
JUST IN: Governor Tony Evers signed new legislative maps for Wisconsin. Maps give Dems a new shot at winning majorities in WI, undo GOP's hyper-gerrymander. They were proposed by Evers after state supreme court struck down the gerrymander. GOP passed them last week to avoid court coming back in.
This is a direct consequence of the 2023 supreme court race, which was won by a new liberal justice: With redistricting on everyone's mind, the GOP speaker threatened to impeach her... but backed off as there was no viable path fro him.
I was told that voting doesn't matter and both parties are the same.
Some terminally online peeps. On the last "feedback" mail from my GOP Assembly Rep., I just wrote FAIR MAPS NOW, then called their office & said even if she ignores me because I'm a Democrat, impeachment of Judge Janet was a colossal waste of time & money.
Elections definitely have consequences. Voting matters. 👍🏻
some dems are claiming that the right agreed to evers' map because the independent maps are better and would negatively impact the vos election.
Almost. The reason that the Dems in the Legislature voted against these maps is that they thought that the *hypothetical* maps that would be drawn by the WI Supreme Court's Special Master in the absence of legislatively-enacted maps would be better. We will never know.
I've read a few articles on this alluding to some mysterious strategic issue but this is the first time I've seen someone explain it clearly. Thanks!
In a practical sense: Hooray. In a realpolitik sense: Boo. Dems should have gerrymandered Rs into like 2 districts that comport with every SCOTUS ruling of the Roberts Court.
Dems: Win Chris: Dems should have won harder Don't be like Chris.
Seriously. I'm so tired of how the much of the left (broadly defined) is *just fine* with letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. We need to take every possible win when we can.
I said ‘Hooray’ but if you think this is the end of unfairness in Wisconsin I can’t help you. The second the Rs get a chance to gerrymander Ds back into 1/3 of the seats they will. You have to punch the bully back in the face then sit down and write new rules to ensure more fairness going forward.
The hope is, you don't need to become the enemy of representative government to ensure the Rs don't get that chance again. You just need to arrange for Rs to not be able to "win" by not letting your people vote, and make them win by getting a majority of all the people to vote for them.
The R Party that is able to win fair and square won't be a Party that wants to cheat so badly. What humans have accomplished, humans may safely aspire to, and that is something that previously was accomplished.
The Republican controlled legislature would never have voted for that.
But that would not have comported with the WI Supreme Court ruling.
Oregon did it differently, not maps, Vote by Mail. We were a solidly red state until we passed VBM. Two elections and we are blue, both senators and three reps at the national level. When voting is fair and accessible we elect Dems.
Do these go into effect this election?
There are governors named Tony?
You betcha. At least in America's Dairyland.🐮🧀
This is great news. At least it's a start. They should be in place for the Nov elections.
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