suzette sommer

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suzette sommer

Too much to tell, you wouldn’t believe it anyway. Only way to find anything out about me is to hang out together for quite awhile. I’m more interested than interesting. #Postie #Post
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Spread this everywhere. Reply to journalists and news outlets with it. Make it viral. Tell them it’s time to examine Trump’s brain.
Time for the Media to Examine Trump’s It’s Donald’s turn to be under the microscope
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2/ It's a common critique: the amount & nature of coverage at @nytimes–& hence elite media–is v. different for the 2 candidates. And see above. In ignoring the substance of Trump, his campaign, & his explicit plans for policy and staffing in his admin, NYT betrays both its craft & the republic...
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For 10/7, Politics vertical has 4 stories on Biden, all on stay/go. They run 1 on Trump directly on his VP search setting up candidates for '28. 2 other related stories: JD Vance urging Trump to prosecute Biden, and Rubio loving Trump's immunity. This is journalistic malpractice. 1/
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All they need from their base, is to disregard Project 2025 until the election; if they vote trump in, the iron fist of Project 2025 will smash democracy & the social safety net, & it will be too late to complain! WE MUST VOTE BLUE ALL DOWN BALLOT, TO SHIELD THE NATION FROM THE CONSEQUENCES! 🔥🔥🔥
Lots of us care very much about France!! 🇫🇷👍👍👍
That’s cruel. A week!?!! 🥺
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More proof that the polls are bullshit. Just get out, and frickin' vote
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We need to follow their lead!
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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Wow! And seems every week a person connected to the GOP is arrested on a sex related charge(s).
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NYT bleating that France is now "in total chaos. "
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EASILY my best shot of a flower. Taken at Bellevue Botanical Garden. Not sure what kind of flower it is... #photography
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Or, I'm just spitballin' here, maybe we should cut to the chase and just let Jeremy decide on the nominee. 🤔
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Not to toot my own horn, but this is *miles* better than that ridiculous Oprah-Taylor-Michelle bullshit.
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*Desert tortoise, obviously.
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OK, here's the deal. Every adult citizen over 35 but under 75 must make a salad for Jeremy. Jeremy and I will choose the best one, and that person will become the Democratic nominee for president. Entries will be judged on beauty and suitability for a dessert tortoise. Your time starts now.
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NYT not even worth using it for cage liner for the birds to shit on .
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Man who works at the garden center - "why would you buy a weed?" Because it sprouts quickly, blooms early, keeps blooming into the fall, feeds all kinds of critters & bugs, and then nourishes the soil to boot. Why wouldn't I buy clover seed?
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A picture of clover in my yard. Oh no!! CLOVER!!! People in this FB Garden chat I follow come on and say "How can I get rid of clover?!?" Honey, you don't! Clover is great. Bees love it, soil loves it. Live with it 🌱
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Strange both England and France were supposed to fall to the mighty voice of the wannabe fascists. It appears the people had other ideas. It appears that, no it is that in the long run, the populist tends to either be center left or center right.
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I trust the American people to make the right decision IF THEY ARE HEARING THE RELEVANT FACTS. My biggest worry for November is that so many people tune in to Fox 24/7 or get their info from social media silos and are hearing the "alternate facts" only.
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This is what happens when people show up to vote.