
Biden didn’t get up and perform athletic feats but it seems like a pretty normal interview from an old guy? This is the single greatest moment of political derangement I have ever witnessed in this country. The president gives a normal interview and everyone says… he must join Nixon and resign?
I said to someone else the other day, this is the most insane spasm of cowardice I have seen from Democrats in my lifetime and I lived through the Reagan years. It really is like a very specific group of people had a mass hysteria event or ate moldy wheat or got a bad batch of LSD.
I’m genuinely pretty appalled. There are always people like this but this is on a whole different level. It’s a CAMPAIGN, people! Get a grip. Stay the fuck on side. This is stuff we know when we’re twelve.
BUT I WANT A DIFFERENT CAMPAIGN WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE OR WITH THESE PEOPLE DOING DIFFERENT STUFF!! Okay. You’re allowed to want things. Just understand you can’t control reality and you might not get those things.
And if you insist you’re on board and you support the candidate but every decision they and their people make is wrong? You just have to hope that YOU who’s wrong. Because you need to understand: they can’t hear you.
Other voters can, and will either be pissed at you or will be infected with your pessimism. Either way no one is happy.
Didn't you know that, as soon as Joe steps down, Aslan the talking lion will magically emerge from a White House closet and run for president? HOW CAN YOU NOT WANT THIS FOR YOUR COUNTRY WHO ARE YOU EVEN
Find an angry PA in Hollywood (there are hundreds if not thousands), produce the names of people who said they wanted him gone because he wasn't giving them special favors, and put their heads on pikes in public. Joe Biden doesn't believe in handouts for rich donors, and doesn't have to buy friends.
The lack of discipline is really a massive concern to me. Get your fucking story straight, ruthlessly hunt down leakers, get on message, and blast the country with Biden administration accomplishments and Project 2025 details, relentlessly.
Yes! And the actual Dem electeds who are wandering out to say Biden should step down! Where is the discipline? Just airing dirty laundry out there like idiots.
Utter malpractice and dereliction of duty. Pathetic.
Yeah, it's not like the media nonsense firestorm has ever happened before.
I like the moldy wheat. It’s stronger than any of the explanations for this witch-hunt I’ve come up with. Before anyone says ‘but witch-hunts were a real historial phenomenon; powerful people purged their communities of imagined threats to its cohesive continuity’ I ask only that you think about it.
All the Boomers smoking modern cannabis for the first time as old people. It's a lot stronger than that ditch weed they remember smoking in the sixties. Mass paranoia.
These are all GenXers, I'm sad to report.
Oh them, they're just full of self loathing. That's a weird generation. Their music was super depressing.
The best explanation I ever heard was this - we grew up with a thousand Soviet nuclear missiles pointed at us and assumed we were all going to die, so everything was anticlimactic compared to that.
Ha!! The music assessment made me laugh out loud and startle the cat! 👏👏😆TY!
I'm Gen X That is a fair cop I personally like myself very well, but you are not wrong on the whole, or about the music
As a Boomer, no, we've been using the good stuff, especially edibles, since dispensaries came out. But we're also old enough to still think the NYTimes and WaPo are legit newspapers, instead of noticing that the media is repeating their "Dean Scream" candidate assassination conspiracy.
How much is real though? How much is media recycling the self-aggrandizing lies of people who have not been insiders since 1992?
Yeah, I think it's mostly the latter
I AGREE!!!! WTH! They should be proud if the accomplishments, touting them in front of every crowd /camera they can find AND calling for the felon, liable of sexual assault, business cheat , thief of national security docs to DROP OUT.
Reagan didn’t harken the end of the republic at least…..but he did start it. He also was not interested in becoming a king. Something the current fuckstick Orange Julius definitely wants for himself.
I wrote to my Dem congressional reps last night to tell them to get it together and get their colleagues to do the same, because seriously the panic is way out of control.
We need to accept that our guy is running against the press, too.
Again, I'd love you to explain how he wins from his current position. Trump's got his core group locked in, how do you get Biden over the hump? All these people saying he should step aside are gonna vote for him. How do you get the people who have been on the fence this whole time?
He won last time. He'll win again.
Same states, plus maybe NC. The Dem organization there has been doing a lot of organizing work, especially in places where it hadn't been active recently. Meanwhile, Rs in AZ, MI are tearing themselves apart and going broke. That can't help. Race is won state by state. Let's do it.
And in AZ, Gallego is a great candidate and Lake…is not. And with abortion on the ballot, turnout will be high.
Good point. Once you win one time, you’re guaranteed to win forever.
Trump and trump like candidates have been underperforming polls since J6.
You're pulling this out of your ass but my ass says he can win
That's it. That's your plan. That's Will's plan. That's Biden's plan apparently. They HAD a plan, and it completely blew up in their face, but sure let's trust him to save Democracy now.
We have a plan, you have your own ass prolapsed out of fear
And he does abandoning Biden help? How can people be so clueless as to not ask that basic question. If a substitute candidate doesn’t improve the odds but does cost time, money and disarray why would you do it?
The normal way, by hammering on his opponents much worse weaknesses relentlessly. INCLUDING MOST IMPORTANTLY his opponent's obvious cognitive and health challenges.
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
The MSM wants Trump to win. Ignore them. Project 2025, SCOTUS gutting the Constitution, & Trump’s threats would get wall to wall coverage if they cared about democracy, which they don't, because they don't think theofascism will effect them. Fascism always eats its own.
I don't think he needs to resign the presidency, but I do think that if "pretty okay for an old guy" is the best he can do at this point he's never going to get away from the questions and win the election. It's not fair but that's how it is.
If the media doesn’t want a Democrat to win then it doesn’t matter who’s running
Wrong. It doesn’t matter what the media wants. What matters is fielding a strong candidate, not a man who speaks in a whisper and can’t answer a question about abortion without going way off topic and talking about a rape-murder by a migrant!
I assure you the media will have a strong influence either way, for better or worse.
But it’s clear that who can get there? Desperate Hail Marys when you are behind are sure losers.
I don't seen how the Dems can win without a candidate who can (1) articulate a clear vision and (2) attack Trump effectively. And right now it doesn't seem like Biden can do either of those.
There's definitely a pathway. Katie Porter outlines it with a big IF: at 1:02 - it's just a few minutes & well worth a listen. Personally, I think it's the best path, because it'll get D's excited & also the Republicans will have less time to make their smears stick.
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Yes. The 2x elected highly successful and popular governor of a must-win purple swing state would get us there. Whitmer would win MI and WI. She has a suburban vibe and talks like a real person. She is the obvious choice for the nomination now that it’s clear Biden can’t run