Stephen Day

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Stephen Day

Church of England country vicar in East Cambridgeshire. Well woke.
Lucy Frazer (Conservative) is OUT in my constituency!
Yes! Lib Dems have taken the new St. Neots constituency!
Is there a handy list of Tory 'big names' likely to lose, so I can set my alarm?
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Voting this morning means flowers for Emmeline this evening. #GeneralElection2024
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The stink of desperation is coming off them in waves.
I had someone say today, in all seriousness "you need to look at the polls and see who's winning, then vote for them, otherwise your vote is wasted". Sigh.
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My letter in today’s Herald about the political establishment pandering to JK Rowling and her anti trans obsession while ignoring the majority of women and women’s issues
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Seriously, fellow British peeps, go and vote on the 4th. Don't take it for granted that the Labour landslide victory is a done deal and your vote doesn't matter. Brexit was such a catastrofuck because half the people who had a right to vote on it couldn't be arsed because OBVIOUSLY it was done deal.
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Hearing a lot about people planning to abstain from voting because they think Labour are sure to win so they don’t need to vote. I have never heard of a dumber thing and if people have already forgotten that this is what enabled Brexit to happen, we’re beyond hope. (P Bell)
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Transphobe rationale: 1. Trans men are “just confused lesbians” 2. Trans men are “really” “biological women 3. Er…. 4. That’s it, really. The toilet thing is particularly weird because, per transphobic logic, trans men “should” use the ladies’ loos. Cos that’d go down well.
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I don’t want to hear about tax cuts - I want to hear about proper access to assistance for people with special needs, effective healthcare, decent education with smaller class sizes, public services that are run for the public not profit
Send: Concern as councils expect £1bn special educational needs Parent groups tell the BBC they fear children could suffer in a push to cut deficits.
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The Conservative Party didn’t seem so worried about a “super majority” back when it was them with the majority. I don’t remember them thinking it was bad for democracy at that time?
I wish people would stop throwing things at Farage: it just means he's in the news again. It's the publicity he craves: if everyone simply ignored him, he might just shrivel up and go away.
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100% guarantee that the people applauding the 2p tax cut like performing seals on crack are EXACTLY the same as the ones whinging on Facebook about NHS waiting lists and potholes. I mean - everything's already broken - WTF do they think is going to happen if public services have even less money?
This year I'll be 40 - as a computer might understand it.
Repost with how old you are, using a vague proxy: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything relatively recently passed me by.
The Tories are making an awful lot of 'promises' at the moment. Frankly, they could 'promise' free unicorns for all the difference it's going to make - they are never going to have to deliver - so the only point of these 'promises' is to pressure Labour by making them look stingy in comparison.
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Thing is, I'd gladly let my taxes support the self-confessed freeloaders if it also meant I'd empower all the awesome people I know to be their best selves. There would still be a net gain for society.
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I just want someone, anyone, who will say - we’ll fund the NHS properly, we’ll stop demonising migrants & trans people, we’ll raise benefits and NMW & give you better employment rights, we’ll actually do stuff on climate crisis & we won’t start wars
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As a cis het mother of two, 39 years monogamous, the extension in recent decades of rights and respect to people who are not like me, to live and love as they choose, has not affected me in any way whatsoever. The consequences of bigots trying to limit which women can go where certainly will.
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Spend your time planning your election night strategy instead. Timing of tactical naps, choice of snacks, where to move the fragile things so you don't throw them at the telly, how often you can play "things can only get better" at full volume before the neighbours complain...
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“Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future, to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one” I liked square one. I could get a GP appointment the next day. I could drink tap water. I could work in the EU without a visa. #VoteSquareOne
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“When climate activities suddenly paralyzed traffic instead of climate activists, the criminal laws proved to be ineffective.”
Als statt Klimaaktivisten plötzlich Klimaaktivitäten den Verkehr lahm legten, erwiesen sich die Strafgesetze als wirkungslos.
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Road maintenance has become a thing of rags and patches, when what really needs to happen is the resurfacing of nearly every road in the country. The fuel duty freeze has robbed the Exchequer of a hundred billion pounds, meanwhile cars are getting bigger and heavier and causing more damage.
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Remembrance Day 1946: war is definitely hell, we should never forget this Remembrance Day 2024: that was our greatest hour, when men were real men
Someone used the word "criterium" in a document, and I was about to judge them when I discovered that criterium is a thing! (Even if not the thing they thought it was) so I've learned something today.
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Tories call passing Rwanda Bill a “landmark moment”. Yes A “landmark moment” of constitutional thuggery. A “landmark moment” of govt extremism, financial idiocy and vicious inhumanity. A “landmark moment” of international irresponsibility and national disgrace. Shame on them all. Forever.
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You know what would really “break the business model of the evil people smuggling gangs”? Safe, legal routes to claim asylum.
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(and I'd Labour to succeed in re-establishing any ties it can. but it won't happen just because Labour wants it. It's a pro-brexit party with no internal story or plan about the damage brexit did to other countries and institutions. Labour forgets but no one in the EU does.)