Laura Hollister

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Laura Hollister

Mother, Wife, Geoscientist, Feminist, & Educator. NAGT-TED Past President, 2009 OEST Recipient. BS /MS Env. Geoscience
Ok pocket friends- we will be in Acadia National Park for the first time over the next 2 days. What are the must sees?
maybe the worst I’ve ever felt was the morning of November 9, 2016, I felt completely hopeless all day we are staring down much worse now, and I’m feeling a lot calmer - possibly because I have my kids now, and I’m responsible for making a world for them to live in giving up is not an option
I’ve had over a decade to miserably marinate on an anti-democratic process in which, to my great sorrow, all my gloomiest, wildest predictions keep coming true. Despite that, I still don’t think we’re doomed or that we should give up and walk into the sea en masse.
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
How about some more cool STEAM careers? Look no further than Keri Nelson at for free downloads and more information about what it takes to be a research station administrator in Antarctica.
Keri Nelson | I Was a
Hi there! Times are tough for everyone, so I hope you’ll excuse me hawking my wares for a bit. I have a shop where you can buy pins, stickers, physical books and other fun stuff.
Sleep deprivation is also a risk factor for heatstroke. If you have been unable to sleep well recently, your heat tolerance is down and you should be even more cautious in the heat wave than you otherwise would be.
Good chart of reminders about heat safety for folks doing field work. 📝 Sometimes the culture pushes you to just “tough it out” but that doesn’t serve you or the science. 🚫 And check in with your colleagues: remind each other about shade, breaks, and hydration. ✅
Heat wave season reminder: one incident of severe heatstroke can cause an acute brain injury, as well as predispose you (generally temporarily) to getting heatstroke again. Do not push past early symptoms of heat exhaustion. Catch it as heat exhaustion, and avoid an ER visit for heatstroke.
Good morning! Very cool sun pillars/halo this morning. #OceanDevotion
Whew. This is such a good explanation of a dynamic I have experienced most of my life. So many frustrations from my past are suddenly clear to me.
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
Today is the last chance to register to vote in the UK. There was a record-breaking 80k new registrants by 10am which bodes well. Spread the word.
Happy Monday! #AGU_H3S is seeking feedback on what students and ECRs need to be successful! We have 1 survey for students & ECRs, and 1 for non-ECRs. We hope to identify gaps between what S&ECRs need and what they’re getting! See comments for links #Hydrology #EarlyCareer 1/4
Guaranteeing university places for the top graduates of each high school in a state or region can improve equity, especially with regard to gender, an analysis covering thousands of students in Chile has found #AcademicSky #EduSky
‘Top per cent’ admissions programmes found to boost Research suggests women particularly benefit from schemes that guarantee admission to highest-achieving school leavers
Anyone have a good handle on S. OR geology? This was an exposure not far from Gold Beach, OR in the Klamaths, in Rogue-Siskiyou NF. I think it's a paleosol of some sort in the Yolla Bolly terrane, but I don't have a great map and there's a mishmash of 3 terranes in the area
Voyager 1 is on the shortlist of the coolest shit we've ever done, just incredible that we sent this thing to space in 1977 and we're still expecting to keep talking to it and getting data until 2036 hats off to the incredible debugging team, as a software engineer I'm in awe
New handbook on karst! The timing couldn't be better. After the wonderful Eurokarst 2024 conference in Rome last week, The Groundwater Project just released a new handbook on 'Karst: Environment and Management of Aquifers', freely available on their website via this link ▶️
I don't think you can have an honest conversation about the "partisan divide" unless you're honest about the fact that one of just two major parties is waging a fascist assault on democracy, the rule of law, and truth itself
Is the Partisan Divide Too Big to Be Bridged? From the urban and rural divide to the partisan gulf, from religious groups to warring factions on campuses, organizations and funders are cropping up with hope for common ground.
If you don't have air conditioning, go out and get a little window unit today and install it if you can. Or order one on Amazon. Make yourself one room where you and your pets can get respite.
Prolonged, record-breaking heat is on the way for an area of the country that has largely avoided it so far, wildfire risks are rising in parts of the West and bathtub-warm water could fuel the first tropical depression of the Atlantic hurricane season.
Extreme summer weather kicks into overdrive next week in the US | Summer technically starts next week and will show the US what it’s capable of in a world warming due to fossil fuel pollution and without El Niño.
An essential read from the former research manager of Stanford’s Internet Observatory, on how spreaders of misinformation (people who have been deceived) and disinformation (people who know they’re lying) view even *labelling* a post as misinformation as censorship. More … 🧵
As points out here, a strong predictor of trolling is the tendency to derive pleasure or enjoyment from being cruel or demeaning to others. By blocking, it deprives them of that pleasure.
The Psychology of Online If you’ve ever been the recipient of persistent online trolling, then you know exactly how discombobulating it can feel. You might start…
This is not just one person’s or one research center’s problem. The World Economic Forum lists Misinfo as their #1 risk to global stability over the next 2 years … and climate-fueled weather extremes (a common misinfo target) as #2. This puts us ALL at risk. /🧵
Publications for the Cascadia Subduction Zone special issue are starting to come out, read them here: Don’t miss out on contributing to this Seismica special issue! Scope, topics, publication types, and conditions:
Playing catch phrase: My MIL to my husband- “you wouldn’t like to watch it. It’s not dirty. “ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It was soap opera. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I just watched a Cooper’s Hawk fly low across my backyard and over my garage chasing a mourning dove! I suspect that’s the main reason I don’t get as many birds in the yard right now. 🐦
Data is a resource, and Indigenous nations want theirs back. In today’s episode, we talk with Dr. Stephanie Carroll and Dr. Krystal Tsosie about the growing field of Indigenous data sovereignty. Listen here 🎧:
coral conservation is more controversial than you think. for Atmos, I dug into a simple yet contentious question: what will it take to save the coral reefs? the arguments surprised and persuaded me many times over. I hope they do the same for you 🌎🧪
What Will It Take To Save The Coral Reefs? | Coral scientists agree that stopping climate change is the number one priority, but a pitched battle has broken out over what more must be done.
So Windows Recall takes screenshots every few seconds, OCR's them, and then stores all that in plaintext in a SQLlite database. It's impossible to understate how much of a security issue this is. Easily compromised spyware installed by your OS!
Windows feature that screenshots everything labeled a security “disaster” Windows 11’s new Recall feature faces privacy and security concerns.