Eric Carlson

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Eric Carlson

51-year-old computer tech with distant dreams of writing. An avid reader of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy, I'm just hoping to make it to the end of the year with my family's health and sanity intact.
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Felix sat through the band’s entire new album, and a few of the radio hits, impatient for them to play the old school stuff. Then he heard the familiar bass line start, feeling the rumble deep down in his belly. Finally, it was time to get into the mosh pit and fuck some shit up.
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We're a couple of weeks from launch where things start to slow down, so if you've thought about giving BLOOD COVENANT a go, now is a great time. And please help me out with a share so people who might have missed it get to see. Blood, violence, family, crime, supernatural threats. Gah! 😱
Yub nub, eee chop yub nub; Ah toe mee toe pee chee keene; G'noop dock fling oh ah. Yah wah, eee chop yah wah; Ah toe mee toe peechee keene; G'noop dock fling oh ah. Coatee cha tu yub nub; Coatee cha tu yah wah; Coatee cha tu glowah; Allay loo ta nuv.
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I was interested to see what Twitter looked like during this, and found the algorithm basically delivering any old standard crap. Conversely, Bluesky really does look like how twitter use to look responding to a communal event like this - which was always one of its best things. Anyway.
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Reposted byAvatar Eric Carlson
Holy hell, the BLOOD COVENANT Kindle edition is currently only 99c to pre-order in the US (or $1.50 in Aus and 79p in the UK). That's a steal. Get in, friends.
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In the Spring of 1864 Twain, while working as a beat reporter for the SF Morning Call, Twain witnessed the murder of a Chinese laborer by a mob that included cops. It radicalized him. He wrote it up, one of the first things he ever authored which he thought deserved to be called “literature”… 2/
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Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountains, like wind in the meadow. Rest in peace, Bernard Hill, absolute legend.
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Wrapping my arms lovingly around a character of my own creation, whom I've quite thoroughly broken, and whispering affectionately "great things await you in the end" before shoving them off a building
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What happens when you put Hunt for Red October, Top Gun and The Right Stuff into a blender? You get EARTHLIGHT, my new audio drama from Penguin-Random House. Tons of action and more politically relevant than originally anticipated. More here:
Listen to the First Ten Minutes of J. Michael Straczynski's New Audio Drama 'Earthlight' [Exclusive] The 'Babylon 5' creator returns to military sci-fi with 'Earthlight.'
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn, Charlie Brown.
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HEY! YOU ON THE BIKE! has finally joined us here and you all need to go give them a follow. If you somehow didn't know, they're absolutely fantastic people who do very good things aside from making one of the most wonderfully creepy podcasts out there. Go! Follow! Listen!
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Still one of my better pieces of writing
Pac-Man Fever came out in 1982, when I was 10 years old. I saved up my allowance because I *had* to have this. This was the first album that felt like it was 'made for me'. The patterns on the liner notes came in handy, too.
Repost w/ the 1st album you bought w/ yr own money It was 1987, I was a paperboy, had not yet found myself, and was still a little confused musically. Bought on the same trip to the mall.
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I just got straight murdered by this. Like it didn’t just attack me, I am now dead
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Moon Lander is all of us!
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I don't have nearly the followers here I had on twitter before Elon literally took a shit on me and everyone else who used twitter to self promote, but I still should do a book thread. So here are my currently available books on Amazon.
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"We thought we knew how Voyager would end. The instruments would shut off, one by one.  The signal would get fainter.  Eventually either the last instrument would fail for lack of power, or the signal would be lost. We didn’t expect that it would go mad."
Death, Lonely Billions of miles away at the edge of the Solar System, Voyager 1 has gone mad and has begun to die.Let’s start with the “billions of miles”. Voyager 1 was launched in early Septe…
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I took a look at NIGHT COUNTRY for SLATE. Thanks to editor Rebecca Onion for her work on the piece.
This is the way the week ends, Not with a bang, But a water heater leaking in the basement. Alas.
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This should help y’all out.
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Avatar is a 3rd-party TweetDeck for Bluesky! - Multi-column with auto refresh - Scheduling - Multi-account - Muted words - Language filters - Lists and Feeds - #hashtag columns - Keyboard shortcuts - Color themes - Inline links - Filter notifications by mentions, replies, etc. Patreon | Ko-fi
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Congratulations to P. Djèlí Clark! P. Djèlí Clark's short story “How to Raise a Kraken in Your Bathtub” is on the 2023 Locus Recommended Reading List! You can read it here!
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So I picked up a nice power recliner at an estate sale today. I got it inside, plugged it in, and upon reclining, almost instantly fell asleep. We'll call this a win.
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you’re never alone in the forest
Nice, we managed to get above 0° today! We are still looking at a wind chill of 35 below until noon tomorrow, so the younger spawn is wondering if they might get another day without school.
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If you have $2, now is a great time to pick up Star Wars Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade. It's got: * a very violent woman * Clone Wars Jedi-era content * a heartfelt story about what it feels like to be a unique thinker raised in a religious cult * lightsabers
My kid is getting spoiled, school canceled tomorrow which makes it 3 snow days this week.