Matt Rowan

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Matt Rowan

Dad, humanities teacher, editor, antifascist
author of HOW THE MOON WORKS and other things of varying quality.
“I'm the hero Gotham needs BUT not the one it deserves.”
She’s extremely stupid. It’s wild how hard she’s working to let everyone know.
I think those Nazis know they’re pathetic and hate themselves all the more for it.
I’ve got a new thing on this morning. Perhaps it will help you in these dark times to remember sometimes a dad must fight. Link in comments below.
One of many reasons I feel like they spend more time worrying about offending wealthy donors than thinking about what’s good for the country as a whole.
He had that old school look too
This is all I think 24/7
the orange man is bad and should not be president again can everyone just get their shit together please so it doesn’t happen thank you in advance
I’ve never been more motivated to vote in all my life.
Some real Franz Kafka energy to this one.
I dunno but I bet they'd refuse to believe Trump and Epstein were thick as thieves who are also pedophiles and rapists.
I'm cursed with an extremely detailed memory. It's why I'm confused anyone is even remotely interested in talking about anything other than how awful Trump was, is and ever will be.
Oh yeah this was a thing. It was his first year, I think. People were pretending it was an excerpt from Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury book
Or he was using that as a misdirection in order to have his firm named an anagram for Aryan.
all this tells us is that jd vance doesn't know the name of Saruman's ring
Yeah that and it's an anagram for Aryan.
He’s in his 80s. There, now you’re up to speed.
It's why I say we're going to have to save ourselves. Which is fine. I trust all of you way more than I do any Democrat in leadership anyway.
Finally had to mute someone I really respect over on the other site because he keeps doubling down on dumping Biden and that whole coalition. He even went so far as to say it's not necessarily in bad faith to dump Harris, as well. I think there's too much at stake to embrace that thinking.
I think this is what I find most frustrating about what the Dems are doing internally. They're shitting themselves when they should just be rallying around Biden at this point and firing everything they can at voters and the press. Project 2025 is a nightmare for Republicans unto itself.
I think one of the worst, lower stakes aspects of the current political era is that Pelosi has managed to craft herself into someone that's been on the right side of things. Instead of there, also, and most fumbling. Chuck Schumer, too. I really despise both of them. And I've gone back and forth.
Touching all the grass I can today!
Seriously, my wife has been an absolute angel on my shoulder. She did turn to me the other day and go, "you know you're right, though, this Project 2025 shit is nuts."
They almost never have your interests at heart so I'd say it's wise.
They overwhelmingly supported Reagan, so yes it is overstated for sure.
Makes me think they’re trying to get something else out of removing Biden. A shittier asshole who has their interests at heart. They’d better stop fucking around though.
Like keep poking their bear wealthy imbeciles. You’re on such thin ice and you don’t even know it.
Yes, she’ll get hers but I also think she’s a little quicker on her feet and less rehearsed than Clinton, which should work to her advantage. A killer debater too