Kyle Jones

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Kyle Jones

Dadtz to 3, finance prof, former journalist. Trying to make #skynance happen. He/him
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Happy Higgs Boson Anniversary! On this day 12 years ago, CERN confirmed the Higgs boson exists. That just means there’s a universal field most things interact with that gives them mass. The boson pops up when the field is jostled enough by, say, LHC collisions. 🧪
The Higgs
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This made me laugh (again) 🥬
Your cat may be pretty cool, but I have a cooler cat
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Must be nice to have choices
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Those who can, teach. Those who can't, push educators aside and scam every possible dollar out of school systems.
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I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
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It's the Feast Day of St George Michael (his birthday). To celebrate, I suggest you listen to his many divine jams, do some mutual aid, and flirt with a stranger. May he continue to guide us all in our endeavours. Ora pro nobis, Sancte Georgi.
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When you teach a wolf to meditate he becomes aware wolf
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Reposted byAvatar Kyle Jones
Friends, the “People’s CDC” is not a reliable source of information, nor are they a good faith actor. Neither FDA nor CDC want to restrict access to the fall booster for the 2024-2025 Covid season. Their claim otherwise is fear-mongering bullshit.
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Reposted byAvatar Kyle Jones
I picked this up in an indie bookstore because I liked the title, and now 1) I love the story so much I think about it all the time and 2) C. L. Polk is one of my favorite bluesky follows.
So something really amazing is happening: my novella Even Though I Knew The End, which originally released in hardcover is getting a trade paperback release! And there is a USA only Goodreads giveaway if you want to enter.
Book giveaway for Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk May 17-Jun 16, Enter to win one of 5 free copies available. Giveaway dates from May 17-Jun 16, 2024. Enter to win a trade paperback copy of EVEN THOUGH I KNEW THE END b...
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May 16, 1944, 600 Roma and Sinti staged an uprising at Auschwitz after they'd heard 6000 gypsies were about to be executed. They barricaded themselves in the barracks, armed with whatever they could find. Their resistence meant no gypsy died in camp that day. It's Roma Resistence Day. Opre Roma.
Really interesting story. I'm still not entirely clear WHY the assault on public education, but the what and the how are pretty obvious from this
She Campaigned for a Texas School Board Seat as a GOP Hard-Liner. Now She’s Rejecting Her Party’s Extremism. Courtney Gore of Granbury, TX has disavowed the far-right platform she campaigned on after finding no evidence students were being indoctrinated by the district’s curriculum.
She Campaigned for a Texas School Board Seat as a GOP Hard-Liner. Now She’s Rejecting Her Party’s Courtney Gore, a Granbury ISD school board member, has disavowed the far-right platform she campaigned on after finding no evidence that students were being indoctrinated by the district’s curriculum....
They say you can pick your presidents. And you can pick your nose. But you can't ...
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Reposted byAvatar Kyle Jones
Legit good news to share
Breaking news: A federal court in Richmond became the first in the country to rule that state health-care plans must pay for gender-affirming surgeries, a major win for transgender rights amid a nationwide wave of anti-trans activism and legislation.
Court says state health-care plans can’t exclude gender-affirming It was the second ruling this month in favor of trans advocates from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit.
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Can’t get more metal than that!
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occasional reminder, you know the thing we used to do on the other site where we put garbage on the TL to dunk on it, even though we’re not really amplifying marginalized voices or spreading good information when we do so? Just befouling the place? We don’t have to do that here. We can just not
Post a PERFECT album from the 90s that isn't nirvana or pearl jam or soundgarden or alice in chains
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hey #EconSky did you know correlation actually does equal causation
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Happy THE INTERNET IS MADE OF LIES DAY which thanks to AI barf is basically every day now so fuck it never mind
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Sounds legit...(ish) 🧪Meme
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Happy Ides of March to all who celebrate!