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Dad, Artist, maker of weird things out of weird things. SYKOScoRch at all the places.
The fertility weirdness aside, my kids not being asleep until 10 pm certainly has a negative effect on the sex life. He's just so goddamn weird a simple sex joke gets buried under his racism
Genuinely possible that Vance is too gross and clammy and weird even for this moment.
Can't wait to die because nobody on the left can get along for more than 40 minutes. Fucking awesome.
Leftists when it's time to vote
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every important person in my life will suffer under a second trump term, it is absolutely fucking insane to me that any self-respecting liberal or leftist would throw in the towel rather than go down swinging
Adrian Brody, Matthew McConaughey, Danny Glover, Tony Danza, Neil McDonough, Christopher Loyd, and Joseph Gordon Levitt. Angels in the Outfield has an insane cast for a kids movie
I've been exceedingly boring lately and it shows no signs of stopping
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A bee diving into a flower, 2 possible bees in the sunflower but the flying bee might not be a bee, and a fly sunning itself. This was all in a 10 minute period. So many pollinators show my yard is coming back to life.
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Me: Hey Siri, what's the most American phrase ever? Siri: "garden variety school shooting"
"A third classmate...said that Crooks was very smart, took honors classes, and was shy. She said that he had a group of friends who were fairly conservative, some of whom would wear Trump hats." nothing so far differentiates this from a garden variety school shooting www.cnn.com/2024/07/14/u...
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | CNNwww.cnn.com Interviews with a half-dozen former classmates and neighbors of Thomas Crooks painted him as quiet and aloof, with some remembering him as a misfit in high school.
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Oh cool, I found the huge Twitter thread with most of the artwork I've made. There's some genuinely awesome stuff in here. twitter.com/SYKOScoRch/s...
A bee diving into a flower, 2 possible bees in the sunflower but the flying bee might not be a bee, and a fly sunning itself. This was all in a 10 minute period. So many pollinators show my yard is coming back to life.
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A couple of young Ospreys still in the nest, panting a bit because it was hot #birds 🌿 #TimelineCleanse
"Violence has no place in America" - the country that's been bombing people my entire adult life
Couple of yard pictures. First two zucchini ready to eat, a bunch of native Roemer's fescue seed I just pulled off my plant, and the dying remnants of life from this maple tree. Completely riddled with at least 3 fungal infections. Don't think I'll get them under control unless I remove it.
Most of the garden successfully made it through the heat wave. Peas might be a complete loss, potatoes got hit hard too. All the native plants seem pretty well off though, minor leaf damage here and there but most of them are unchanged.
Man, the first season of Lost just still works so damn well. Absolutely masterful stuff. Just intense and the mystery is trotted out just often enough to keep you going.
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I was trying to get Logan's attention and he flat out says "What do I need to say to get you to move out of my way? Um... Excuse me please?" Little bastard is 4.
I'm done!!! Somewhat frustratingly, the before and after pictures look extremely similar in photos. But it makes a world of difference in person.
My mutant sunflower is starting to open!
Very weird, the house did much better staying cool at 95 than it did today at 85. It stayed 5-7 cooler all week but today it's only 2 degrees difference.
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Sad to hear of the passing of Michael Zulli. An amazing artist and graphic storyteller.
We lost Michael Zulli today. Beautiful, lyrical, mystical storyteller, he was part of the BW Boom of the 80s with his PUMA BLUES, he drew some gorgeous stuff for SANDMAN, and a startlingly fun book about Alice Cooper. All that’s just for starters. Some people, you think will always be out there.
Well, it's a bit ugly but this only needs to last 2 years at the most. The color is an absolute mess but nothing was going to match both these colors at once so we aimed for as generic as possible
Finally cool enough to finish the kids room. Bit of an ass job on the molding, I'm working with old materials. Eventually when the budget is there, there's a couple of these that will get replaced when I put the quarter round in
My children's lives are more important than Joe Bidens legacy. He got up on stage and did the exact thing he needed not to.
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I love "sleeping" but I hate "going to sleep." I am a toddler
Seem to have successfully convinced yet another platform that I'm a lady.
I almost appreciate that they know to at least be tacky if they already have bad taste
my eye is twitching @niedermeyer.io
Queen Charlotte abruptly ends it's B plot by killing a character off screen, wordlessly and just with a sad guy dancing in a garden. Very weird bit of storytelling.
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Yes, I have a LOT OF BEEF with Biden. So much beef. and There is no version of the story that involves Republicans gaining more control of our government now that ends well. Not a single one. Come on. We know this. The answer is: Voting can't be the END of our fight for change. Ever.
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Regular old murderer expresses disgust for serial killer