
The only thing I have to add here is that some people in very high places in the media will scold you when you point out they’re willing participants
In the next 6 months, we're going to see one of the largest propaganda pushes in American history to spread the lie that Donald Trump is a moderate on abortion.
(McConnell shoehorns last anti-choice justice while early voting is occurring, 1000-page blueprints to ban abortion are being drawn up by reactionary policy gurus, Comstock Act being mentioned everywhere) Nothing to see here, please disperse.
This little memo will be rescinded the second the GOPsky's have the Whitehouse. Makes you wonder, if anything was done last time you were under anesthesia, doesn't it?
And the continued propaganda campaign that authoritarians are good at economy despite all evidence being to the contrary
They ALL will. “Didn’t you hear what he said?” As if he hadn’t lied about 1,000 things less important than this over the last few years.
A transcript of his own video posting gives the lie to that: abortion after live birth?? Credit for Roe? No veto promise? No Comstock Act relinquishment?
Good. As a 10yo, I would not have signed.
Lol yeah, and those people are hacks
You shall know them by their love (for Donald Trump).
this consent isn't going to manufacture itself
He's a waffler on abortion, that's about as accurate as you can get because of the specifics always changing with him as the wind
The antiabortion movement does not think he is a waffler on abortion at all
It's deeply strange to see the old early 2016-style discourse about his words vs. his intentions vs. what he'd actually be able to do, when he actually already was president and what he did as president was make certain Roe would be overturned
he doesn't even really have to "do" anything, the comstock act already exists, it just needs five justices to say it can be enforced
And also the idea that what he says is at all related to what he will do. Or that he would ever suffer consequences for promising one thing and doing the opposite.
Nowhere did I suggest he'd change or that the past indicates he would: if anything it shows he has no compunctions about changing to be progressively worse. Never voted for him, never supported him. He's not the sole problem, he's just a BIG symptom of it
I’m pro-choice and I don’t think he is a waffler either!
They're also incredibly stupid and subject to massive confirmation bias and ignore when he explicitly said he was pro choice. Him personally not approving, according to him, is not indicative he's anti abortion in the same sense they want
I don’t think they are stupid and they were also correct to ignore whatever pro choice views he claimed to have he delivered a victory they had been working towards for decades and filled the judiciary with like minded fanatics
Right, if anything I think the people who think Trump is wishy-washy on this issue are being stupid
He *said* he was pro-choice He also regularly insists he's not a racist and that he understands most science better than most scientists
I didn't say he was trustworthy in his waffling, because changing your position doesn't mean you genuinely believe any of it when the changes are based on a personality flaw or moral corruption
He hasn't, "changed his positions", he just says what he thinks his base wants to hear Values are determined by what one does, not what one says
Donald Trump doesn’t “have a position” on any matter of public policy. His brain doesn’t work that way. He’s uninterested, incurious and indifferent to every topic. His only question is “what’s in my interest?” which he sometimes expresses through politically adjacent speech.
They may be stupid but they understand how kayfabe works in a way that you, apparently, do not. They know he's lying, and they like it, because it's all a game. They get to pretend to be mad at his "waffling" as you call it, because it helps sell the lie.
I didn't say they were mad at his waffling, the waffling is a symptom of his lying and exploitative personality. And sure, the anti abortion crowd doesn't care, they utilize the same gaslighting manipulation in the first place and treat women about as well as he does
What he personally thinks about it is completely irrelevant.
I didn't say it hadn't changed, nor was it entirely relevant overall, but the right cares about results only insofar as they can claim they "won", even if they have to take many losses in the interim
But there's no question he's anti-abortion in the way they want. It's the only way that matters: will he destroy it? Yes. They correctly sussed that out. Some people still think it's a question. So who is stupid again?
As my papa used to say, don't judge a person by their words, judge them by their actions. As president, Trump appointed justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and judges that have backed up abortion restrictions. His words may waffle but his actions don't lie.
He doesn't take responsibility for anything that doesn't make him look good, so he'll just as easily pass the buck, which he did even before the election started and he had to deal with a pandemic he downplayed while knowing it was serious
When Trump was in office did he use the power of his office in any way that the prolife people didn't like? Seems to me that his waffling is entirely rhetorical and his biggest supporters (correctly) don't take it seriously
His biggest supporters don't care what he says as long as it tickles their ears and will have very selective memory regarding the utterly horrible things he's done or said because it's a cult
Professional conservative activists in groups like ADF or what have you very much care about the policy details on abortion. Do they believe Trump is a moderate on it?
I can't say, but I don't think they care, his manipulation of the masses is what they want and if he fails eventually, they'll cut him like a withered branch. Or just double down, it's despicable regardless. BEcause Trump is at best a means to an end, they can find a replacement
What actions did he take during his presidency leave you unable to say? I fail to see any equivocation whatsoever
When or how has Donald Trump worked to expand abortion access?
Not sure I said that, he's taken a position that he's pro choice explicitly and then kept changing in terms of appearing to care about certain groups, but basically playing his audience like a fiddle
Has he taken the position he's pro choice? I haven't seen any evidence to that effect other than people credulously repeating that he has.
Interview with Tim Russert 1999. It's not hard to find. My position has never been that he genuinely believed this, waffling doesn't require you genuinely believe the constant changes in your position,only that they do change without much explanation or substance
I don’t think citing to an interview from 25 years ago is really relevant here.
he appointed 3 anti-abortion judges to the supreme court and they immediately voted to overturn abortion protections. he appointed right wing zealots to his federal govt who worked to undermine abortion protections. yeah, this is a real fucking head scratcher.
That's when he was president, I'm talking about overall, I didn't specify this just covered his presidency and afterwards, because by that point he had a cult
i'm sorry but this is so stupid. what matters is what he will do with the power of his office if elected. that's what defines his political position. and he has shown by his time in office that he will act as a staunch opponent of abortion rights. everything else is distraction and bullshit.