

Knowing him, it will be in the upper 80's. 😭
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the second-best time is now.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
"I'm not obliged to say anything about any subject at all" has been an extremely freeing mantra. Said this in an interview once when asked about some drama or other: "I don't know enough about that to comment." It COMPLETELY took interviewer by surprise. She didn't know how to respond 🤣
They're coming for all of education. Orban gutted Hungary's universities/GOP has stripped courses & staff from public universities in states they run. The GOP is coming for books, libraries, history & culture & anything & everything that fails to serve the narrative of the MAGA-Reich. GOTV now.
Huge investigation from @proofnews.bsky.social today: We reveal the trove of YouTube videos that are being used to train AI models including Anthropic's Claude. Yes, it includes all your favorite YouTubers - from @hankgreen.bsky.social to @mrbeast1.bsky.social www.proofnews.org/apple-nvidia...
Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Thousands of Swiped YouTube Videos to Train AIwww.proofnews.org Creators claim their videos were used without their knowledge
I wish I could read it but 404's servers are down.
I don't know about that. Almost every social media app I seen had dog-piling and toxicity.
Me personally, I’ve been saying for ages now that the second amendment claim that you get to shoot duly elected members of the government because you don’t like them is horrifying, and a recipe for disaster. So I feel zero responsibility here.
A fun fact about JD Vance is that he's openly backed purging anyone who disagrees with him from the government, comparing it to "de-Nazification," and illegally defying court orders to do so.
Predictably, we’re seeing a flurry of conspiracy theories coming from both sides on social media. The big, crucial difference is that a huge swath of RW electeds and their media allies with big platforms are promoting them and the opposite is happening on the left. It’s why both-sideism is bullshit
Do not obey in advance.
Two months ago Greg Abbott pardoned a murderer who texted a friend "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" then drove into a BLM protest in Austin and killed a protester. The universal response from conservatives to the pardon was "Yeah! Woo-hoo!" Now they say liberals should turn down the rhetoric
Please don’t “both sides” the “violent political rhetoric” conversation when one side regularly glorifies and intimidates with guns and the other side speaks out to end gun violence. These are not the same.
I hate transparent side panels, they are prone to breaking.
Yep, unless you block right-wing accounts, the algorithm will keep showing them.
I don't think that's a fish but they are very cute.
What!? That's wild.
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
I didn't hear about that, that's depressing.
This past week I seen 3 people get bullied off... :(
Search has been ruined on Twitter (once it's best feature). The number of right wing evil individuals is out of control on the platform. Community notes and moderation is directly controlled by a fascist.
Happy birthday 🥳
🔵 This week’s Tom the Dancing Bug comic - 🇺🇸🤷‍♂️Chagrin Falls: “American Shrug” - Brought to you by the Proud and Mighty Inner Hive, including longtime member Hatchomatic and new member Sandy Sycafoose. - READ IT RIGHT HERE👇
NEW: A Louisiana federal judge has found that civil-rights activist DeRay Mckesson is not legally responsible for injuries inflicted by someone else at a protest he was alleged to have organized OPINION: storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us... CASE FILE: clearinghouse.net/case/45222/
< clears throat I created my own degree in this very question in ye olde year of our livejournal 2005 because new york university didn't have a digital journalism program at that time journalism has never been a professional endeavor and to the extent it was, it was a problem
I actually disagree. The professionalization of journalism USED to be a bulwark against random assholes showing up, doing interviews, and styling their "content" as "journalism," when it is largely opinion and bias. This bulwark was weakened with the rise of the blogosphere which enabled the above.
In this thread, she criticizes corporate legal policy. I understand being skeptical of people who have different experiences but at some point it becomes a fallacy. bsky.app/profile/jmie...
She recently left the organization. She is moving to academia if I remember correctly. Also, the Chamber of Progress is not an exclusive big tech lobby group.
The sub-line buries the lede. The court ordered her social media deleted which violates the 1st amendment. (It's an invalid form of prior restraint).
A mom lost her teen daughter to suicide. Her posts about it on TikTok sparked a battle over bullying and online speech. I wrote about why a judge ordered her to take down her social media accounts, and how a small-town tragedy ballooned into a TikTok reality drama. Gift link: wapo.st/3S0E097
A grieving mom’s TikTok videos spark online speech battlewapo.st A Mississippi judge ordered Heather Wyatt to take down posts accusing schoolmates of bullying her daughter, Aubreigh, to death