmer for calling him a shaved stoat penis. I was wrong and most humbly beg his pardon. As the evidence below has clearly shown, this was a false allegation and he is not a stoat penis
Given that a stoat penis has a baculum to provide rigidity and Starmer has not displayed any evidence of a backbone whatsoever, that's a bit of a slander on mustelid genitalia.
For food safety reasons you should generally keep tacos in the refrigerator or freezer, not in the Bible.
Who could forget this classic tale from the week I was born? (I don't think I have ever read it.)
"Actually, the doctor wore baby shoes."--the six words everyone remembers from Frankenstein
Calorie Queen! All the powers of Matter-Eater Lad *and* she’s super-strong!
I think this is the first person on here to point out that Biden could now "legally" order the IRS to release Trump's tax returns. Good point.
Add "public release of the tax returns of Donald J. Trump, the Trump Organization, all Trump children and their spouses and any other place that Trump money might be hiding" to the list of official acts that Biden might take here.
No, a sharp karate chop will slice all the way through, to stun rather than decapitate you should use a blunt chop.
Black licorice is great! I can even imagine thinking a tiny bit of salt would make it better. I can't understand how adding *that much salt* makes anyone like it better.
That would only work if there were some way to replace him once he was no longer able to do the job, say if he resigned or a majority of the cabinet said he wasn't fit, but you'd probably need to put something like that in the Constitution.
I did not intend to sound as if I were disputing you, I just meant to add a data point regarding how localized it was.
I grew up in Columbia, between Baltimore and DC, and I have never heard "going up" used this way.
The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building had a life-size print of that photo on display near their entrance a few years ago.
The Walgreens pictured in the article got rid of shopping baskets. I can’t even imagine a rationale for that.
Does the model assign any economic value to not feeling like shit for several days? (I feel strongly that any cost-benefit analysis that doesn't consider "not feeling like shit" to be a benefit is fundamentally unsound.)
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.