Tom Klitus

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Tom Klitus

Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
An examination of more than 1,200 federal judges and state supreme court justices turned up dozens of judges who chose not to recuse when facing potential appearances of impropriety involving familial financial connections.
Even When Big Cases Intersect With Their Families’ Interests, Many Judges Choose Not to Ambiguous — and unenforced — recusal standards mean few checks and balances for top judges when cases involve their family members.
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
The claim that Trump “ushered in economic populism” & “downgraded the importance of country-club Republicans while prioritizing blue collar workers,” not only reads like an RNC press release, but is belied by Trump’s record (tax cuts for the rich, an anti-labor NLRB, support for wage theft, etc.)/3
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In New York, Wage Theft Violators Get Millions in Government Contracts We identified 25 employers that, despite histories of wage theft, have received contracts worth more than a collective $500 million from city and state agencies since 2018.
In New York, Wage Theft Violators Get Millions in Government ProPublica and Documented identified 25 employers that, despite histories of wage theft, have received contracts worth more than a collective $500 million from city and state agencies since 2018.
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
THE Best thing I have read in a long time: on life, binaries, what matters. Only real binary is life v death (and I would argue even that one will be rethought). But Polgren is right to list ALL the sources of regret about past choices & to note that none specifically attaches to transition - Gift:
Opinion | Born This Way? Born Which Way? The panic over transgender children is driven by the fear that they’ll regret transitioning. But freedom to make mistakes is core to being human.
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
My contribution to the "Christ, what an asshole" coverage of J.D. Vance: How he reconciles his denunciation of divorce and running with a guy who on his third adulterous marriage. Hint: It's not divorced men Vance loathes. It's divorced women.
J.D. Vance decried folks who "shift spouses like they change their underwear" — but he loves Donald's running mate denounced divorce for "even violent" marriages, but is mum on his boss's wives and mistresses
Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
If you wanna know why JD Vance sucks ass there is no better place to start.
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»... while cultural critics are busy slobbering over Trump’s near-instinctive proneness to viral image production, ... meme-makers come to burst this disingenuous bubble, exposing the plain truth that ... everything that followed the gunshot was just showbiz.«
How Memes Unravel the Image of Trump as While cultural critics slobber over the former president’s media savviness, meme-makers are here to burst their disingenuous bubble.
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JD Vance backed an incredibly unpopular initiative in Ohio last year that would have made it harder for Ohioans to amend their constitution (ahead of the abortion rights amendment vote in Nov). He very much believes decisions about abortion should be left to lawmakers instead of the pregnant person
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
Vance is a Theil-backed bag of shit in a man suit. But Teen Vogue went ahead and did an explainer on all the reasons why. (And is it just me or does he look like a colorized Bela Lugosi character here?)
Every Gen Z Issue JD Vance Is From guns, and climate change to abortion and LGBTQ rights, the Republican VP is being called “Anti-Gen Z.”
Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
What happens to a largely US-controlled internet after fascism? I'm hoping we don't find out, but do these now, not later: - Make sure that you have ways to contact your core groups outside of social media. - Back up everything you don't want to lose online.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
If employees steal from employers, they get fired and can be sent to prison. When employers steal from employees, they get tax breaks and government contracts. One is considered a crime, the other is considered profit. Lawmakers should answer why.
In New York, Wage Theft Violators Get Millions in Government ProPublica and Documented identified 25 employers that, despite histories of wage theft, have received contracts worth more than a collective $500 million from city and state agencies since 2018.
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
at the time of the shot trump was bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people
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Yes, requests for non-fascists to "lower the temperature" is just a nicer way of putting the Heritage Foundation's statement that the revolution will remain bloodless if liberals allow it. It's a demand for acquiescence to the conditions of violence they created.
Seen a lot of comments like “hey Americans who support democracy, oppose political violence, and value truth, we have to take the temperature down,” and while well-intentioned, I don’t think it’ll work, because they’re not the ones raising the temperature.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
Look, do whatever the fuck you want, but this thing is winnable. Me? I'm going to do everything I can between now and election day to defeat Trump – the guy who has clearly stated he's going to be a dictator if he wins.
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
Tech bros continue to discover things like "taxis." Someday "trains" are gonna blow their minds! (But only if they're called tRrnzzz and are owned by a billionaire)
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
I’m sorry a Republican voter shot at the Republican leader at a Republican rally, and especially that he killed a Republican rally-goer and injured two more. I wish it didn’t happen, and hope nothing like it ever happens again. I just don’t see how non-Republicans could be the ones to solve it.
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Tour de France and Olympic athletes are wearing masks because they understand that catching COVID could undo years of hard work and sacrifices.
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
Might be a good time to call your reps and tell them to support the Airborne Act, which would incentivize putting in better filtration and ventilation in public/business spaces. We have the right to clean air, and this would help fight current and future pandemics.
Beyer Reintroduces Airborne
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Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
"My company is so big, you can't expect us to inspect *all* of the airplane door bolts." As with any industrial safety and compliance issue, using scale as an excuse is just admitting that you don't want to pay to hire and properly train the necessary number of inspectors.
Mark Zuckerberg is on record saying his company is so big that even if they catch 99% of malicious content tens of millions of posts would slip by. So idk, maybe that’s something to consider.
Reposted byAvatar Tom Klitus
Given that one of his supporters DID get shot dead, this really tells you how much contempt he has for them