D. Merrill

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D. Merrill


-ATL-YYZ cartoon nerd; writing about classic Japanese anime at http://letsanime.blogspot.com and Stupid Comics at http://misterkitty.net
-Anime Hell guy for AWA & Anime North
-contact at [email protected]
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Making fun of Trump: not funny Making fun of Biden: too worrying Making fun of Harris: racist Making fun of JD Vance: incredibly satisfying
anyone who says "hey maybe we should cut this out" on either side gets martyred. It's not an environment conducive to reasonable negotiation
since I'm doing none of that *now*, I probably wouldn't be doing it in your hypothetical. Of course you could count on Trump shoveling even more funding and weapons to Israel, and forget about any of the peace negotiations Biden's been a part of.
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Lupin III, Bega’s Battle, and the Birth of Anime FMVs: @mads.haus explores early FMV video games like Cliff Hanger and Bega’s Battle, and how these landmark works contributed to the rise of cutscenes in games that extends to modern-day favorites like Persona 5 and Fire Emblem. #anime #retrogaming
Lupin III, Bega's Battle, and the Birth of Anime FMVshera.fyi A huge thanks to Mark McDonald for the Patron Article request! This would not have been possible without them. Table of contentsSources In 1983, Lupin The
the leaders of Palestine and Israel are both opposed to this policy, as it would deny them attention and funds
It certainly didn't start out like that, but Benji's hellbent on bulldozing his way to making the shoe fit, get rid of that guy already, hasn't the world heard of term limits, all the trouble in the world is caused by these dudes who have been in office twelve, fifteen years
what's great is that you have a decent chance of getting to holler GENOCIDE DONALD next year, but weirdly enough I never heard that from anyone 2017-2020, strangely enough nobody was complaining about Trump arming Israel, it's only a problem when Biden does it. It's uncanny
it's the only stick they have, they MUST keep beating GENOCIDE JOE with it
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Here's a few pages from the exhibit. All are originals, and hopefully they don't get compressed too much to see the detail work. It was just amazing.
but Neil, don't you see that the entire region was happy and peaceful until (ominous music) GENOCIDE JOE arrived to start all this trouble? Without his evil influence, none of... shit, I can't keep it up. If people want to handwave away fifty years of US foreign policy, they can try, I guess
Us 90s kids gotta stick together
horrifying commute to work today on account of a flooded DVP and a flooded Lakeshore, traffic light outages, you name it, it was bad. DVP/Gardiner still closed. It's only Tuesday and I think I'm done for the week.
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Trump just named as his #2 a guy who called for insurrection charges against a journalist for writing an op-ed & wants to censor academics and seize the assets of nonprofits he opposes. The "free speech" brigades haven't said a goddamn thing. And their benefactor just pledged $150m to elect him.
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time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
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Biden has done 3 live tv appearences related to the shooting since where he calls for unity. Trump has disappeared and done nothing. The resulting press coverage is covering an imaginary version of Trump as if he had said unity stuff. Like literally they are making up a fake guy to praise.
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
working on republishing an interview I conducted in 1993, and kicking myself for not bringing a camera. I could have gone to the drugstore and picked up a disposable for not very much money; it just didn't occur to me at the time
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Reminder to not use Sticker Mule 💅
there was a soccer game at BMO Field and an Alanis Morissette concert at Budweiser Stage last night, next to each other, in venues without adequate parking because Doug Ford is tearing up Ontario Place. Budweiser Stage is literally advising people to park in our neighborhood.
Traffic is a nightmare out there, we had to park on the other side of King, 2 hours later we still couldn't get to our building
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Has anyone asked the Republican candidate for governor — the one who recently insisted “some folks need killing” — about political violence?
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I'm MAGA. Man, Almost Got that Asshole
What the fuck. Absolutely not.
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Please don’t “both sides” the “violent political rhetoric” conversation when one side regularly glorifies and intimidates with guns and the other side speaks out to end gun violence. These are not the same.
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It is your job as an online person to disseminate the information to people who are just reading that the guy was a “registered republican”: he chose to wear a tshirt he bought from a far-right YouTuber with a channel dedicated to gun content. He wasn’t just a “registered republican”
The shooter was wearing a shirt from this guy’s YouTube channel apparently?
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Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay: www.the-reframe.com/gambling-in-...
Gambling In Casablancawww.the-reframe.com Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
Traffic is a nightmare out there, we had to park on the other side of King, 2 hours later we still couldn't get to our building
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Clarence Thomas took $267,000 from a health insurance executive, then issued rulings that made health insurance companies more money, while harming millions of Americans. This is a bribe. This isn’t complicated. Expand the Supreme Court.
Clarence Thomas, a $267,000 RV, and Why American Health Care Suckswww.rollingstone.com Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas got an RV from a top health insurance executive. Then he protected the industry.
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Here is a full transcript of Jack Posobiec's alarmingly fascist speech about the war against "un-humans," which he delivered from the main stage of the National Conservatism Conference this week, immediately before a speech by a US Senator. Read it for yourself www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/jack-posob...
Jack Posobiec's Speech About "Un-Humans" at the National Conservatism Conferencewww.hamiltonnolan.com Read this for yourself, please.