
Heard that Sotomayor read her dissent from the bench today, which means she was mad mad, and lowkey I've been thinking that if you're going to do that you should also straight up hold a press conference so more people can see & hear it + it gets more coverage like if it's that bad let's act like it
Exactly. Roberts can stop live audio/video in the Court. That is his prerogative. But he absolutely cannot stop you going outside and reading it (or any other statement) straight to television cameras.
Yeah, the "arched eyebrow so you know it's bad" insider baseball signaling is stupid af. Those ppl aren't serious about democracy because they're too stuck in "norms & rules" discourse to see that those are preserving an authoritarian status quo.
They still mentally live in a world where if you light the signal flare, the "important people" will see and quietly step in behind the scenes to calm things down. They need to transition to one where, as much as it might pain them, "the people" need to be the center of their messaging.
It wouldn’t matter. The decision is made, can’t really be undone for at least a generation. Doesn’t matter how many people know or how angry we get—nothing changes, no one with power does anything, everything gets worse. Her holding a press conference or whatever achieves nothing.
That's been a consistent problem with the liberals on the Court: they seem genuinely outraged by a lot of what the majority is doing, but can't see their way to breaching decorum to demonstrate that outrage in a meaningful way. Institutionalism as a sedative.
Yes, I wish these liberal justices would be willing to break out of the court's staid traditions when the alternative is only making easy-to-digest, pro forma complaints as their blatantly corrupt colleagues usher in fascism.
In short, asking them to act like the 3rd branch of government that they are. That's a pretty radical proposal. Incidentally which of the many decisions was she mad about?
"Sotomayor breaks precedent by standing outside with a huge 'BULLSHIT' sign, gets paid $10K *after* she puts the sign away so it's both outrageous and legal"
I wonder if she is taking an approach wherein she *slowly* raises the temperature of her dissents to avoid being seen as a “hysterical liberal/woman.” I mean, you just KNOW that’s the narrative that a more sudden escalation would feed into.
or just allow cameras into the court, it’s so ridiculous that momentous decisions about the functioning of our government are essentially obscured and necessarily filtered through a press corps which has been shown repeatedly to be chummy with the worst actors on this court
SCOTUS needs to be broadcast more as a general rule. Arguments on TV. I want the stupid to be a fully visual experience.
"Can't go breaking norms or whatever." -Sam Alito as he gives a conference speech in a 'water the tree of liberty' t-shirt
I can't get too mad (or mad at all, really) with the govt having to have a jury trial when seeking significant civil penalties. I'm with on this one. Administrative adjudications when significant penalties are involved are a farce.
I’m intrigued by the camps the Justices fell into. Strange bedfellows af
Evangelicals want the Sacklers’ heads. Very under-reported, but the hate for them runs deep in rural communities, especially.
At this point there are too many people too unaware or complacent about what's going on. The court is plunging like a rocket into uncorrectable illegitimacy. Biden lacks the will to state the obvious and act accordingly because that would ~violate norms~ or some bullshit.
You're 100% correct, but perpendicular to your point, I'm mad mad that a 70 year old diabetic won't retire while Democrats control the Senate.