
After his halting performance at a debate against Donald Trump, President Biden’s senior aides face worries among fellow Democrats and sharp accusations from Republicans that they took steps to conceal the effect the president’s aging has had on his ability to carry out his duties.
Debate brings scrutiny of whether aides shielded signs of Biden’s Biden, aides now grappling with accusations they strongly reject that they were not candid with the public about how his age impacted his ability to do the job.
You don't need to keep beating this horse, guys. We get it: Biden old. Very important. Much scandal. Please don't look at the walking disaster shambling towards the White House from the other direction.
Bullshit. Who is saying this? Stop hiding behind anonymous "sources" since voters are still fully behind our candidate despite your 100's of pieces trying to persuade us to drop him. It's sick and you should stop.
Who gives a flying fuck what the Republicans think? Trump "worked" like one hour a week and they didn't care then.
How much heavy lifting do Trump's aides do on his behalf? What happened to unbiased reporting? Tell us about Trump and how his aging has been concealed. Can he carry out his duties? The people need to know about Trump too.
The Truth is that Biden has proven his ability to lead this country. Trump is an egomaniac who never proved his ability to do anything except draw attention to himself and drum up readership numbers for the media. Admit it, that's all you folks care about, numbers of "hits". Advertising dollars.
Are we counting how many documents he ate?!
We should! Why won't WaPo report on THIS?
Would you stop? Seriously? We are literally months away from full on fascism and you're paving the way to it with all this bullshit. Pick something else, holy shit.
Republicans don’t have to conceal anything about Trump because the media won’t report it anyway.
Much more lucrative to write a book after the fact.
You really want that tax break, don’cha Jeff?
Canceled my subscription with you yesterday. “All it takes for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.” You’re doing worse than nothing you’re actually helping the fascist. One of your colleagues was dismembered with Trumps help. Have you no shame?
Y’all so want trump to be president again. So obvious. What’s in it for you? You should admit it and tell us why.
Get fucked fascists.
You just love to get ratioed on this app
Today I'm too hot to deal with my cancellation. Monday I will save some subscription money, though.
Meanwhile, voters are wondering why major news organizations dismiss far worse signs of actual dangers to democracy among a long list of other troubling indicators from DJT, brushing off outrageous behavior as 'old news' even as it quickly spirals into madness.
Are you ever going to write about anything else? I already cancelled my subscription, so all I can do is keep telling you to stop trying to kill democracy in broad daylight.
The Washington Post: Just a pale imitation of The NY Times election-influencing machine.
Stop conflating your speculative bullshit with actual reporting.
The GOP is ruthless as well as truth-less.. we know this… Stick with the issues of the day America not this Biden age bull shit 💩
How come you are more fixated on the age of Biden than the age, criminality, debauchery, narcissism and psychopathy of Trump?
How about a story regarding how much money your upper management donates to Trump
Phew! I was worried the citizens of America who voted for Joe Biden finally penetrator your peabrains and you stopped running these pieces but ... nope! You're still into this anti-democratic, un-American "we should just overrule the voters cuz we know better" fascism.
Biden needs to retire. I have changed my mind about this after seeing reports that his debate demeanor is recurrent. They are trying to hide it to protect him. But that is NOT what is important. What IS #1 is beating Trump and I have less and less confidence that Biden can do it.
In the eloquent words of our president: Will you shut up, man?
News media must STOP dwelling on Bidens age! Start covering Trumps verbal muffs, his seriously unhealthy obesity, and his hateful speech!!!! #WP. #NYT #ABC #CNN #NBC #MSNBC #CBS !!! Stop trying to get him reelected just to sell ads like they did in 2016, 2020 !!!
I have yet to see you discuss Project 2025. Please do so and post that!
I'm not gonna tell you again, WaPo—
They did conceal it, as did these corporate media propaganda outlets. It isn't "aging" either. It really hasn't been a secret that Biden has dementia. You'd have to intentionally go out of your way to not notice it. He is declining quite fast too. 🤔
Any updates on the convicted felon and his child predator friend?
Democrats is just a failure period
Seriously, do you have nothing else to write about but right-wing talking points? We all know Biden didn't have a good debate night. Move on. Break that feedback loop.
WaPo is even worse than Reichsführer Muskow X now. Everything has to be fact checked because they publish firehose of falsehoods 24/7. This is really a good one load of BS. Whatever President Biden does MAGA minions have narrative to spin and WaPo is part of that ecosystem now. 🤬
Accusations from Republicans? Name one “accusation” that hasn’t been a lie? They don’t care, they just want to win and the media is doing everything in their power to help them.