Tyler King

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Tyler King


General malcontent. Ghostwriter.
Author: THE DEBT, RIOT STREET (Hachette)
Agent: Kimberly Brower, Brower Literary
She/her 🇨🇴
Or to put it another way…
“Ed would even be able to detect and respond to emotions such as hostility, happiness and sadness.” In every instance generative tech is being sold on a lie.
“ai” edtech company collapses after taking six million dollars from the Los Angeles school district to develop an “educational friend” platform.
A.I. ‘Friend’ for Public School Students Falls Flatwww.nytimes.com Los Angeles schools hired a start-up to build an A.I. chatbot for parents and students. A few months later, the company collapsed.
“‘The crows come to the house and scream to warn us that there is no more water ... it’s our alarm,’ says Ortiz Ramos.” The US border wall cut off wildlife access to a natural spring, leaving numerous species without a water source in the middle of the Sonoran Desert. It’s one of many consequences.
Mar-A-Lago just became shit-front property. So that’s kinda funny.
Let me tell you why this is b/c of Covid: DeSantis has become a hardcore anti-vaxxer b/c it made him popular with the MAGA right during Covid. So he took it a step further and began waging a war on all child vaccines. Then all public health. He vetoed a bill that would have empowered the state DOH.
This is a totally bullshit, made-up “rule” he’s citing strictly to reassure investors and turf the press narrative, but he knows better. He, like the rest of us, lived through torrenting and Napster, et al. He lived through the migration to the subscription model. When we stopped owning our software
Well now I’m convinced he shouldn’t drop out.
One of these guys is a convicted criminal and rapist who did a coup and this is the political analysis we get. The fourth estate is so fucking done.
This is the same company—makers of the Perplexity “AI-powered answer engine”—caught plagiarizing 404Media and many others. They got their start scraping Twitter using fake academic credentials. www.404media.co/perplexitys-...
WIRED caught an AI company scraping its articles w/o permission. Turns out, Amazon was hosting the machine doing the scraping, even though that violates Amazon's terms of service. Oh! And the AI company is funded by Jeff Bezos. wired.com/story/aws-perplexity-bot-scraping-investigation/
Well, you see, when Jesus and Moses signed the Declaration of Independence at the First Continental Congress of the Magna Carta while riding dinosaurs…
Didn’t they have to scratch up the Disney Concert Hall in LA because it was blinding drivers and basically setting nearby buildings on fire?
As far as meeting the ask for ‘80s-style future dystopia, this thing is far more of a refined Blade Runner/RoboCop complete thought. Still dumb, but like professionally so.
oh my god there's a chinese knockoff of the cybertruck and somehow the cybertruck looks like a cheap knockoff of it www.carscoops.com/2024/05/dong...
Re: state limits on social media/web access, I’ve been warning you that online verification is a threat to all privacy. Here’s your dead canary.
New from 404 Media: the ID verification service for TikTok, Uber, X, and many more tech companies exposed real peoples' driver licenses. As we move towards an internet forcing us to verify our identities, shows these companies will absolutely be targeted www.404media.co/id-verificat...
The fetid remains of Toys ‘R’ Us is leaning hard into the “What if AI?” model of groping for profits with no apparent purpose other than investor PR. Meanwhile: “OpenAI’s CTO refused to say where Sora was getting its training data from. (YouTube is the going theory.)”
“Provigil is a drug that treats excessive tiredness and is typically used for patients with narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and other sleep disorders. Brand-name Provigil is 55 times more expensive than the generic equivalent. Between 2017-2019, the WH pharmacy spent an estimated $98,000 for Provigil.”
Tell the orcas I got another one for them.
Sen. Ron Wyden remains one of our few privacy advocates in Congress.
“Each request can cover days or weeks of mail sent to or from a person or address, and 97 percent of the requests were approved…Postal inspectors recorded more than 312,000 letters and packages between 2015 and 2023, the records show.”
Law enforcement is spying on thousands of Americans’ mail, records showwww.washingtonpost.com The Postal Service approves thousands of requests every year from police officers and federal agents seeking information from Americans’ letters and packages.
The skyline is performing perfectly.
DeSantis is a hardcore authoritarian who has been obsessed with controlling classroom speech since his brief stint as a high school history teacher/creep.
It would be super cool if the tech media would simply stop credulously repeating every value-juicing statement C-Suites make like they’re the in-house PR department. The only difference between these hollow promises and the guy crying, “The end is near!” on the street corner is funding.
Also this bit. Translated, he means “Our exploitation of this technology requires a new relationship with the law and the rest of you to fuck off and live with it.”
The CEO of Perplexity has responded to our requests for comment by… talking to Fast Company. He blames an unnamed 3rd party for ignoring our robots.txt blocking scraping and claims we crafted our prompts to get it to accuse a cop of crimes he didn’t do (we didn’t) www.fastcompany.com/91144894/per...
Perplexity AI CEO Aravind Srinivas on plagiarism accusations - Fast Companywww.fastcompany.com Recent reports raise questions about how the answer engine works, including its use of third-party content crawlers.
Mom put her kid in the car after a day at the zoo. Then the doors wouldn’t open because the battery died. Sealing the 20-month-old inside in the middle of a national Heat Dome in the Arizona desert. Because Teslas are fucking dumb death traps.
Perplexity “was surreptitiously scraping, using crawlers to visit and download parts of websites from which developers had tried to block it, in violation of its own publicly stated policy of honoring the Robots Exclusion Protocol.” robots.txt isnt a firewall against scraping. It’s a Keep Out sign.
And astronomers hate Starlink because it’s effectively blotting out stars amid their night-sky clutter. Not to mention the significant amount of space junk that’s produced by every orbital deployment.
We banned CFCs to protect and heal the ozone and now satellite constellations might burn it up again. Starlink will be burning up 2,000 satellites per year in perpetuity for its service.
SpaceX's Starlink May Be Keeping the Ozone From Healing, Research Findsfuturism.com SpaceX's growing Starlink megaconstellation could be hindering the Earth's ozone layer from healing itself, researchers find.
Hawaii just casually looking like this in real life.
If you see this... post a photo you took at sunset (LA, November 2023).
This is the central thrust of generative models for *sarcastic quotes* “creative content” right now: volume. Quantity over quality. More garbage into the money furnace.