Cathie (she/hers)

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Cathie (she/hers)

GenX wearing many hats and looking for love in all the wrong places. Clinical Mental Health Counselor/Fierce Advocate/Nonprofit Exec Personal not Professional Content
that a physician's office doesn't realize there's a fundamental difference between patients who don't show up without canceling their appointment and patients showing up who allegedly did cancel their appointment is amazing
Me: refusing to engage in patient portal. Them: aren't you on our side? me: absolutely not Them: you have to fill out forms online me: I have dsylexia so no Them: you have to complete the PHQ-9 me: you know my profession, right? Hard pass not medically necessary nor is it a valid screening
"Every day we get people coming in who cancelled their appointments by accident and never knew it. You must have done that." "I didn't — but if this happens every day to your patients, doesn't that indicate a very serious problem with the UI you are using and the quality of care you are providing?"
Trump's speech was almost three times the length of the one that almost wrecked Bill Clinton as a national political figure in 1988 for being too long.
Via Gabriellus Landsbergis, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania: "This is Rango. Rango was rescued from our back yard and immediately promoted to Official Cat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania."
Liability and logistical nightmare. 😬
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. I use an EMR system from a smaller co and I still don't trust putting everything online. 😵‍💫
Everyone wondering why the polling was making no goddamn sense finding out Nate Silver is running a gambling website now
solidarity with the striking computers
you can keep dooming, *or* you can take a beat and read the new WORK IS FOUR LETTERS with bluesky's own comic book artist and illustrator if you're in denver, you can even go see him, tonight! details in next post.
Karl | Cartoonist, Weird things, the weird people you meet, the weird conversations that you fall into in bars, this is what city life was like in the early 21st century.
I'm not making anything off of it. I wrote it because this is my work. My life's work so far. If, however, you want to purchase some of my writing that I actually WILL see royalties from, there's always my novel, The Way By.
The Way Fairies are real. Or they ought to be, at least, according to Madame Bel Carmen's best hypotheses. Her problem, however, is that after searching the world over for the lore to prove it, she hasn't unc...
My friend and colleagues have a fun new online game that is also part of a public science research study. I suspect more than half of you all can beat my 50th percentile on music. Can more than a sixth of you beat my 86th percentile on color?
check out our newest citizen-science experiment, Tone Guesser! 🎶🧪🧠 this game, led by, taps your visual and auditory perception to test your intuitions for how color tones and music tones fit together. can you beat my score? try it at
Once again I see none of this blatantly horrifically racist parade of horribles on the news. It’s all “Biden old”. They are deliberately ignoring the horrors of a Trump presidency. WTF are they thinking?
In case you missed it this was one of the official signs handed out by the RNC for delegates to wave. Not a joke, not a.i.
yay we have power* again! *electricity. I wish we had real power to affect change so that we didn’t have these kinds of weather events and failure of infrastructure 😔
What is says down below! If you have questions, come to the Twitch stream.
This Thurs at 2pm CDT we will be interviewing Christopher R. Rice about the newly-released GURPS Meta-Tech! Come Join us for a discussion on what it is, how you can use it in your games, and how some of it came about!
GURPS Power Up Your Gear! GURPS lets you build any ability you can imagine – especially if you break out GURPS Powers. The abilities you create can originate from gear with the addition of a few modifiers a...
Is this a star or a galaxy? This object may have Hubble’s signature four-pointed diffraction spikes, but it’s a galaxy, not a star! It appears so small because it is an ultracompact dwarf galaxy that has 140 million stars crammed into it. Credit: NASA, ESA. 🔭 🧪
Once upon a time, in my parent's generation, a high price tag was assumed to be protective against shoddy quality. That price reflected the production cost, and therefore the quality of the final product, the argument went. But lol nah, everything's cut corners and garbage now. Thanks capitalism.
it's incredible that *even today*, with the stories about his mother's addiction and sobriety and his mee maw's 19 guns hidden under the bed, the guy's entire claim to political cred is *still*, all these years later, based on publicly debasing and humiliating the women who raised him.
i'm not gonna claim to have some kind of insight into the republican voter's psyche, but, like, i think you can easily see during vance's speech why rupert murdoch was so insistent that vance wasn't ready for prime time, and trump's not in any position to mentor or coach him.
I'm scheduled for a book talk this coming Saturday in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. If you're in the Berkshires, come see us.
Can’t wait for everyone to read this one. Flash Gordon Adventures is at the printer. Pre-order your copy today before they sell out. Available everywhere.
July’s successful streak continues with another classic target I've been chasing for three years and thought was impossible from my house, the Trifid Nebula. I had to deal with a sky never really clear and a very low transit, peaking right in the light pollution zone. #Astrophotography #Astronomy
"They hoped to raise $250,000 by sometime this Wednesday around lunchtime, they’d already raised more than half that amount—an indication, perhaps, of the void left in local news after WAMU abruptly shuttered the beloved publication[DCist]" Incredible
Former DCist Journalists’ Planned News Site Has Already Raised Half Its Initial Funding - The 51st will launch this fall. But first, its founders want to establish a relationship with the people they'll cover.
Starbucks is anti-union, so Starbucks is choosing authoritarianism over pluralism. Boycott now!