Auntie Social

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Auntie Social

She/her. lightly mad. So odd I can't even. Possibly right behind you.
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An archeologist comes home after a long day of figuring out the age of skeletons at a recent dig site; and sees her boyfriend fuming, packing his clothes. "I'm leaving you! And I'm never coming back!" She asks him what this is all about. "Don't play dumb, I heard you've been dating other people"
Why do they call them standing armies when they stand on their leggies?
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Fixed it.
Interesting. Maybe pandering to the centrist Republicans.
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“Alright, now try putting it in reverse.”
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Have been served this at the in-laws. Allegedly cooked chicken. This is the whitest thing I've ever seen.
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[first day as a librarian] Customer: where are the do-it-yourself books Me: i’m pretty sure we just have books that are made already
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casting Sean Connery to play a Japanese warrior, call that a shamurai
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A presidential candidate just wished a Christian nationalist group, foretelling the revolution, " Luck?” Noted
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A man walks into a psychiatrists office naked and wrapped in cellophane. The psychiatrist says, "I can clearly see you're nuts."
I don't trust surveyors. They're always plotting.
I'm in a pretty bad place right now. Not hell.
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Star Shrek 3: The Search For Shrek. Shrekraiser Mad Max: Shrek Road The Quiet Shrek Shrek Miserables Much Ado About Shrek Friday The Shrekteenth Nightmare In MAH SWAMP
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FOLLOW FOLKS FOR the FUNNY FRIDAY #1. They won Andy Awards for the best posts I saw this week. You would've won too but I probably missed your post. Read the winning tweets in my TL. My least bad this week: more🔻
I don't do fireworks but I wanted to show my support for July 4th so I just chopped two of my fingers off
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Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better … The Shrekfast Club
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better … Shreknado
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remake a movie with Shrek and make it better Star Shrek Into Darkness
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remake a movie with Shrek and make it better Great Shrexpectations
remake a movie with Shrek and make it better Star Shrek Into Darkness
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Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better… Requiem for a Shrek
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better … Shreknado
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12 Angry Shreks
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better … Shreknado
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“AI is coming for your job” yeah right, like they are really gonna bother making an AI to goof off for 6.5 hours on youtube then painfully answer 6 emails before goofing off on youtube for another hour as a reward.
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better … Shreknado
People need something to be angry about to be happy. Want proof? Pineapple pizza. Who cares what someone else eats? If you don't like it, don't eat it. That said, that shit don't belong on pizza.
I've decided to start selling Crapto. It's a non-fun token
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i really hope i get the job because it’s not like i can put this thing back in my butler
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taking my dog to see the fireworks on our way home from the vacuum cleaner convention
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One time I tweeted about why it was called ‘reverse cowgirl’ and not ‘the meat grinder’ and it went viral because the algorithm was recommending it under the food interest section.
It's independence day, which means all supreme court justices are 17.76% off! Buy yours today!
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