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27, trying to survive the wastelands of Silver Spring, MD

@ArsonAtDennys on twitter
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Avatar have you seen the defamation case in the UK by Nina Power and David Miller? The judgment is hilarious Some excerpts below
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these people do not intend to ever lose power again
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
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idk about y’all but this is MY president
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the simple way to think about it is that the office of the presidency is a gun. the Court has held that when you become the President, you have an unfettered right to use that gun any way you please. an insane decision.
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reflecting on the immunity decision a bit, what the Court seems to be saying is that every element of the executive branch is at the President’s disposal, no matter what he wants to use it for. his motives don’t matter. the office is a weapon to be wielded however he sees fit.
When did they introduce DMs on here damn
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additional info:
victim has been charged with criminal mischief and unlawful assembly, and another member of the safety team was charged with criminal mischief. both remain in custody and are waiting to be arraigned.
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NEW: I've confirmed Reuven Kahane's arrest with the NYPD. He's been charged with 2nd degree assault, which is a felony, and awaiting arraignment. He "struck"/"tapped" a 55 yr old member of safety team that showed up to protect the student protesters. She and another safety person were arrested.
SJP Columbia reports a zionist extremist drove his car into a crowd of protesters, striking one and sending them to the hospital. The attacker “received calm and friendly treatment” from the cops while “the person who was hit was arrested and handcuffed to the bed while in the hospital.” Per IG:
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I feel like we’ve ceded ground to the fash by going along with using the same word for associating a pseudonym with an offline identity and publishing someone’s home address or phone number. One is (almost?) always unethical and the other is often necessary. They need different names.
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in Neal Stephensons' ANATHEM a critical part of negotiating their version of the internet is a reputation-based filtering system because of all the automated systems producing bogus information (bogons) at all times that get in the way of everything else on the internet
There's something deeply unsettling about looking at one of these threads. None of the accounts in these screenshots are real human beings:
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The US is waging war on the poorest Arab country—a country whose people we helped bomb and starve for years in yet another genocide—in order to protect an unfolding genocide in Palestine. The evil of US imperialism has to be eradicated for the world to know peace.
Did this already do the rounds here?
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it's so funny when Neri Oxman's Epstein scandal was first about to be exposed in 2019, Ackman wrote a letter to MIT that started with: "Sorry Neri can't speak up about the Epstein allegations as as she is breastfeeding a beautiful baby" And ended with: "Neri wants to stay quiet about Epstein"
Sorry, can’t respond to plagiarism allegations due to my intense need for privacy, and my previous commitment to an Elle photo shoot (plus I’m still recovering from that big New York Times profile did of me — I’m sure you saw it).
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the rest of history is just going to be billionaires throwing little tantrums while half the population thinks it’s the coolest thing ever because they believe the pinnacle of human achievement is to be an extremely powerful baby
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This can't be right. The Manhattan Institute tells me it's a myth that these sorts of attitudes pervade police culture.
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An MSF convoy trying to evacuate our staff and their families was attacked in North Gaza today. One person was killed, another injured. This is absolutely unacceptable and horrific. We condemn this in the strongest terms. Ceasefire now.
Gaza: MSF condemns deliberate attack on a convoy transporting staff, resulting in one death and one [node:field_description]
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There is just no getting around this bit from the latest Chotiner interview. Doctors Without Borders has never seen this before: the number of civilian casualties, the inescapability of death, the fact that everyone knows what is happening BUT IT DOESN'T STOP.
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sorry i can’t come to your party it’s a full moon and i have rituals to do
Avatar can we run this piece of shit off here too?
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wow he really will steal anything
Sam Bankman-Fried has just taken the witness stand in his criminal-fraud trial.
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the anti-muslim, anti-arab propaganda is so bad right now. i was only 8 years old in 2001 so i didn’t get to see this kind of thing online live, only read about it years later, but it is genuinely making me feel sick.