Todd Enders

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Todd Enders

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July 19, 1970: Front page promo, Minneapolis Sunday Tribune
Orzo with morels and fresh peas
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Reposted byAvatar Todd Enders
Notice how once against it is tech money that drives this campaign? Moritz did a high profile departure from Sequoia Capital after they lost like $300m on FTX. It’s crypto gunning for Biden, really impressive (horrifying) power play by the least accountable jerks in our society.
Michael Moritz, the billionaire Silicon Valley venture capitalist and a top Democratic donor, is calling for President Biden to step aside, becoming one of the party’s largest contributors to go public with his concerns about the president’s candidacy.
Michael Moritz, Democratic Megadonor, Urges Biden Exit: ‘Clock Has Run Out’ Mr. Moritz became one of the party’s top contributors to go public with his fears about the president’s candidacy, saying that Mr. Biden had a choice: “vanity or virtue.”
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Marine layer already cleared way back. Enjoy the heat, Coasties, and mind the incoming traffic
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It ended up being weirdly fun - A bunch of us who couldn’t really get home stayed with a friend who lived in a walk up and we went out and found a pizza place that was making ALL the pizzas because their oven still worked while their fridge didn’t, and then we drank all the beer in her fridge.
Reposted byAvatar Todd Enders
The headline translates to "Incitement to Violence." Translation of last line: "This rhetoric and imagery of violence, which played out in so many moments of the event, belied Trump’s unctuous words at the end of the convention."
I wish the US press covered the RNC this way. Headline on article itself: „Aufforderung zur Gewalt.“ Last sentence: „Diese Rhetorik und Bildsprache der Gewalt, die in so vielen Momenten der Veranstaltung zum Tragen kamen, straften Trumps salbungsvolle Worte zum Ende des Parteitags Lügen.“
US-Wahl 2024: Resümee des Parteitags der Der Parteitag der Republikaner ist zu Ende. Die viertägige Show stand ganz im Zeichen von „Make America Great Again“ - und von Donald Trumps Unversöhnlichkeit.
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Ilhan Omar is playing a way higher stakes game than any of the clowns who have been trying to organize a backroom revolt over the past three weeks, and it really, really shows.
Pretty much my feelings exactly
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if employers want their workers to come into the office they need to pay for commute time/cost, install bidets, provide all my favourite snacks, violently enforce anti-fragrance rules, provide noise cancelling headphones, have cats, fire Josh.
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Im sorry, I do not have enough faith in America that they will vote for a Black Woman for President, I just think there are far too many racists & sexists for that.
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RNC attendees held "MASS DEPORTATIONS NOW" signs supporting the mass purging of millions of our neighbors, coworkers, and loved ones and I can't seem to find one single headline about from a major news outlet. The media isn't meeting the moment.
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As a Jew and someone who has read more than one history book, this is what I would call uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bad
Reposted byAvatar Todd Enders
Remember that first month in January 2017 when the Muslim ban went into effect and all those lawyers swarmed the airports across the country? All of those lawyers will be arrested in January 2025. Again, I am dead ass. I don't think people understand how bad it will get.
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They all also reduce transmission, to varying degrees. I feel like sometimes when people say “the covid vaccine just reduces mortality” (not saying you’re saying that) they give the false impression that it has no effect at all on transmission. More vaccinated people = significantly lower rates!
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In case you missed it this was one of the official signs handed out by the RNC for delegates to wave. Not a joke, not a.i.
Reposted byAvatar Todd Enders
These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
NYT's immigration beat reporter examined Trump's plan for mass deporation thru the lens that policies and rules and courts matter The people she interviewed are in that same bubble They don't Trump and Miller aren't going to follow laws. They intend to wreak havoc and expect no one to stop them
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One thing we know now about the mass deportations, the abortion bans, and the executive crimes, which was less clear in 2016, is SCOTUS won't stand in the way.
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Reposted byAvatar Todd Enders
This image the RNC just showed in a video purporting to be from J.D. Vance's military service is a $33 stock photo
California chili with local tomatoes, beans, cilantro, and Acme olive bread
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Doomers: biden can't win, he should step aside! Lol at the polls! 538, analyzing the polls: Biden is currently a slight favorite
much descent. very landslide. many trajectory.
Reposted byAvatar Todd Enders
I haven't seen polls, but IIRC the Univision focus groups after the debate saw every single undecided Latino switch to Biden
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Avatar I think we have a contender for a new Bsky site motto.
In cleaning out the remnants of Younger Spawn's room, I found her script for a pep talk as a section leader in high school marching band SINCE NONE OF US ARE COOL WE CAN NO LONGER BE EMBARRASSED
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Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
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also the man was not raised there! he grew up FOUR HOURS AWAY
Fyi to journalists: Hillbilly Elegy is not about the brave nobility of rural poor/working class people. It’s deeply insulting to rural poor people - presenting them as lazy addicts who rely on welfare instead of working. The book is about how amazing Vance was to escape that backwards culture.
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