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I ❤️ My Responsibilies
Reposted byAvatar Peter
TIRED: Josh Hawley is a christofascist WIRED: Josh Hawley is a pick-me type nerd trying and failing to suck up to christofascists INSPIRED: Josh Hawley looks like Olive Oyl
when i see characters experiencing difficulty on TV im always like, no fucking way their current behavior is influenced by trauma in their past
Do girls ever go to the bathroom? Do they ever sit in traffic?
I am in the market for a 6-fold wallet.
I think more villages should have wisened elders who speak in helpful riddles.
Reposted byAvatar Peter
As far as all those poweful lords choosin to risk it all for Miquella the Enchanted Femboy I ask, who among us?
Reposted byAvatar Peter
Do not scold me about Joe Biden. Go talk to him. He is the president of the United States and I work at the store.
Another insane thing about office work in retrospect is business casual in the summer. I spent 12 New York summers never wearing shorts M-F.
Yeah that should do it.
Taxes too high? Well what if a war criminal gave you a pretty neat tip to destroy the environment?
Hillary has an insane up smash but it requires frame perfect timing as a counter to really hit, otherwise she's weak against most A-tiers.
the convention they’re imagining
Reposted byAvatar Peter
Been really into sighing lately.
It's my birthday! The forward march of time is a relentless terror!
The election is just a distraction from what really matters: whether or not the new york times is Being Fair.
If you paid attention to Trump's side of the debate, he had the same underlying problem Biden did, where over and over he would start a sentence and realize he couldn't say or remember the words that would come next, but where Biden stalled out, Trump just switched to blurting something unrelated
Some people are having trouble distinguishing something the media could theoretically help with (getting an unelectable dem out of the race) with something the media cannot affect at all now (Trump being the GOP candidate).
Ppl whinging about the current media treatment of Biden - you thought he could win before? You think he could still win without it? If not then wtf are you bitching about.
Reposted byAvatar Peter
for me the Biden conversation is entirely about whether he can win in November. i’m not worried about whether he can actually do the job because i don’t think it’s a real job.
Reposted byAvatar Peter
Found the ideal gun for taking care of all the witnesses
I asked my brother if he thinks I should start calling my GTI the "Swaggin Wagon" and I think he thought I was joking.
Reposted byAvatar Peter
Most American thing possible is "rich kid paid $8mm for being some guy's son."
FROM SHAMS: Bronny James has signed his rookie contract with the Lakers, per sources: Four years and $7.9 million. Team option in fourth season. 💬 @ShamsCharania Bronny James plans to sign a multiyear guaranteed rookie contract with the Los Angeles Lakers, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. The FROM SHAMS: Bronny James has signed his rookie contract with the Lakers, per sources: Four years and $7.9 million. Team option in fourth season. 💬 @ShamsCharania Bronny James plans to sign a multiyear guaranteed rookie contract with the Los Angeles Lakers, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. The
Reposted byAvatar Peter
The CIA’s logo is an eagle on fire underneath the Latin translation of the phrase “No Catholic Gets Two Terms”
(JK rowling RTing a pic of nonbinary Paddington) No!!! NO!!!
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
Elmer Fudd was never a true rival to Bugs Bunny. All of Bugs's Ws are micky mouse rings.
Nah see I fw Ralph here. When the Lakers won in 2020 I fully blamed the Heat for fuckin up, that's how it is man.
Of all the people out there casting blame for election results, this motherfucker should really, really keep his mouth shut. Without him, no Roberts. (Or Alito)
Remember when Steve and Miranda in sex in the city were goin through some problems
Masks are excellent and thank God for them, but they're the "stop driving cars" of covid mitigation. Yes if everyone did it all together it would solve a lot but let's assume they won't.
Mask mandates also have pretty low compliance rates. Again, I’m not against masking and I often mask when the numbers are high but preventing waves has to include more boosters and more testing, plus we need ventilation and sick leave in general