
Publicly announcing an intention to ban the pill is the sort of thing you do if you feel so confident that your guys have so thoroughly rigged the system that it doesnā€™t matter that itā€™s a profoundly unpopular idea. Overwhelming majorities can just eat shit.
Republicans are what well organised militias were meant to protect against
I will never understand why these people are so against birth control. Even the irreligious ones are against it. They *never* explain themselves and the rest of us just accept that they oppose it and never demand an explanation. I'll never understand.
They hate women's agency. They don't consider women fully human and don't believe women should have control over their own lives and bodies.
Genuinely, I've tried to reach some other conclusion based on conservative ideas & behavior and cannot. At the heart of all modern conservative thought is the idea of a natural & immutable hierarchy, and women are "supposed" to be at the bottom.
Itā€™s all about hierarchy for them. About who gets to tell who what to do. And also, importantly, about who does not EVER get to tell them what to do. Race, gender, nationality, all of it plays into it. You can guess who they think should be on top of this rigid hierarchy they have in their heads.
This, and alsoā€¦ theyā€™re just bad people. The bottom line to every question for why the GOP/Trumper/Christians of White America do what they do is simplyā€¦ theyā€™re terrible fucking people, and they love being that way. Itā€™s literally always because of their entitlement and their cruelty. Always.
Yeah, AND we can't ignore that a strong belief in hierarchy-- and that their 'natural' place is towards the top-- is a foundation of that evil.
Avatar has a Conservative Moral Hierarchy that explains most everything
Not sure why ableism is so often the one left off the list. Still too common a bias, such that pointing it out makes too great a proportion of readers uncomfortable? Still "invisible"?
Itā€™s not being against it they just want to use it to control. Itā€™s about controlling women nothing else.
It's not about birth control, or abortion, or babies. It's about CONTROL (and specifically about control and subjugation of women).
Read up on the profound changes the pill had in giving women control of their lives.
After having 3 kids close together, my mom got birth control. Gave her some breathing room and a chance to actually enjoy her kids.
I forget where I read it, but someone said that conservatives in the suburbs are extremely furious and jealous that people in the city are living sexier and more fun lives than them and so they want to stop it from happening. Which I buy
Its also why they love stories about crime, homelessness, and any other problems cities face. They privately see it as us getting our comeuppance.
They are monumentally incurious and self-centered. They think that the pill is only used to have promiscuous sex. They refuse to consider or learn that it has any other use than that. So they think banning the pill will prevent women from having any agency outside of their relationship.
Or more basically ā€” these guys want to get revenge on all of the women that refused to date them.
More population = more consumers or workers to exploit
It's also control. "no you can't do that" - direct control. Especially limiting people's ability to have fun. Secondly: the more kids people have, the more "bound" they are to a life where they can't rebel because "what about the children?"
It boils down to "I want to be able to tell you what to do". It's not logical but there is a (terrible) rationality to it.
They want to punish sluts. Itā€™s truly that simple imo.
The more insane reasons include the "Replacement Theory", which claims birth control is only marketed to the Right Kind Of Peopleā„¢ so that other people can outbreed them. After all poor families have more children 'so they can claim benefits for them'. Such as Elon Musk, who has 11 kids.
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They hate women. Even the women hate themselves and other women.
Counterintuitively, it's also the sort of thing that desperate parties and individuals do if they feel they need new reasons to drum up support among their base. The GOP doesn't have complete control yet, and their allies keep losing elections. They're terrified.
Publicly announcing an intention to ban the pill is the sort of thing you do if you feel so confident that your guys have so thoroughly rigged the system that it doesnā€™t matter that itā€™s a profoundly unpopular idea. Overwhelming majorities can just eat shit.
Nikki Haley supporting the IVF ban is incontrovertibly a desperation play.
She tried to straddle the fence on this. She's claiming that they're babies but she's not SURE she agrees with the Alabama decision.šŸ™„ She wants just enough wiggle room to trick the gullible bigots who would sign off on her as long as they could lie to themselves about what she really is.
Itā€™s also just a thing that dumb and irrational people do.
What are you going to do? Riot? We'll throw your ass in prison.
Fascists always eventually discover that there arenā€™t enough cops.
That isn't what happened in any actual fascist government - it took the biggest war in human history to oust Mussolini and Hitler, and both Salazar and Franco died in their beds.
And China is getting better and better at control.
ā€¦or that enough of the cops are also fascists.
(the cop to fascist ratio in police forces is 1:1)
I mean tbf Garland has been pretty slow at that part so far
Garland is spending his time throwing reporters like in jail for doing their job and reporting on giant corporations
It truly is depressing that the GOP will make it so clear they intend to completely disregard democracy and Dems response is "JUST VOTE HARDER".
Every day the situation over in the US terrifies me. I keep thinking it couldn't get any worse and then it does. Unfortunately we have idiots here in the UK trying to follow your trajectory. There really is no hope left is there?
B-b-but there is hopeā€¦ We hope the billionaires can/will! And if/not? We even have a back up, ermā€”checks notesā€”AI ! (:
I take it as yet another indicator he and his closest inner circle 18 maybe 24mo back committed selves to a 2nd CĆøÅ«p Attempt. Getting sworn in, period. If win via EC violence is for auto-coup & revenge. If no EC win itā€™s then a violent Coup and then extensive violent revenge fantasy fulfillment.
- This is Me having a hypothesis which I Myself am confident in. Iā€™m open to new info and analysis etc. I also know Iā€™m mainly cribbing from smarter people who study & teach about rise of Nationalism, Fascism, how they work, how they generally think, & their local rise & falls across last century+.
Barring a nightmare scenario (widespread rifts in the Federal armed services), that last would be purely suicidal.
- Oh, I agree with that assessment entirely. I donā€™t think ā€œthinkingā€ as you or I might describe the act of doing that was involved in the slightest in their version of ā€œthinkingā€.
"Our ancestors, helped by the French and a pair of queer Euros way more than we like to talk about, when the military tech tree was a bush, ran off an enemy very busy elsewhere. Thus we will prevail, with rifles, against a force able to drop nukes from space and kill individuals by mouse click."
- Iā€™m suddenly reminded of a Star Trek TNG episode where Lt Cdr Data gets stranded (sent) onto a pre-warp planet and has to get the early industrialized settlers to believe they had zero chance fisghting against warp capable military coming to ā€˜delouseā€™ the planet. Of them.
Every single major pro life group has always intended to ban the pill. They are confident nobody believes them because their supporters have been ignoring that for decades.
If you're a MAGA-fan these days, your chances of getting laid let alone become a Father are getting darker by the day. Guess this is the last resort effort to forcefully "produce" future MAGA's. Tbh, no Woman/Girl in her right state of mind would let any of those morons near her clothed or naked!