
Kind of fun that after all this talk of democracy the justices basically amended the constitution by judicial fiat
I'm actually glad that Amy Coney Barrett topped it off with "now don't you go getting mad about this." Gives it that extra little clarifying umph.
Smol beanism from a justice
An earlier draft had the preschool mealtime refrain: "You get what you get, and you don't get upset." John Roberts persuaded her it might come off a bit too condescending and reflect poorly on the court.
Supreme Court rules 9-0 that it can dictate our feelings
A good tell that from SCOTUS they know their ruling is garbage, but they don't want to face any criticism from it.
I guess they finally learned to read the room after the Dobbs decision leak and the corruption stuff: “what the h*ck guys? everyone hates us!” Doesn’t mean they learned anything else from it though
Shucks, we just call that "southern charm."
Oh no what if i already wrote something rather rude in chalk somewhere
love to say 'the constitution doesnt say this is a state power' - even though it kinda does - and then immediately whirl around and say 'this is def congresss job' - even though nothing in the constitution says anything of the sort
Pretty sure the Constitution says something along the lines of: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." So, like... that seems straight forward enough to me.
Yes, but if you want to do something the conservative justices don't like then it needs to be explicitly called out as a state power and, if it is, then that doesn't matter either.
newsflash - none of this matters this is undiluted political advantage seeking
This decision is definitely in line with this court's clear attitude of "we both decide and make the law", and it'll almost certainly get worse until they are actually forced to stop by either court expansion or by substantial composition change on the current court.
"Substantial composition change". So we need a contraption.
Tinkering with presidential qualifications, too.
It's all subjective fiat and rationalizing.
We're the vibes species that doesn't want to grow up.
The question presented isn't "can a state official ban the presidential candidate" it's "did they get the meaning of 14AS3 right", on which they are the final arbiter, but didn't engage, because they were too busy high-fiving that they came up with a pretext that gets to the result they wanted.
talk about legislating from the bench
massive clownstyle L for bipartisan process-trusters
Our only hope is that there is an 8-1 decision on presidential immunity coming our way. Otherwise, it’s going to take a while to get a majority of 67 Senators to dismantle the High Court.
Biden had anf lost the chance to expand the courts. So did Obama. This liberals don't deserve the powers they are afforded. I won't vote for a republican in 2024, but liberals like Pelosi Schumer and Biden make it hard to vote for Democrats either
I’m not going to tell you who to vote for but Biden and certainly not Obama did not have the votes to expand the court
So many people have the mistaken idea that a president can do anything they want by themselves.
I'm really starting to wonder how many of these types came of political age during the 2016-2020 Trump administration and think that's the normal way government operates.
Normal way government works is gone friendo. You're holding onto the old episodes of the west wing while ypur counter part bans religious groups and medical procedures from the country
I'd guess a lot of them "discovered" politics in 15-16 when Bernie ran. They read leftist lit, but forgot to learn US civics and history.
they are all too willing to capitulate to illiberalism, seemingly not aware thats what the grifters and the fascists want
The stupid is strong with these people Adam.
I only vote for people who have given me everything I wanted, plus the impossible.
There is a way to expand the court and have Republicans help but it would require them to be good faith negotiators, which they absolutely are not.
Agree. Biden wouldn’t expand the Court any way. But, him winning and keeping Senate Dems in the majority will prevent another stolen justice like McConnell did in 2016 from happening again.
Further, how do you avoid a sort of high-court arms race when the next Republican president decides they'll add a few more...and so on.
Yes. A real problem, and the reason why Democrats don't all agree on this. I personally think it's an emergency and we should break the glass. But I respect differing opinions on this because their reasoning is sound too.
Arithmetic is difficult. Most of the folks that think that also think Biden could have ended the filibuster. Ditto for Obama.
Obama had 60 for 2 months. We got Romney care. But hey yeah work the process guys itll work out. Just vote blue no matter who.
So your argument is that those 60 votes was too conservative for a public option but liberal enough to expand the supreme court?
doing gods work here Adam, I appreciate you
Famous Court-expanders Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson, both committed to reshaping the balance of power between the branches of government.
Maybe if everyone had just been nicer to Manchin...
Like the ACA was nothing Jesus I was uninsurable my entire adult life until then; it was terrifying to be unable to be treated for anything You will never know what that's like - unless, with your help, the Donald regains power - because Obama took advantage of that time to make sure you wouldn't
Six of those votes were conservative Democrats and a conservative independent who absolutely were not going to vote for that. Having sixty senators in the Dem caucus does not mean sixty votes.
Yeah, but why don't you respect people whose vibes tell them that Obama could have ushered in the dictatorship of the proletariat but he was too much of a neocon shitlib to do that?