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Dad, gamer, movie lover. I have opinions.

Level 38.
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
broke: wearing jeans and hoodies woke: wearing jeans and hoodies and not caring what anyone thinks because I'm punk
Having a perpetual Yes Man, I-Play-Both-Sides-So-I-Always-Come-Out-On-Top, stick in the mud who has done absolutely nothing useful like JD Vance is such a Trump move. It makes sense that he would pick him but I don't see him winning any more supporters over it.
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
“Costa Rica DOUBLED its natural forest cover while *increasing* food production, with huge benefits for farmers, nature, climate, + all society. How? Watch this great video to find out. We should be doing EXACTLY the same.” -
Costa Rica's Land Sparing One country has managed to increase wild nature and food production. That country is Costa Rica.WePlaneteer Hidde explains how they achieved this with a poli...
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
how much tuah could a tony hawk tuah if a tony hawk could hawk tuah
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
i made this shareable version of my one sentence project 2025 summary so it can be easily shared across platforms. feel free to repost.
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
I wrote a thing: "the corporate media wants you panicked and demoralized. don’t buy into it" — don’t fall for their fuckery. thanks for reading, and please sign up for my daily newsletter to keep getting the good stuff —
the corporate media wants you panicked and demoralized. don’t buy into don’t fall for their fuckery
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
In four years we’ll all be yelling about the robotic machine guns killing migrants at the border while the NYT publishes op eds like “the case for resegregation”
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
if you took every billionaire on earth and stacked them on top of each other starting at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, that would be great
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but not explain it
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but not explain it.
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
new "drinking game" rule: just -drink-
Everyone in the media talking about who needs to do what in the #debate tonight, while I’m in the back of the rooming screaming, “Do the Lincoln-Douglass format you *fucking cowards*” like the forensics nerd I never grew out of and will never get to see this happen.
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Yesterday I went on Twitter and saw someone say "Go back to Bluesky with all the rest of the former gifted kids" and wow just absolutely bodied
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Hey it's me, Sonic the Hedgehog! Isn't it interesting how Dr Disrespect fought tooth and nail for Nick Mercs when he rightfully got backlash for painting the LGBTQ community as groomers when it was the Dr himself who needed to "leave the kids alone"? Where's Chris Hansen when you need him!?
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Conservatives think about gay people more than gay people think about gay people.
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
Reposted byAvatar THECapedCaper
LARRY DAVID [leaning, smiling]: You, kinda cheated. BILBO BAGGINS: What? LARRY: The riddle game..."What have I got in my pocket?"...It's not really a riddle. BILBO: Uh-huh. Gollum agreeing to answer doesn't mean anything to you? LARRY: He's not all there. Mentally, he's not all there.
DQ3, Mario Party, Marvel Vs Capcom, and Zelda for sure! What a great Nintendo Direct to ring in the final year of the Switch before we see what Switch 2(?) brings in October's Direct. Metroid is *probably* going to be Crossgen, but we'll see!
Which #NintendoSwitch games are you looking forward to the most? #NintendoDirect