R. Dorian Goetz

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R. Dorian Goetz


Illustrator, DIY enthusiast, parent, travels with a Smart Doll, probably not a werewolf.
I was head-down for the later half of the day, sewing accessories for Morri. She now has a sun hat and a shoulder bag. (The bag has functional exterior pockets and is lined with sneaky eyeballs! 👀)
Today really feels like a Reichstag Fire moment and I'm really worried.
This is about to become so dangerous it’s really hard to explain what has just happened.
Did you know Peter S Beagle put out a new book a few months ago? I didn’t until today!
Can I make 5 dolls' worth of beach/vacation accessories—hats, bags, sandals—in 5 days? Let's find out!
Michael's radical cystectomy is continuing to have serious kidney complications, and the doctors are having a jurisdiction conflict about it which is impeding his recovery. Anything you could do to help or signal boost would be appreciated. www.gofundme.com/f/help-micha...
Help Michael Poe fight cancer, organized by Hilary Hatchwww.gofundme.com Hi, I'm Hilary, and my husband Michael Poe has been diagnosed with both infiltrating urothe… Hilary Hatch needs your support for Help Michael Poe fight cancer
USPS says my box of dollies is arriving in the next 2 hours. It also says the last tracked movement on it was two days ago, two states away. The site is either very confused, or I'm going to be very surprised.
If it wasn't so damn hot out, I'd go crochet something.
I came here to make a post, had to do a big hard sigh of disappointment and weariness, and promptly forgot what I was going to say. Might've been a banger, too.
*Yeah.* I haven't been saying anything about it publicly just because I don't want to get dogpiled anywhere but like... Fuck, man. I trusted you. So fucking exhausted.
when people are expressing anger and disappointment because an artist whose work they really liked turned out to be a creep it's a cool move to make sure everyone knows you never liked that artist's work in the first place, always remind people that you're better than them when they are feeling low
I got a body weight fitness journal. Maybe this’ll help. I like journals.
All US citizens should interrogate the way we are propaganzied to support militarism abroad.
Not for the first time am I considering getting tf out of the creative field professionally, and going back to mechanical work. At least I can stock shelves and do inventory when I’m depressed af.
I tried to jump start my creative spark this morning by re-reading the list of projects and goals I was excited about at the beginning of the year… And it backfired amazingly! I feel absolutely gutted.
I tried to jump start my creative spark this morning by re-reading the list of projects and goals I was excited about at the beginning of the year… And it backfired amazingly! I feel absolutely gutted.
Man I want to start posting my art again, but first I have to make some, and also I don’t want to have to manage my own gd gallery but it’s not like I’m going back to DA, and tumblr doesn’t like tiddies. Wait, I have a Pillowfort!
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
I’m realizing now that the only things really left to do w/ my mom’s estate is to sell the truck, and to empty/clean/sell the house before squatters break in. In another state. **I hate this.**
"U.S. police departments have gotten smaller—and the violent crime rate is still plummeting. So what is going on?" What's ALWAYS gone on. Cops do not stop crime. They never have. Real "tough on crime" measures are well-funded schools, free daycare, and mental health services. Always have been.
I think it’s time to crochet something out of my (style) comfort zone.
It’s part of the “former child star” thing. We aren’t people, we are punchlines on Family Guy. And I get it! There’s a narrative, and historically, we are acceptable targets. It’s why I tell potential stage parents, “You’re not (just) setting up your kid to be a future star, but a future has-been.”
Did he assume you weren't a person because you were a celebrity, or because you were a woman? Because either way, he's not really making a strong case for thinking of others as people.
Repeat pattern design for the end pages I created for NESS magazine. @newedgeswordmag.bsky.social Had a lot of fun on this one learning more about Sword & Sorcery and pouring over the old pulp covers of Frazetta and Johnston 💫
The most satisfying facet of this approach is watching the trolls whine on other platforms how "boring" Bluesky is. Let's keep it that way on Cara, folks. Block without mercy. Don't reply, don't take the bait, don't dunk. Report if necessary, then block. Even just on vibes.
Bluesky culture is spreading (to Cara in this case), and I couldn’t be happier to see it!
Who else struggles to remember if the dishwasher was ran or not? Well I made some froggy friends to help with just that. www.etsy.com/listing/1732...
Every so often someone is like “I can’t take all this nonstop Bluesky toxicity and drama!” And I feel like I’m in some obscure room in the tower during a palace coup, unaware, eating cakes, wondering why my valet is late(he has been harpooned by the rebels)
How little time you'll have with those you love isn't as important as having the time together in the first place. A silver-haired commoner, Ed Fiedler considers this as he is courted by eternally mid-30s Lucardo von Gishaupt. Read LETTERS FOR LUCARDO by @claystorks.bsky.social: t.co/jftEsVqilh
My old dog’s breath smells like dog pee. Yes I have requested a vet appointment.
We've said it before and we'll say it again: Yes, Roya is one of the best smut comics out there. Check out our review if you need some more persuasion to buy this book: www.ohjoysextoy.com/yes-roya/
Yes, Roya 💋 Frustratedly trying to get into his industry, Wylie visits his hero, Joseph, only to pilfer a sketch of fetish art for his own 'personal frustrations'. Only thing is, Joseph didn't draw it: his partner Roya did. And she noticed he took it. ironcircus.com/product/yes-...
Yes, Roya.www.ohjoysextoy.com Dang, my dudes, I absolutely loved this graphic novel. It's set the bar on dirty comics. I've always looked up to both Emilee Denich (aka Ghostgreen, as they've previously appeared here on ol' OJST) f...