Freek van Ostrand

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Freek van Ostrand

The guy you think you know. Whether it's Chris Elliott (I can see that), Chris Evans (thank you...?!?), or your friend's uncle Chris ("Hey, we met at the wedding"), you know you recognize me from somewhere.

seize the means of computation
Yo dawg, we heard you liked ChatGPT, so we put ChatGPT into your ChatGPT.
the conservative theory of law in one headline
I am incredibly serious about this. If you personally know any politician, any staffer, anyone in power, it is your responsibility to call them up and demand that they do something other than just murmur their disapproval. They care about the contempt of their families and friends. Use that.
If anyone reading this personally knows anyone in the White House or the Biden campaign, I hope you're calling them up and yelling at them right now. They do not seem to grasp the incredible danger of this moment. And I'm not talking about the debate.
People like me have been weirdos on the edge of society that nobody likes—talking about amending the Constitution and expanding the Court and abolishing the EC and resizing the House—and now if we don’t do these things, we will be destroyed. Radical problems require radical solutions.
This is your reminder that the Union did not enter the war to end slavery but discovered that ending slavery was the only way to win the war. Everything that has brought us here needs to be dismantled if we want to survive. That’s not radicalism; that’s pragmatism.
remember when people were like "pack the court" haha wouldn't that have been something
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
For the first time in my life, I did an Excel =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-SEARCH("-",A2)) formula right the first time. This is my Alexander Wept moment.
family resemblance to the cybertruck is uncanny
Every single day #onhere there are people absolutely furious about what social media platforms others are using and I really do not get it at all. There are 1 million reasons that you will never know. Just keep it moving and use the ones you like and want to.
well it's another day of bearing witness to atrocities knowing the only people who could actually do something about it flatly refuse to and the rest of us just have to keep going to work and shit
there it is. "The congestion tax is not only a burden on police officers and other essential commuters — it’s bad for public safety,” said Patrick Hendry, president of the city’s police union, in the first of the two releases.
starting to wonder if congestion pricing was paused because the NYPD cops who commute from long island threatened a revolt and eric adams was like kathy, we can't have that
Robert Pattinson has wares, if you have coin
a friend of mine just lost her pup to an unleashed dog that attacked it, so this my reminder to you to leash your fucking dog when you’re in public
Sharing this because "fail-upward brunchlords" is an all-time great turn of phrase.
"AI" could be used to improve journalism. Instead, the fail-upward brunchlords in charge of most major modern media companies see it as a way to cut corners, undermine labor, and badly automate low quality SEO-chasing clickbait and PR at unprecedented scale
A national network of local news sites is publishing AI-written articles under fake bylines. Experts are raising alarm | CNN Last year, Hoodline began filling its site with AI-generated articles, and Zachary Chen, chief executive of Hoodline parent company Impress3, defended the practice.
Arguing with my friends about whether the Bell Riots and Irish unification are on the agenda this year
computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
hello i am a top trump advisor my master stroke is getting him convicted on 34 felony counts
remember when all those republican congressmen visited the courthouse in solidarity with the guy convicted of 34 felonies instead of doing their jobs
it rules that a jury of rando New Yorkers is braver than several federal judges and basically every single senator
It sure would be comical if Samuel Alito had recently published an opinion in which he expressed strong feelings about flags and wrote that passersby viewing a flag flying over a building would naturally assume the flag conveys some message on the owner's behalf
The shamelessness of the language is frankly inspiring. 5/5 stars.
I have placed buckets like this all over the city batman. If you want to save Gotham you’ll need to solve my riddle
DONALD TRUMP: I will put all my enemies in camps EVERY NEWS OUTLET: obviously Trump is referring to the classic recreational institution that provides facilities for outdoor activities, sports, crafts, and other special interests featuring rustic overnight accommodation, what a thoughtful gesture
I hate to break it to Google that uncommon questions are just as valid as common questions.
@NBCNews: Social media has been buzzing with examples of Google’s new, “experimental” AI tool going awry. A Google spokesperson said the company believes users are deliberately attempting to trip up the technology with uncommon questions.