Jackson πŸ₯₯πŸŒ΄πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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Jackson πŸ₯₯πŸŒ΄πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


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Let's figure it out together
The less fun read of this poll is that a majority of Democrats aren't confident Biden should continue, and a large majority of independents aren't confident Biden should continue. Which is not a great position for an incumbent to be in, is it?
It’s delusional to plan on Biden getting through this campaign without another time-stopping display of decline. But once he’s officially the nominee, there will be no choice but to continuously gaslight the public. That’s a winning Republican strategy, not Democrat strategy.
"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."
"Do not think it worth while to proceed by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light."
Even from a purely strategic standpoint, it is breathtaking to me that you all think "sit down, shut up, and get in line. you didn't see what you saw." is going to work. That works with Republicans *because* of their cultish pathologies. It is devastating to me to see Dems attempting this tactic.
And I think a switch underlines that we think Trump is an existential threat to the country, that we’re willing to sacrifice to stop him, and that we are receptive to voters who find both Trump and Biden undesirable. (9)
Yeah, the denials only give credence to the "both sides are lying gaslighters" narrative that makes Trump look not so bad. I wish people would stop being just gross photocopies of MAGA on this.
Yep. Say Biden successfully stalls and the press moves on. Then he fritzes out again and the whole process starts over. I don't see why folks think that's a winning strategy against Trump.
That’s me exactly. I thought Biden was a good guy who wouldn’t let us down. He’s instead shown himself to be just another self centered asshole politician. No one has betrayed me in my whole life more than life
Biden gave up a lot of his moral advantage over Trump by lying over and over and over again to our faces.
It's clear the goal is to have a lot of well-spaced out "tests" to "prove" he's up to this, handed out slowly, so that all of a sudden, it's August and "too late." The result of this, of course, is a month where the only news is Biden drop-out watch. Good luck ever making Trump's evil the focus.
I can see the gaslighters are coming out. Before you tell me not to believe my lying eyes, check this article to see if your bullshit has been debunked. www.vox.com/politics/358...
5 terrible reasons for Biden to stay in the racewww.vox.com A rebuttal of the bad β€” but prominent β€” arguments for the president’s candidacy.
Biden appears to have mostly given up on campaigning against Trump, and his campaign is focused mostly around denying the obvious about his age. That only is more evidence he's not up to what he needs to do.
I have the fucking Dark Brandon 2024 mug! Yes! That just gets to my point, though, which is: 1. The loss of confidence is real for actual, committed Dems 2. People here are so wrapped up in their own (justified!) conflict w/the media that they can’t see it
There’s a really interesting dynamic going on right now in which Biden is dramatically ramping up his β€œI’m never stepping down” rhetoric, while top party leaders … are not following suit. Could be any of several things, but feels to me like he’s trying to stop a speeding train.
Perhaps it’s more due to who I follow but my feed’s an echo chamber of absolute denial. I saw everyone freak out in the debate! People’s concerns aren’t just a product of the media, but their own eyes! Biden’s been inconsistent since then, too. Normie dems are, in fact, worried!
Twitter is an insane echo chamber on Biden right now and I don't think they realize it
A map of the French results β€” with a dot per district: lemonde.fr/politique/ar...
That Biden letter is so insulting and pathetic. He's choosing ego over country and the rest of us have to pay the price.
I am a Biden voter who feels insulted by that letter to the point of white hot fury. Nothing could stop me from voting & campaigning for Biden if he’s the nominee. Trump must he stopped. As someone who wants the Dem to win, I’m outraged that his strategy is to angrily insult his own base.
I feel like people have forgotten that we’re talking about Biden’s age because he called for an early debate and then was clearly incapable of performing in it in front of 50 million people. No one forced him to do that, or dosed him, or is tricking people. We all saw what we saw.
by choosing anyone other than harris to replace biden should he decide to step aside, the party would be revealing they very cynically chose her as veep for optics without believing she could actually be president.
It's very frustrating to keep seeing "He's still better than Trump" (which is not at issue), "It's too late" (it manifestly is not), "This is why we had a primary" (I mean, we barely did, and also, things change), and "This is disloyal," which is, I'm sorry, silly and weird.
This is an interesting development in a party that is, as someone just angrily insisted to me minutes ago, "not having this debate."
Huge deal: 8 members of Congress have now asked Biden to #PassTheTorch. Beyer and Nadler are both very notable.
Huge deal: 8 members of Congress have now asked Biden to #PassTheTorch. Beyer and Nadler are both very notable.
There are legitimate arguments for Biden staying in. "Nobody else can beat Trump" is not one of them. That's cult politics and magical thinking.
In case anyone doesn't know me and thinks I'm just grinding an old axe. Nope. I've changed my mind based on new evidence (and to some degree, new facts).
Just after the debate. The new evidence of rapid decline in that debate finally made it undeniable for me. You can check my posting history and see for yourself, or see this thread where I've been emphasizing (and obviously still agree) that Biden's record beats Trump's every week, head to head:
Exactly. This is not confidence, this is not courage. Either you're confident he can serve the full 4 years, and meanwhile you're confident he can prosecute a fierce and demanding campaign to defeat Trump – ask for MORE debates – or you're in a defensive cower that voters will see for what it is.
It's strange that people want our message to the voters to be: "he's good now but next year and the year after, he's probably not." Is that good messaging by Democrats? To the swing voters in 6 states- who are basically weirdos who vote on vibes?
It's strange that people want our message to the voters to be: "he's good now but next year and the year after, he's probably not." Is that good messaging by Democrats? To the swing voters in 6 states- who are basically weirdos who vote on vibes?