Archangel Beth

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Archangel Beth

AKA EMcCoy_writer, "Mantis Space Marine," Archangel Beth, & ArchBeth, depending where you are. She/Her works for me.
(, & the new one isn't there yet, but there's only one other "me" on Amazon😅)
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Project 2025 wants to put Hyun Sook and I, and anyone else who writes books they falsely scream "pornography" at, in prison. They want the teachers and librarians who shelve our books to be registered sex offenders. I know what books they consider "porn," because my book banners are on their board.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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An instagram influencer posted images of her life in Dubai but in doing so, inadvertently revealed details about the whereabouts of her husband, an alleged Bosnian cartel member. Our latest guide explains how we located them.
Exploring the Skyline: How we Located an Alleged Cartel Member in Dubai - How we used features of the skyline to narrow down the whereabouts of an alleged cartel member in the UAE.
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Gonna ask again, in hopes that somebody new who knows something will see it. I am looking for a paying (pro or near-pro rates) market that accepts horror novelettes of 17-18K words.
I hope you are better by the time you see this!
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Okay, so the short(ish) version is that one of the key reasons there is zero consistency in brightness or colour on screens of different brands is due to how high street/big box retailers tried to get buyers to transition off CRT screens /1
Hey, if you have the time and inclination I would love to hear more about box stores, big screens, and color perception.
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In the cool dawn era of Bluesky, I did this informative thread about fatality management stuff.
Since absolutely no one asked about morgue trailers, I'm going to talk about morgue trailers. This is what's known as a DPMU, a disaster portable morgue unit. I was in the process of moving it from a funeral home in Roswell to a hospital in Rio Rancho when I took this photo.
(Would you mind a kerning suggestion on the title?)
(I like the arrangement, though!)
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Covid is SURGING right now & NO ONE is paying attention. Freaking French Cyclists have mandated masking... if Olympic-level healthy athletes want to avoid it, what chance do you think YOU have to avoid Long Covid or WORSE?!?! Masks work against all variants!
I keep seeing surprised posts "Huh, I went to [insert event, conference, club, on an airplane, the Sphere] and got COVID!" Meanwhile CNN is running headlines saying "COVID-19's Back." Friends, it never, ever went away and I'm still masking in indoor spaces for your protection as well as my own.
Tour de France reintroduces mask mandate amid COVID-19 New measure follows spate of abandons due to coronavirus
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To piggyback: I truly think a few too many of you are far too passive in your participation in media consumption. If you are sick of having crap firehosed onto your dash/feed/scroll, CHANGE WHAT MAKES IT TO YOUR DASH/FEED/SCROLL. Block, adblock, mute, actively seek out instead of waiting for recs.
reminder that this website does not have an algorithm so if everything on your homepage sucks or you think this website is “dead” it is quite literally a skill issue. follow more & better people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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This book is an absurdly adorable accounting of the plot of Alien. They had no right making this horror story so cute. 😭
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Also hey this is a good time to remind my fellow Californians to check in on what the Moms for Liberty freaks are up to in your community, their ranks have been thinned considerably but laws like this tend to motivate them. Don’t let them show up to harass school employees unopposed
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Gavin gives me the creeps and even so I hate him less than most lefties and the sole reason is because he understands (correctly) that you cannot equivocate or yield even a little bit on this culture war bullshit
California bans school districts from outing trans Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the legislation, which is sure to infuriate conservative activists.
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Someone in San Antonio, TX reached out to me today because she has a sweet, magical boy with FIV who desperately needs a home ASAP. In fact, he's so sweet that his name is Sweet Boy. Look at that face - he obviously just wants love! 💔 (continued with more info)
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Privatized weather alerts. jesus fucking christ.
I only read about half of The Privatization of Everything before I had to stop from sheer rage and frustration but there’s a whole section about how the attempted privatization of the NWS has already led to people dying from tornados as subscription services get weather alert priority.
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The fucked up thing is that you saw the right collectively getting ready to move if this guy was a leftist. It doesn’t matter if 10 maniacs in a row are rightwing and they just shrug and move on, they’re getting ready for the one time it’s not.
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
I smile more for the E than the Aa. But I don't know if they found different. 😔
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Three of my last four romance novels have had North American protagonists mired in feelings from high school. Not complaining, they were all terrific romances, just slightly wondering if someone needs to do a massive intervention on the high school system.
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The alternative is not "the technology goes away". The alternative is "the worst people in the world continue to have sole domain over the technology, instead of the people who can most effectively shape the way it develops so it is an enhancement to human creativity and not an usurpation of it".
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The most frequent complaint people who actually know what they're doing have about current legislative approaches is that laws are made without any consideration for what is possible, constructive, and likely to have a positive effect rather than being yet another pretextual government overreach.
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Every single one of these "efforts to hold Big Tech accountable" is a backdoor censorship and forcible deanonymization law in disguise, and every single last one of them is because someone doesn't like the third party content someone else saw on a site. That's exactly what she said. She's right.
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It is very easy to verify this assertion. If a single one of these bills were actually about the behavior of the company that owns the site instead of wanting to control the content being posted to the site, my company would not need to make a single change in order to comply with them.
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When Seanan recommends a book this highly, you pay attention. I'm only halfway through the first book and it is SO GOOD!!!! I've laughed, I've cried, I've threatened fictional characters. Go read Dreadnought by!!
Just finished DREADNOUGHT by What a brilliant barn burner of a book. I'm ordering the second volume immediately, and anxious to do the same with the third.
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With four days remaining before voting is closed, a final plea: please vote for the October Daye books for Best Series. The beautiful irony of a series that began because I couldn't figure out how else to make a living off a folklore degree and a thesis about "Tam Lin" would be glorious.
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On this recommendation, I read DREADNOUGHT on the flight to and from MSP for GALA, and it is SO GOOD. (Though there's one scene that was a bit terrifying to read on a plane!😅) I'm a few chapters in to the second book and it continues to hit me with all the feels, in the best way.
Just finished DREADNOUGHT by What a brilliant barn burner of a book. I'm ordering the second volume immediately, and anxious to do the same with the third.
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*looks at u from my contraption*