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covered in bacteria
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
Every picture of JD Vance looks like he wishes he was the accountant for My Chemical Romance
Every picture of JD Vance looks like it’s accompanying s news story about a former child actor who got caught in a multi level marketing scam
oh my god are you people going to be like this until November
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
when I was a kid I was sent home in the middle of Oktoberfest for looking wan during a game of darts, and I really think that I, like the psalmist, was "sick at heart," although my doctor would go on to make a strong case for salmonella
"Me and my droogs we sit in silence / Devotchka it's just me and you" -- Ariana The Large
Spotted one going south on I-355 near Addison, IL. I was heading north so I couldn’t tell if he was a local or not
seeing a cybertruck in the wild is fun bc only 3000 have been sold so its like oh wow theres our towns Biggest Dipshit. look at him go!
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
Honestly, letting private equity work its destructive magic on an NFL team might be the best way to show the country how malevolent it is
lmao it's over
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
Terry Pratchett: hello unicorn fuck club today i've got a story about a wizard who is - get this - actually very bad at his job Tolkien: oh ho ho! terry my boy, you've done it again! Pratchett: there's also girl dwarves Tolkien: [suddenly stone-faced] i hate this
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
Grass is the most irrigated crop in the United States. If your grass can't grow without a hose, you should not have a lawn there.
The line between Scottsdale, AZ and the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) is a stark contrast between worlds; a reminder of what came before as well as the high burden of community water use in desert communities.
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
As someone who will be sending her kid to college in two years, I absolutely have been paying attention to which universities call the cops on their students and which ones don't.
Someone said to me this week that all the social media about Emory was making us look bad so parents won’t send their kids here and I laughed and said “pretty sure calling the riot squad and arresting its own students and faculty is what made Emory look bad” 🙄
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
Kendrick Lamar always reminds me why it’s worth it to wake up extra early so I can be a hater all day long
So go ahead and get gone Call up Jolene and see if she's home
Every song has its own N, the number of times I can hear it before I never want to hear it again. Some Ns are very low numbers, but the only zero I can think of is that Beggin’ You song by that one Eurovision band
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
I've reached out to the offices of all 22 Democrats who voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib because of her comments on Israel/Palestine to see if they planned to do the same for her Republican colleague from Michigan.
Michigan U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg said the solution in Gaza “should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima” and said the U.S. “shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid”
Michigan Republican congressman suggests nuking Gaza, ending humanitarian “It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick,
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
1994: internet is ephemeral 2004: internet is forever 2014: only internet is forever. Print pubs and owning physical media are for idiots 2024: your favorite shows have been removed for tax breaks and private equity firms bought up the websites you worked for and deleted your entire life's work
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
I have deployed my scientist-aunt superpower and have explained to my 7-year-old nieces about the gut microbiome and what kinds of foods the good bacteria like to eat and now they are asking for more vegetables and beans to keep their little microbes happy 😁
Reposted byAvatar Todopoderoso
he should sign over trump tower chicago to the state of new york so they can take down the TRUMP sign and put up one that says NEW YORK and make everyone mad in a different way
so if trump doesn’t have $360m in cash and can’t do business with ny banks, what does he do? i know he has lots of real estate but without being able to take out a loan i don’t know how you turn that into money in a month
bleets or gtfo
Guys, please don't let "skeets" stick The experiment in decentralized naming decisions has resulted in the worst possible term How about skoots? Can we bring back skoots? Bluesky OGs, help me out here, remember skoots?
somehow I find that difficult to believe
I’m not liking the mobile browser user experience here
falling through a rift in the multiverse into a world exactly like ours except song lyrics say 'rabies' instead of 'baby': "it's hard to look right at you rabies, but here's my number so call me maybe" "rabies I'm amazed at the way I really need you" "rabies rabies 나는 뭘 좀 아는 놈"
End of feed.