Michael J Patrick

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Michael J Patrick


Writer. Drawer. Talker. He. Him.
Creator of the weird fiction/horror podcast Nothingiswrong.net
And the urban fantasy webcomic
And many other things involving comics, TTRPGs, and writing.
I saw the sponge golem of Key West
As you know, the death of Twitter has devastated small creators. Would you please reskeet to help me get the word out about my newsletter, The Bugbear Dispatch? Thanks!
When I got the news about the assassination attempt, "I knew there was no American 'unity' coming that would in any way include me as a transgender woman." The first night of the RNC certainly proved that last night, but pundits are still busy scolding Dems www.bugbeardispatch.com/p/america-th...
America the Surrealwww.bugbeardispatch.com An Assassination Attempt, Fake National Unity. and Our Fascist-Enabling Media
Same for pretty much any service job.
The things delivery workers do that piss you off are almost all to with their conditions. If you're paid a pittance per drop or are salaried but severely punished for failure to meet an impossible schedule, you're likely to cut corners. Your problem is with delivery companies.
A few days in Key West and now I'm all about that Salt Life. By which I mean eating very salty foods.
A lot of the "discourse" on here involves people I don't follow saying or doing things to others I don't follow. Most of the time I just see third parties sniping at one another over an offense that has not been made clear to anyone outside of both circles Luckily, no one is asking me to pick a side
idk i feel like expecting everyone to have an opinion on every horrible thing happening is how we get into a very big mess of people who cannot possibly have all the info saying wrong things very loudly and influencing more people to be loud and wrong
Still freaking out abt the $600 bill we have for my kid’s therapy - they’re an autistic non-binary woman w/ptsd due to abuse incl SA at a former school. Can you toss a bit of money our way? My pay pal is [email protected]. The past few years have been hard; we almost lost this kid.
As a 501c3 corporation, the Heritage Foundation is not allowed to participate in politics, much less publish manifestos. Download the Project 2025 pdf from their website & attach it to IRS Form 13909 and challenge their tax exempt status. Here's their EIN # 23-7327730 And instructions (email!)
IRS Complaint Process - Tax-Exempt Organizations | Internal Revenue Servicewww.irs.gov If you suspect a tax-exempt organization is not complying with the tax laws, you may send information to the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division.
I am begging people to block and report transphobes and racists instead of screenshotting them and showing them off to everyone like a weird bug they found by the roadside.
I was just thinking this earlier. The blocklists are all gone, and people have stopped blocking the bigots themselves, and just gone back to replying to them instead, putting them onto their followers’ skylines.
Apparently StickerMule decided to go full mask-off N*zi this morning. (I haven’t gotten their emails since 2016) So if you have a favorite sticker manu you wanna share, drop them links! StickerApp.com Diecutstickers.com Stickerninja.com
True! We use stickerapp for our stickers, now, but have had good luck with diecutstickers and stickerninja, too.
Print custom stickers and labelsstickerapp.com Make your own custom stickers, and labels. Express delivery as fast as 2-4 business days. Get an instant proof and free shipping!
And it's worth remembering that loads of loser pundits were CERTAIN the Ds would get destroyed in the last midterms. And... we did not! It's July. The election is in November. Think of how many different things have happened in just the last two weeks. There's an ETERNITY of time left. Let's use it.
I hate that he has almost the same name as one of my favorite authors.
A man who fakes his wealth paired with a man who fakes his poverty. Sounds about white.
I have become Island Michael. I wore SHORTS today.
Could everyone stop explaining to folks living in existential terror why it's important that Joe Biden win the election and instead explain to Joe Biden why it's important that Joe Biden win the election?
I’m sorry a Republican voter shot at the Republican leader at a Republican rally, and especially that he killed a Republican rally-goer and injured two more. I wish it didn’t happen, and hope nothing like it ever happens again. I just don’t see how non-Republicans could be the ones to solve it.
yes, they’re hypocrites. pointing it out is pointless because that’s the whole point: there are in-groups who the law protects but does not bind, and out-groups who the law binds but does not protect that’s their whole platform. that’s the appeal. not only do they not care, they’re actively into it
you see political violence is a chaotic disruption of the order of things when it happens to white christian nationalists but an immutable force of nature nothing could have prevented when they incite it
Lots of ppl also call to sell me car insurance, OR, to update my car insurance. Idk what list I ended up on, but thankfully I have no car for them to scam me with.
HI THIS IS IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT A TXT SCAM: Guys, listen. Been getting a lot of txts that I owe $$$ for tickets/ toll on my car and should click a link to pay. Except I don’t own a car or drive. If YOU own a car and drive, do not click txt links to “pay a ticket”.
Don't live your life in such a way that millions of people wish the guy had been a better shot
Clarence Thomas took $267,000 from a health insurance executive, then issued rulings that made health insurance companies more money, while harming millions of Americans. This is a bribe. This isn’t complicated. Expand the Supreme Court.
Clarence Thomas, a $267,000 RV, and Why American Health Care Suckswww.rollingstone.com Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas got an RV from a top health insurance executive. Then he protected the industry.
I've said it before, and it still rings true. If I had the power to make people explode with my mind...we'd know.
Yeah, I think it's fine to just not have any sympathy for someone who wants me and my kid dead.
"...his cheekbones were the sharpest thing about him." When I say Peter S. Beagle is America's greatest living writer, I wonder if that's too many qualifiers.
If your win10 install is pushing Copilot on you: 1. Run PowerShell as Administrator 2. Paste: Get-AppxPackage *CoPilot* -AllUsers | Remove-AppPackage -AllUsers 3. Press Enter (There will not be any output if it is successfully removed) 4. Reboot Repost to save a life
Ate a bacon egg and cheese in Key West. Not bad except the cheese was orange "cheddar" that had not been melted. Not getting that again.
I’m an actual pacifist. I want all guns banned. I just need the left to do less “violence is bad even when it happens to Trump” and more “this is the world Trump wants the rest of us to live in.”
New York Times Editorial Board: "Mr. Trump’s political agenda cannot and must not be opposed by violence. It cannot and must not be pursued through violence." Ok but to be clear Trump's political agenda *is* violence. We get that right? I dont want us to miss that www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/o...
Opinion | The Attack on Donald Trump Is Antithetical to Americawww.nytimes.com Political violence is antithetical to our democracy.
Anyway today was a tragedy. I'm in Key West, but the pie shop I went to was closed.