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the fact that Joe made sure that stand-ins for his actual constituents were still firm, while the anti-Joe people were lining up goobers like Clooney and Schiff, is the best argument yet that Joe still has command of the skills that have been winning elections pretty consistently since 1972
Please do not forget that this also killed his daughter Erica, who was an amazing woman. She died several years later from asthma, but...this killed her. Her health went into the shitter even as she tirelessly campaigned for justice. I really miss her.
I've heard rumors that some people think that Kim might be gay for Xiaoling, but I just don't see it. I meant, that would imply that Kim's not telling the truth when she says she's straight and she's not actually staring at Ling's abs for the normal platonic amount of time!
i feel bad for Musk's kid, and cannot help but think that having your dad basically decide to support an entire revanchist political movement because they're mad about your gender is something a fiction writer would be asked to tone down
Politics Knowers: “Biden’s going to lose ten points from that debate” Polls: *nothing happens* Politics Knowers: “Trump will gain ten points from the shooting! He’s unstoppable now!” Polls: *nothing happens* Politics Knowers: “If only Biden would drop out! Dems would clearly gain ten points!”
This classic SF author is about to become a mute words casualty so just taking a moment to remember the good times
Making fun of Trump: not funny Making fun of Biden: too worrying Making fun of Harris: racist Making fun of JD Vance: incredibly satisfying
The fact that we are talking about this in the mainstream is, in fact, a Big Deal. Previously this has been a live rail major Dem politicians would not go near. The fact they are now jumping into it without specific prodding is a sea change.
Reforming this court is imperative. Ethics rules and term limits alone cannot fully restore balance and independence to #SCOTUS. But today’s announcement is a watershed moment in the fight to take back the court. Our stmt from
brandon reads liberal currents confirmed 💪💪💪
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Are they unfamiliar with the history of the Russian empire or the PRC and why am I asking when I know they are dumber than TFG. By rights Russia should end around the Urals.
Call your reps today to tell them you support this and expect them to vocally support these efforts as well as AOC’s articles of impeachment for the compromised justices. It only takes 5 minutes, and you often don’t even have to speak to a real human! (Negative/doomer replies will be blocked)
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
fear is the mind killer, friends, fuck the little death
I also want to point out that Vance's whole "professors are the enemy" schtick came after he profited enormously from universities. Nowhere was "Hillbilly Elegy" pushed more than on college campuses. He cashed in with six figure speaking fees to talk about Appalachian poverty.
JD Vance has talked about emulating authoritarian Orban's gutting of academic freedom in Hungary
"When Americans go to the polls, all our votes should count equally, and should transmit the will of the people to the government. These rules are not rigged to favor any party or platform, only the people, ourselves."
An American The revolution will take place within the modes and orders of American law even as it distorts and transforms that law.
We have to say this because Biden/Harris can't. They can't say "the guy who just got shot was closely connected to a pedophile ring", that's not appropriate from the president (we've decided). But we can say "Donald Trump promoted the DA who let Epstein off the hook", and we should
I’m just saying, one candidate is pretty closely connected to an organized pedophilia ring and it’s not the Democratic one
I like that there's kind of a whole genre of manga/anime now where it feels like authors read Harry Potter and went "what if biological determinism isn't real and a society founded on it is actually bad?"
A number of folks are coming to the daunting realization that fewer and fewer people take them seriously and are responding by... behaving less seriously.
LOL what the fuck is this happy horseshit? “Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is in a cult” is some dumbass stuff.
Again. Qualitatively: Biden has beat Trump in a POTUS contest before, Biden is the incumbent, there's a big 'ol pile of positive economic indicators suggesting that people are optimistic about their household even if they aread about prices.
Thanks to Oprah, Ron Howard, Netflix and every other credulous dipshit that's put JD Vance where he is today.
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).