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Tabletop gamer, SCA member, old nerd.
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Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it
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Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol
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And assholes want to say we don't live in a police state.
Holy fucking shit
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Three days after it was revealed that this guy's license was wrongly listed as suspended due to a clerical error, none of the publications listed here (NYT, WP, NYP, USA Today, BBC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC) have issued corrections or updates.
The viral story about a defendant driving with a suspended license was fake Corey Harris' case should never have been a national news story to begin with.
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I think this sums up late stage capitalism. We have already bought everything we need. We’ve even bought a bunch of things we really didn’t need. Now they are trying to sell us on things we specifically said we didn’t want.
every company that did “here’s the AI you don’t want. You’ll learn to love it” thing merits total and irredeemable destitution
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computer scientists: we have invented a virtual dumbass who is constantly wrong tech CEOs: let's add it to every product
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"average president has been convicted of .75 felonies" factoid actualy just statistical error. average president has been convicted of 0 felonies. Felonies Donald, who lives in Florida & commits 34 felonies, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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I don't know if it's possible to get a thousand new patrons, It seems unlikely. But it also seems like it's a last-ditch effort worth trying. Again, please, I could use your support.
Get more from Jonathan Rosenberg on creating Comics
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It’s published! The Medieval Pig is available now. Buy your own copy and recommend it to your local library.
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This has been the fundamental problem the political press has had with Trump. They’ve been conditioned to believe it’s only a scandal if it’s a secret that’s been exposed, so all the crimes that Trump does brazenly out in the open — bragging about them on camera even — somehow don’t count.
They are continuously digging to find the sort of dirt on Biden that Trump just does out in the open.
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The media has spent so long both-sidesing that if you describe the Republicans' stated goals and policies in strictly factual terms you sound like you're running a smear campaign.
they’re coming for contraception next. already happening in some states
D&D 5e has been great for the tabletop industry. It's easy to teach and easy to stream online due to the simplicity of the rules. It just isn't what I want to play. I like having choices and options in my characters and interesting tactical combat, so I currently mostly play Pathfinder 2e.
If something is necessary to life it should be provided by the government through taxes. We've already somewhat accepted this in social security, but massive housing and food and healthcare projects are exactly the kinds of things that government can do way cheaper than anyone else due to scale.
If someone is good at something call it what it is: skill. Calling it talent devalues all the hours that went into getting good. Talent can get you a start (depending what it is) but skill is what counts.
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Avatar Yesterday was the 23rd anniversary of "All Your Base Are Belong To Us." First meme I ever saw. My mom's dad, who recently passed away, showed it to me and we laughed and laughed, and watched it repeatedly. Here I am, getting misty-eyed about an ancient meme.
all yor base r blong 2 All your base are belong to us!
End of feed.