Stephanie Allen

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Stephanie Allen

YA & NA fantasy writer, former elementary school teacher, collector of houseplants and lipstick. Probably trying to find coffee right now. She/her.
If anyone's wondering how things are going on the hellsite: This setting was just turned on by default for everyone. if you still have an account with content, go log in and disable this so Grok can't use your tweets as training data. Direct link:
Make everyone feel old in 2 sentences challenge completed
Obama's middle name is actually Hussein? Fox's heads must have been exploding in 2008.
It’s a start and a massive shift in tone. Now to see if things are done that reflect this change in tone.
The default cycle of political action is “support candidate - candidate is elected - immediately begin criticizing candidate.” This is normal and expected. MAGA is an aberration, and does not represent how most people relate to their government.
I get some people may be so young that their only experience with political enthusiasm is MAGA, but I promise, slapping on a We Like Ike pin does not mean you accept their every utterance as gospel forevermore. Let people get energized. It’s a good thing. It helps win elections.
My first presidential election was 2008. Trust me when I say that our enthusiastic support of Obama did not prevent us from criticizing him when the occasion called for it.
I have now seen multiple posts saying that Harris is just a politician and people need to stop idolizing her, and like, do people no longer understand what simple enthusiasm looks like? Cheering for someone does not mean automatically mean you have joined a cult of personality & think they’re Jesus.
The latest press release from the Harris campaign is another solid one.
Live coverage of JD Vance's campaign team trying to change the subject tonight:
Hey #romancelandia.... great idea!
Seriously. Pick an aspect of Project 2025 you don't like. Write up 200 words TOPS on why you don't like it. Submit it to your local paper. They often publish these online, too, so you can give it a bump on social media when it runs.
like... imagine being such a nice person that your husband's ex-wife goes on the news to say you're great
Doug Emhoff, Kerstin Emhoff, and Kamala Harris really seem to have put in the work to make their blended family run smoothly. That can be a difficult thing, even in the best of circumstances, and it sucks that they're being attacked for it instead of commended for it.
The googly eyes are really what makes it 😌
Oh my god is the best. She sent me a Brenda to memorialize…well, Brenda. It was the perfect day to receive her. (Etsy seller is Onceagainsam, whose felted tumor is AMAZING.)
There's a very good reason for this. And if anything, it gives me even more faith in him.
Kamala should pick Tim Walz just for the curiosity of having the biggest possible apparent age gap of any Presidential ticket composed of two people who are the exact same age.
Fantastic. 38,500 people registered to vote via after Biden endorsed Harris. "That's even higher than when Taylor Swift made an Instagram post urging her fans to register... and most of the new registrations came from voters who are 34... or younger."
Young voter registration spikes to record numbers in 48 hours after Harris takes New voter registration spiked to record levels in the first 48 hours after president Joe Biden ended his presidential campaign.The nonpartisan website saw its highest level of new voter regis...
You ever see a combination of words that immediately sets off your fight or flight reflex?
This is me. I usually only give local because I want to put my limited funds it where it will have the greatest impact. A collective effort to send a message to Dem leadership seemed like it would make an impact.
900,000 new donors for the 2024 election(!)
At the time I didn’t know why Frollo creeped me out so badly. Now I know he was the scariest Disney villain because he was the most real.
since the new right wing attack line is "kamala has no natural children and stepkids don't count" which is bizarro land here is a perfectly lovely essay she wrote about having stepkids
Kamala Harris on Being ‘Momala’ “I was already hooked on Doug, but I believe it was his kids who reeled me in.”
It's happening again!!! As I've written in the past, KOSA is a censorship nightmare that'll drive LGBTQIA+ folks out of social media spaces and suppress any content that Republicans think is harmful to kids. Please call your reps NOW, especially your Senators.
! All, largely offline today because of work, but Schumer is planning on moving on KOSA this week with a floor vote: Remember, this bill isn't good news. Please call your Senators - script in next post.
President Venn Diagram
Everyone is being very weird about this but Kamala Harris isn't childless. She has two step children. It doesn't matter that she didn't squeeze them out herself or raise them from infancy. Feels real not great as a stepchild to be told that step parent relationships don't count.
For the evening crowd.
With book two of the Fortune’s Calling trilogy out at the beginning of August, book 1 is on sale in both paperback and ebook! YA fantasy, dark academia, friends to lovers, gifted kid burnout, bi and nonbinary rep, anxiety rep, neurodivergent rep, and more! 🌈 📚 💙 Fortune's Lot (Fortune's Calling): 9781954732148: Holmes, Anna: Fortune's Lot (Fortune's Calling): 9781954732148: Holmes, Anna: Books
project 2025 hates bears. pass it on to friends who love wildlife.
It’s over: A majority of the pledged DNC delegates have now endorsed Kamala Harris, virtually ensuring she clinches the Democratic nomination on the first ballot. The endorsement of California’s delegation just now put her hundreds of delegates over the threshold needed.
An alternative to playing whack-a-mole with fundraising texts if you’re on an iPhone 👇🏻
If you’re on an iPhone, this setting will at least stop them from alerting you and keep them in the Unknown Senders list. It’s not the ballgame but it helps manage the deluge a bit.
Update: he is now helping me play D&D.
I mean, look at my son. He doesn't have a single thought in his head. He's thriving.
Inject this directly into my veins
Kamala Harris has already zeroed in on her campaign message: “I was a courtroom prosecutor. I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type.”
As someone who is a stepmom with no bio kids — people are weird about this in general. I’ve had people ask when I’m having “kids of my own”. Telling me it’s “different when they’re yours!” in a chipper tone like I’m missing out on something. So no, I’m absolutely not surprised by this.
Americans who struggle with infertility, blended families, or families who choose to not want kids should be furious that the right is attacking Kamala for not having any biological children, unsurprised, but furious.
So no joke: the dictatorship in 1970s Argentina once banned Venn diagrams. Because they could be seen as finding common ground between two (apparently) different groups, and if you’re a dictator, unity is a threat. There’s an artist whose work revolves around this!
Subversive Mathematics: The Outlawing of Venn Diagrams in 1970’s Adelaide Blair invites you to a performance of Subversive Mathematics: The Outlawing of Venn Diagrams in 1970’s Argentina. It is about the Argentinian Dirty War, the subsequent outlawing of Venn di…