Magically Hip

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Magically Hip

Scientist in real life but not online, high-functioning slacker, hübsch Räuber. He/him. Canadian immigrant living in Berlin. Nothing to promote, no clout to chase, happily skeeting into the void. Sacha Baron Cohen is Banksy.
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Finally framed!!! Thanks to for allowing me to adopt Tank Girl.
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just watched it again, great every time
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Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
Gato: You won't believe what I saw. I saw this pack of guys, and they act real hard.
Urgente: Gato
The conservative "value" of never admitting to a mistake means they're stuck defending all the things they got wrong in science class.
“it’s basic biology” – person who got a C in high school biology
I have no idea how those modifications got put on my diesel truck's exhaust system.
You charge me That I have blown this coal. I do deny it.
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There is so much darkness and pain in the world today, the least you could do is use a photo of the the melting Lincoln statue from the angle where it looks like he’s getting insane dome
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The Board still loves you, oh great one!!
"you can't wash the Cyber truck or get it wet" "the ceiling is held on by clips and the clips often fall off" "they glued the gas pedal on and when it falls off it traps you in accelerate" at what point is this thing like..... no longer a car
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There were 16 trans youth suicides after gender affirming care restrictions were implemented in the UK in 2020 compared with only 1 in the 7 years prior. Staff at the NHS attempted to cover it up. Hilary Cass knew but minimized what was happening. This is a massive scandal. Cass lied, kids died.
The Board still loves you, oh great one!!
"you can't wash the Cyber truck or get it wet" "the ceiling is held on by clips and the clips often fall off" "they glued the gas pedal on and when it falls off it traps you in accelerate" at what point is this thing like..... no longer a car
Worms have Haig-Zachary Syndrome.
[god inventing worms] make its face look exactly like its butt
Excitedly trying to manifest the Necrotruck into existence
Literally every noun can be improved by adding the prefix “necro-“
Well, at least industry will stop caring about it then.
it'll lay on the jargon with a mix of self-loathing & fear of being exposed
Hammer is for non-hammering purposes only.
THEY WER SELLING IT FOR 700 BUCKS??? Oh and that note at the bottom really drives it home.
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It's really weird to see these posts about Linda keep popping up and I still don't know quite how to talk about her. But she called me a couple months ago and made me promise I'd tell the truth when everyone started saying nice things. 1/?
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Duke Nukem is now Dyke Nuke-They/Them. Like and repost if this post seems like something a woke society would do to an iconic alpha male character and you’re already so furious about this hypothetical scenario that your girlfriend quietly went into the other room with her dinner
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Bitcoin consumes about 2.5% of US electricity, about the same as all residential cooling. An article decrying *that* electricity usage as a personal moral failing would be much less tone deaf.
Interesting article to run prior to a weekend where we expect a devastating heat wave and label it as “climate solutions”
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In retrospect, letting the Klan's Ladies Auxiliary (UDC) control the history textbooks was unwise.
We really failed to teach about the brokenness of the Confederacy in this country. Not just that it lost but that it was fundamentally unhinged as a premise. Instead, we get “heritage, not hate” and comparisons to foreign fascist movements. We’ve been here before! All of it!
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This is an excellent description of the editorial failure behind The NY Times' decision to run Alina Chan's lab leak article. What's the value proposition to the readership of presenting a one-sided argument that most scientists find lacking? Did no editor bother to ask that question?
Let's manifest this. If we have to be aware of these people, they should make it interesting.
I have yet to see a single official photo of Princess Charlotte where she DOESN'T look like she'll eventually seize the crown. And you know what, good for her. It's good to have ambitions.
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Shin Godzilla is one of my favorite movies about government I've ever seen. It's like that and In The Loop
it's been interesting watching some americans act like shin godzilla and minus one were surprising for being "political" as though those always been themes the franchise returns to.
"If the numbers implied by my calculations are correct, the speed of sound under standard atmospheric conditions is 7.138x10^17 km/lb."
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The Best Of Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller September 20,1955