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Brown nerdy punk weirdo. Queer as is fuck the police.
Reposted byAvatar erica
Reminder from a Pittsburgher who was at one point Mr. Rogers neighbor: “Look for the helpers” was intended to be advice for his usual audience, children. We’re grown ups now. We’re supposed to be the helpers.
Reposted byAvatar erica
Reposted byAvatar erica
"Unfortunately, the abusiveness and impunity of policing are not some accident or oversight that can be corrected with a few tweaks to training and oversight. These are features, not bugs..."
Reposted byAvatar erica
. . . that jailing alibi witnesses on fake charges to stop them from testifying in a criminal trial is an "official act," and therefore protected by absolute immunity (a doctrine that the Supreme Court invented from whole cloth.)
Reposted byAvatar erica
Reminded today of Shareef Cousin, who sued after he was convicted & sentenced to death, then exonerated. Cousin alleged that during his trial, the state arrested and jailed alibi witnesses on fake charges so they couldn't testify. 5C acknowledged that if true, that would be illegal. But also . . .
Reposted byAvatar erica
What happens when you put business interests in charge, instead of educators.
“ai” edtech company collapses after taking six million dollars from the Los Angeles school district to develop an “educational friend” platform.
A.I. ‘Friend’ for Public School Students Falls Los Angeles schools hired a start-up to build an A.I. chatbot for parents and students. A few months later, the company collapsed.
I don't believe anything will ultimately come of this, but this is a shocking development for Texas. (Let me be clear, I hope every one of those officers who left those children to die never sleeps a peaceful night again.)
Are they gonna challenge each other to a push up contest now
The Democrats did this to themselves, but my gawd is this painful to watch.
Reposted byAvatar erica
“Currently, there are more than 30 bills pending in Congress and statehouses across the country that seek to limit the right to protest.”
Welcome to the United States of Our new series documents the recent crackdown on dissent and protests in the U.S.
As someone who has struggled with my own chronic health issues over the years, I feel this. You never know what health struggles people are facing, don't be a jerk and assume. The things people will say to your face!
I meant to be more specific when I talked about my health issues the other day, but I got distracted by work, so. Warning: it's a LOT. This time last year, I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I had been doing Not Great in the GI department for a while, but I thought it was work/life stress.
Reposted byAvatar erica
One of the individuals standing behind Mayor Bass yesterday at her press conference is Adam king- a podcaster for Alex Jones Infowars. King appeared on a podcast with Proud Boys and white nationalist Elijah Schaffer on his show. The second describes the behavior of these anti Semitic guests.
Anyone discussing the West LA synagogue protest without mentioning this ***very vital*** piece of info should not be taken seriously. They were auctioning Palestinian land to settlers.
For clarification. I see many people, including Mayor Bass, saying protesters were blocking the entrance to a house of worship. The event ad for the land sale is below. Particularly shocking is the “best Anglo neighborhoods”. Second screenshot from their site lists settlements in the West Bank.
Reposted byAvatar erica
The best description of bitcoin I've ever seen is this one-liner
Reposted byAvatar erica
"U.S. police departments have gotten smaller—and the violent crime rate is still plummeting. So what is going on?" What's ALWAYS gone on. Cops do not stop crime. They never have. Real "tough on crime" measures are well-funded schools, free daycare, and mental health services. Always have been.
Reposted byAvatar erica
Reposted byAvatar erica
everyone talks about the cowboy no one mentions Dracula has canonically a huge luxurious mustache
Reposted byAvatar erica
I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it
The first rule of avoiding scam calls is to never answer unknown numbers, and even some known ones. Curious? Bored? Worried it’s an emergency? Wait the extra minute it takes for the call to go to voice mail, then decide if it’s legitimate.
Sick of scams? Stop answering your Phone scams are still hugely popular — and they depend entirely on people curious enough to answer.
Reposted byAvatar erica
Reposted byAvatar erica
Snake sculpture Thailand. 6th-11th century CE, Bangkok National Museum
Reposted byAvatar erica
Texas DA wants an execution date for Robert Roberson, convicted with Shaken Baby Syndrome junk science. Between this and Marcellus Williams in Missouri, it seems we've reached the "I'm so pro-death penalty I'll execute the innocent" stage of the debate.
Texas Seeks Execution Date for Robert Mr. Robertson is an innocent man wrongly convicted under the debunked shaken baby hypothesis.
Reposted byAvatar erica
Our top story: “As a border physician, I see firsthand the violence of Operation Lone Star, which has made America a key partner in a dangerous triad targeting refugees.”
Between the Concertina Wire and the As a border physician, I see firsthand the violence of Operation Lone Star, which has made America a key partner in a dangerous triad targeting refugees.
Reposted byAvatar erica
maybe no one person should have enough money to destroy the ozone layer
so in addition to causing significant light pollution that harms astronomical research, the sheer volume of starlink low earth orbit satellites constantly burning up on re-entry could prevent the ozone layer from healing, scientists warn:
Elon Musk's Starlink satellites could burn up the ozone layer, scientists A new study warned that internet satellites like Starlink's could send damaging chemicals into the ozone layer when they burn up on reentry.
Reposted byAvatar erica
Reposted byAvatar erica
Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
Reposted byAvatar erica
#OtD 15 Jun 1990 LA police attacked ~500 striking janitors and their supporters at a peaceful @SEIU protest against cleaning contractor ISS. The workers later won health benefits,… 15 Jun 1990 LA police attacked ~500 striking janitors and their supporters at a peaceful @SEIU protest against cleaning contractor ISS. The workers later won health benefits,…
Reposted byAvatar erica
The phrase "bone dry" needs to be retired. Most bones are moist while in use. I have a biology degree
Reposted byAvatar erica
When cops shot Linda Tirado in the George Floyd protests, they destroyed one of her eyes with a rubber bullet. The subsequent brain damage is proving fatal. Linda needs funds for hospice Venmo: Linda-Tirado-3 PayPal: Bootstrapindustries@gmail Zelle: 806.433.6075
Police Blinded Her With a Foam Bullet. Suing Them Was When the Pain When less-lethal weapons are misused, journalist Linda Tirado learned, there are no consequences — except for the people at the wrong end of the launcher.