Adrian Randall

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Adrian Randall

he/him 🦄🏳️‍🌈🔞 Multiclass bureaucrat/scientist/husband. 📍Capital Wasteland. Alignment: gay antifascist. Star sign: none. Of course pronouns in bio, where else would I put them.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Thank you! It's okay. Just the nature of the internet. You can post something as simple as "salads are healthy" and get people yelling at you that vegetable allergies exist, lettuce is prone to e.coli outbreaks, not everyone can afford fresh produce, my uncle died from choking on a crouton, etc. etc
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
No one should be able to spend $45 million a month to get their preferred candidate elected. Absolutely broken system.
News that should shock no one: After assassination attempt, Elon Musk claims he'll donate $45 million a month to super PAC that backs Trump; Bill Ackman officially endorses; other Silicon Valley players and venture capitalists decree the "taboo" of supporting MAGA movement is gone.
More Tech and Venture Capital Execs Are Coming Out as MAGA Elon Musk, Bill Ackman, and other tech and finance leaders used the attempted Trump assassination to declare support for his 2024 campaign.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
under trump’s project 2025, a middle-class family with two children would pay $2,600 in additional federal income tax by comparison, a married couple with two children and earnings of $5 million a year would enjoy a $325,000 tax cut
Project 2025 would overhaul the U.S. tax system. Here's how it could impact Project 2025, a blueprint for the next Republican president, proposes major economic changes that could impact millions of Americans.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
For fellow Veterans: They basically call out the PACT act for removal, talk about cutting costs as the Vietnam generation dies off, and focus on politics over veterans. They NEVER care about Vets. They will always use you as props, then toss you like trash. Always. Vet the Vote. Register.
Someone here likened Project 2025 to the DNC email hack of 2016 because they both involve the slow drip of bad news for the party and, while that’s true, Project 2025 is so much worse. Read it now before they wise up and take it down:
Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Presidential Transition Project The 2025 Presidential Transition Project paves the way for an effective conservative Administration based on four pillars.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
RNC night two is the replacement theory addition. So far, multiple Senate candidates have used their minutes on stage to promote the white nationalist replacement theory, which has inspired multiple deadly terrorist attacks and is a lie that actively threatens American democracy.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
I will pay any reporter attending the RNC one hundred american dollars, cash, to pop a bunch of balloons real quick
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Sarah Huckabee Sanders told the convention God intervened to save Trump from an assassin. I guess God just didn't care for that guy who was killed.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
The authoritarians like Vance and Hawley, claiming to be true believers in antitrust reform are lying to you. They have no coherent theory of antitrust. They just want to punish companies they believe are too "woke" and antitrust gives them a hammer.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Ok yes, Trump is that evil but let's not hate on the postal service. Like libraries, it's one of our country's few actual serious good things that's publicly funded. It provides massive infrastructure the US with collapse without, & employs working class people in solid jobs.
Trump was so evil that people had to pretend to stan the U.S. Postal Service for three months
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Trump was so evil that people had to pretend to stan the U.S. Postal Service for three months
Hey not all of us were pretending
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
When you engage people in climate solutions, it makes them more supportive of climate action - even in some cases changing their mind about whether it's real and it's serious. I tell some compelling stories of this happening in my book Saving Us but here's the cross-sectional data!
Overcoming Polarization on Climate Issue 127: A new study finds that people across the political spectrum will take climate change action--we need to connect this to their broader sense of identity.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Here are rates for some of the more serious crimes. -- If we want to deport people who are likely to commit crimes, this data suggests that we should start with citizens.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
This is a delightful interactive exploration of the Monty Hall problem, a probability test that has thwarted a lot of mathematicians (including Paul Erdos). From a new perspective, it finally starts to make sense ... 🧪 by
Why Almost Everyone Gets the Monty Hall Probability Puzzle How to finally wrap your mind around the uniquely counterintuitive Monty Hall dilemma
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Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
This is a BFD and reflects both a recognition of deep structural reforms and a tectonic shift in the politics of the Supreme Court. It isn't everything we need but it's a big, big deal.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
devastating news. 😩
the burning cybertruck actually is AI I'm sorry
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Yo Rudy Giuliani just drunkenly fell into some chairs at the RNC lmao
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
sure, weather forecasting saves lives, but what of the potential for graft
We are so used to reasonably accurate weather predictions. Not perfect but reasonably accurate. Switching to a privatized system means disrupting a system that has been reasonably effective to questionable efficacy
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
I tend to think the effect of the presidency on the homicide rate is probably pretty negligible, but if Trump wants to run on the opposite premise, this should be mentioned constantly.
Just a reminder: Trump inherited the lowest homicide rate of any president in 50 years. He was the first president in 30 years to leave office with a higher homicide rate than when he entered. And the rate has dropped every year since he left.
RNC day 2 to focus on crime and safety as victims' families speak out | Fox News Erin Rachwal, who lost her son to fentanyl poisoning and Sheri and Aaron Sparks, who lost their son in the Waukesha parade attack, on the need to hold criminals accountable and stop the influx of illi...
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
If you're looking for a tangible thing to feel like you're doing something, highly rec looking up voting rights orgs in your area / state! they could probably use the help!
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Call your reps today to tell them you support this and expect them to vocally support these efforts as well as AOC’s articles of impeachment for the compromised justices. It only takes 5 minutes, and you often don’t even have to speak to a real human! (Negative/doomer replies will be blocked)
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
Reposted byAvatar Adrian Randall
Joe at the NAACP: "Folks I know what a Black job is. It's vice-president of the United States."